
View on GitHub


0 mins
Test Coverage
from logging import getLogger

from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError
from django.http import Http404
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
from hyperpython import a
from sidekick import import_later

from ej.components.builtins import toast
from ej_users.models import SignatureFactory

log = getLogger("ej")
models = import_later(".models", package=__package__)
forms = import_later(".forms", package=__package__)

# Functions

def request_comes_from_ej_bot(request):
    return request_promoted_conversations(request) and (request.GET.get("participation_source") == "bot")

def request_promoted_conversations(request):
    return request.GET.get("is_promoted") == "true"

def check_promoted(conversation, request):
    Raise a Http404 if conversation is not promoted
    # Check if request.user.has_perm("ej.can_edit_conversation", conversation)))?
    if not conversation.is_promoted or conversation.is_hidden:
        raise Http404
    return conversation

def conversation_admin_menu_links(conversation, user):
    Return administrative links to the conversation menu.

    menu_links = []
    if user.has_perm("ej.can_edit_conversation", conversation):
        url = conversation.patch_url("conversation:edit")
        menu_links.append(a(_("Edit"), href=url))
    if user.has_perm("ej.can_moderate_conversation", conversation):
        url = conversation.patch_url("conversation:moderate")
        menu_links.append(a(_("Manage Comments"), href=url))
    return menu_links

def votes_counter(comment, choice=None):
    Count the number of votes in comment.
    if choice is not None:
        return comment.votes.filter(choice=choice).count()
        return comment.votes.count()

def normalize_status(value):
    Convert status string values to safe db representations.
    from ej_conversations.models import Comment

    if value is None:
        return Comment.STATUS.pending
        return Comment.STATUS_MAP[value.lower()]
    except KeyError:
        raise ValueError(f"invalid status value: {value}")

def show_vote_actions_on_card(request):
    user = request.user
    user_signature = SignatureFactory.get_user_signature(user)
    if not user_signature.can_vote():
        show_actions = False
        message = _("You've reached vote limit. Contact an administrator and request subscription change.")
        return show_actions, message
    return True, None

# Auxiliary classes
def handle_detail_vote(request):
    User is voting in the current comment. We still need to choose a random
    comment to display next.
    data = request.POST
    user = request.user
    vote = data["vote"]
    comment_id = data["comment_id"]
        models.Comment.objects.get(id=comment_id).vote(user, vote)
        toast(request, _("Thanks for voting."))

        log.info(f"user {user.id} voted {vote} on comment {comment_id}")
    except ValidationError:
        # User voted twice and too quickly... We simply ignore the last vote
        log.info(f"duplicated vote for user {user.id} on comment {comment_id}")
    return {}

def handle_detail_comment(request, conversation):
    User is posting a new comment. We need to validate the form and try to
    keep the same comment that was displayed before.
    form = forms.CommentForm(conversation=conversation, request=request)
    if form.is_valid():
        new_comment = form.cleaned_data["content"]
        user = request.user
        new_comment = conversation.create_comment(user, new_comment)
        toast(request, _("Thank you! Your comment was sent to moderation and will be evaluated soon."))
        log.info(f"user {user.id} posted comment {new_comment.id} on {conversation.id}")
    return {"form": form}

def handle_detail_favorite(request, conversation):
    User toggled the favorite status of conversation.
    user = request.user
    is_favorite = conversation.toggle_favorite(user)
    if is_favorite:
        toast(request, _("This conversation is now favorite."))
        toast(request, _("Conversation removed from favorites."))

    log.info(f"user {user.id} toggled favorite status of conversation {conversation.id}")
    return {}