site_name: AWS Nuke
site_author: Erik Kristensen
site_description: >-
AWS Nuke is a tool to clean up your AWS account by nuking (deleting) all resources within it.
repo_name: ekristen/aws-nuke
copyright: Copyright © 2024 - Erik Kristensen
site_dir: public
# Configuration
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# Page tree
- Getting Started:
- Overview:
- Warning:
- Install:
- Authentication:
- Quick Start:
- Starter Config:
- Migration Guide:
- Features:
- Overview: features/
- Bypass Alias Check: features/
- Global Filters: features/
- Filter Groups: features/
- Enabled Regions: features/
- Signed Binaries: features/
- CLI:
- Usage:
- Options:
- Shell Completion:
- Experimental:
- Examples:
- Config:
- Overview:
- Filtering:
- Presets:
- Custom Endpoints:
- Migration Guide:
- Examples & Presets:
- Development:
- Overview:
- Documentation:
- Contributing:
- Standards:
- Resources:
- Releases:
- Testing:
- Resources:
- Overview: resources/
- ACM Certificate: resources/
- ACMPCA Certificate Authority State: resources/
- ACMPCA Certificate Authority: resources/
- AWS App Flow Connector Profile: resources/
- AWS App Flow Flow: resources/
- AWS App Runner Service: resources/
- AWS Application Insights Application: resources/
- AWS Backup Framework: resources/
- AWS Backup Plan: resources/
- AWS Backup Recovery Point: resources/
- AWS Backup Selection: resources/
- AWS Backup Vault Access Policy: resources/
- AWS Ecr Pull Through Cache Rule: resources/
- AWS Ecr Registry Policy: resources/
- AWS Ecr Replication Configuration: resources/
- AWS Mwaa Environment: resources/
- AWS Network Firewall Firewall Policy: resources/
- AWS Network Firewall Firewall: resources/
- AWS Network Firewall Rule Group: resources/
- AWS Synthetics Canary: resources/
- AWS Timestream Database: resources/
- AWS Timestream Scheduled Query: resources/
- AWS Timestream Table: resources/
- AWS Transfer Workflow: resources/
- Access Analyzer Archive Rule: resources/
- Access Analyzer: resources/
- Amg Workspace: resources/
- Amp Workspace: resources/
- Amplify App: resources/
- Api Gateway Api Key: resources/
- Api Gateway Client Certificate: resources/
- Api Gateway Domain Name: resources/
- Api Gateway Rest Api: resources/
- Api Gateway Usage Plan: resources/
- Api Gateway V2 Api: resources/
- Api Gateway V2 VPC Link: resources/
- Api Gateway VPC Link: resources/
- App Config Application: resources/
- App Config Configuration Profile: resources/
- App Config Deployment Strategy: resources/
- App Config Environment: resources/
- App Config Hosted Configuration Version: resources/
- App Mesh Gateway Route: resources/
- App Mesh Mesh: resources/
- App Mesh Route: resources/
- App Mesh Virtual Gateway: resources/
- App Mesh Virtual Node: resources/
- App Mesh Virtual Router: resources/
- App Mesh Virtual Service: resources/
- App Registry Application: resources/
- App Runner Connection: resources/
- App Runner Service: resources/
- App Stream Directory Config: resources/
- App Stream Fleet State: resources/
- App Stream Fleet: resources/
- App Stream Image Builder Waiter: resources/
- App Stream Image Builder: resources/
- App Stream Image: resources/
- App Stream Stack Fleet Attachment: resources/
- App Stream Stack: resources/
- App Sync Graphql Api: resources/
- Application Auto Scaling Scalable Target: resources/
- Athena Data Catalog: resources/
- Athena Named Query: resources/
- Athena Prepared Statement: resources/
- Athena Work Group: resources/
- Auto Scaling Group: resources/
- Auto Scaling Launch Configuration: resources/
- Auto Scaling Lifecycle Hook: resources/
- Auto Scaling Plans Scaling Plan: resources/
- Backup Report Plan: resources/
- Backup Vault: resources/
- Batch Compute Environment State: resources/
- Batch Compute Environment: resources/
- Batch Job Queue State: resources/
- Batch Job Queue: resources/
- Bedrock Agent: resources/
- Bedrock Custom Model: resources/
- Bedrock Data Source: resources/
- Bedrock Evaluation Job: resources/
- Bedrock Guardrail: resources/
- Bedrock Knowledge Base: resources/
- Bedrock Model Customization Job: resources/
- Bedrock Model Invocation Logging Configuration: resources/
- Bedrock Prompt: resources/
- Bedrock Provisioned Model Throughput: resources/
- Billing Costand Usage Report: resources/
- Budgets Budget: resources/
- Cloud 9Environment: resources/
- Cloud Directory Directory: resources/
- Cloud Directory Schema: resources/
- Cloud Formation Stack Set: resources/
- Cloud Formation Stack: resources/
- Cloud Formation Type: resources/
- Cloud Front Cache Policy: resources/
- Cloud Front Distribution Deployment: resources/
- Cloud Front Distribution: resources/
- Cloud Front Function: resources/
- Cloud Front Key Group: resources/
- Cloud Front Origin Access Control: resources/
- Cloud Front Origin Access Identity: resources/
- Cloud Front Origin Request Policy: resources/
- Cloud Front Public Key: resources/
- Cloud Front Response Headers Policy: resources/
- Cloud Hsmv2 Cluster Hsm: resources/
- Cloud Hsmv2 Cluster: resources/
- Cloud Search Domain: resources/
- Cloud Trail Trail: resources/
- Cloud Watch Alarm: resources/
- Cloud Watch Anomaly Detector: resources/
- Cloud Watch Dashboard: resources/
- Cloud Watch Events Buses: resources/
- Cloud Watch Events Rule: resources/
- Cloud Watch Events Target: resources/
- Cloud Watch Insight Rule: resources/
- Cloud Watch Logs Destination: resources/
- Cloud Watch Logs Log Group: resources/
- Cloud Watch Logs Resource Policy: resources/
- Cloud Watch Rum App: resources/
- Code Artifact Domain: resources/
- Code Artifact Repository: resources/
- Code Build Build Batch: resources/
- Code Build Build: resources/
- Code Build Project: resources/
- Code Build Report Group: resources/
- Code Build Report: resources/
- Code Build Source Credential: resources/
- Code Commit Repository: resources/
- Code Deploy Application: resources/
- Code Deploy Deployment Config: resources/
- Code Deploy Deployment Group: resources/
- Code Guru Profiling Group: resources/
- Code Guru Reviewer Repository Association: resources/
- Code Pipeline Custom Action Type: resources/
- Code Pipeline Pipeline: resources/
- Code Pipeline Webhook: resources/
- Code Star Connection: resources/
- Code Star Project: resources/
- Cognito Identity Pool: resources/
- Cognito Identity Provider: resources/
- Cognito User Pool Client: resources/
- Cognito User Pool Domain: resources/
- Cognito User Pool: resources/
- Comprehend Document Classifier: resources/
- Comprehend Dominant Language Detection Job: resources/
- Comprehend Endpoint: resources/
- Comprehend Entities Detection Job: resources/
- Comprehend Entity Recognizer: resources/
- Comprehend Events Detection Job: resources/
- Comprehend Key Phrases Detection Job: resources/
- Comprehend Pii Entities Detection Job: resources/
- Comprehend Sentiment Detection Job: resources/
- Comprehend Targeted Sentiment Detection Job: resources/
- Config Service Config Rule: resources/
- Config Service Configuration Recorder: resources/
- Config Service Conformance Pack: resources/
- Config Service Delivery Channel: resources/
- Data Pipeline Pipeline: resources/
- Database Migration Service Certificate: resources/
- Database Migration Service Endpoint: resources/
- Database Migration Service Event Subscription: resources/
- Database Migration Service Replication Instance: resources/
- Database Migration Service Replication Task: resources/
- Database Migration Service Subnet Group: resources/
- Dax Cluster: resources/
- Dax Parameter Group: resources/
- Dax Subnet Group: resources/
- Device Farm Project: resources/
- Directory Service Directory: resources/
- Dynamo Db Backup: resources/
- Dynamo Db Table Item: resources/
- Dynamo Db Table: resources/
- EC2 Address: resources/
- EC2 Client Vpn Endpoint Attachment: resources/
- EC2 Client Vpn Endpoint: resources/
- EC2 Customer Gateway: resources/
- EC2 Default Security Group Rule: resources/
- EC2 Dhcp Option: resources/
- EC2 Egress Only Internet Gateway: resources/
- EC2 Host: resources/
- EC2 Image: resources/
- EC2 Instance Connect Endpoint: resources/
- EC2 Instance: resources/
- EC2 Internet Gateway Attachment: resources/
- EC2 Internet Gateway: resources/
- EC2 Key Pair: resources/
- EC2 Launch Template: resources/
- EC2 Nat Gateway: resources/
- EC2 Network Acl: resources/
- EC2 Network Interface: resources/
- EC2 Placement Group: resources/
- EC2 Route Table: resources/
- EC2 Security Group: resources/
- EC2 Snapshot: resources/
- EC2 Spot Fleet Request: resources/
- EC2 Subnet: resources/
- EC2 Tgw Attachment: resources/
- EC2 Tgw Connect Peer: resources/
- EC2 Tgw: resources/
- EC2 VPC Endpoint Connection: resources/
- EC2 VPC Endpoint Service Configuration: resources/
- EC2 VPC Endpoint: resources/
- EC2 VPC Peering Connection: resources/
- EC2 VPC: resources/
- EC2 Volume: resources/
- EC2 Vpn Connection: resources/
- EC2 Vpn Gateway Attachment: resources/
- EC2 Vpn Gateway: resources/
- EFS File System: resources/
- EFS Mount Target: resources/
- EKS Cluster: resources/
- EKS Fargate Profile: resources/
- EKS Nodegroup: resources/
- ELB: resources/
- ELBv2 Listener Rule: resources/
- ELBv2 Target Group: resources/
- ELBv2: resources/
- Ecr Public Repository: resources/
- Ecr Repository: resources/
- Ecs Capacity Provider: resources/
- Ecs Cluster Instance: resources/
- Ecs Cluster: resources/
- Ecs Service: resources/
- Ecs Task Definition: resources/
- Ecs Task: resources/
- Elastic Beanstalk Application: resources/
- Elastic Beanstalk Environment: resources/
- Elastic Transcoder Pipeline: resources/
- Elastic Transcoder Preset: resources/
- Elasticache Cache Cluster: resources/
- Elasticache Cache Parameter Group: resources/
- Elasticache Replication Group: resources/
- Elasticache Subnet Group: resources/
- Elasticache User Group: resources/
- Elasticache User: resources/
- Emr Cluster: resources/
- Emr Security Configuration: resources/
- Es Domain: resources/
- Firehose Delivery Stream: resources/
- Fms Notification Channel: resources/
- Fms Policy: resources/
- Fsx Backup: resources/
- Fsx File System: resources/
- Game Lift Build: resources/
- Game Lift Fleet: resources/
- Game Lift Matchmaking Configuration: resources/
- Game Lift Matchmaking Rule Set: resources/
- Game Lift Queue: resources/
- Global Accelerator Endpoint Group: resources/
- Global Accelerator Listener: resources/
- Global Accelerator: resources/
- Glue Blueprint: resources/
- Glue Classifier: resources/
- Glue Connection: resources/
- Glue Crawler: resources/
- Glue Data Brew Datasets: resources/
- Glue Data Brew Jobs: resources/
- Glue Data Brew Projects: resources/
- Glue Data Brew Recipe: resources/
- Glue Data Brew Rulesets: resources/
- Glue Data Brew Schedules: resources/
- Glue Database: resources/
- Glue Dev Endpoint: resources/
- Glue Job: resources/
- Glue Ml Transform: resources/
- Glue Security Configuration: resources/
- Glue Session: resources/
- Glue Trigger: resources/
- Glue Workflow: resources/
- Guard Duty Detector: resources/
- IAM Account Setting Password Policy: resources/
- IAM Group Policy Attachment: resources/
- IAM Group Policy: resources/
- IAM Group: resources/
- IAM Instance Profile Role: resources/
- IAM Instance Profile: resources/
- IAM Login Profile: resources/
- IAM Open Id Connect Provider: resources/
- IAM Policy: resources/
- IAM Role Policy Attachment: resources/
- IAM Role Policy: resources/
- IAM Role: resources/
- IAM Roles Anywhere Crl: resources/
- IAM Roles Anywhere Profile: resources/
- IAM Roles Anywhere Trust Anchor: resources/
- IAM Saml Provider: resources/
- IAM Server Certificate: resources/
- IAM Service Specific Credential: resources/
- IAM Signing Certificate: resources/
- IAM User Access Key: resources/
- IAM User Group Attachment: resources/
- IAM User Https Git Credential: resources/
- IAM User Mfa Device: resources/
- IAM User Policy Attachment: resources/
- IAM User Policy: resources/
- IAM User Ssh Public Key: resources/
- IAM User: resources/
- IAM Virtual Mfa Device: resources/
- Image Builder Component: resources/
- Image Builder Distribution Configuration: resources/
- Image Builder Image: resources/
- Image Builder Infrastructure Configuration: resources/
- Image Builder Pipeline: resources/
- Image Builder Recipe: resources/
- Inspector 2: resources/
- Inspector Assessment Run: resources/
- Inspector Assessment Target: resources/
- Inspector Assessment Template: resources/
- Iot Authorizer: resources/
- Iot Ca Certificate: resources/
- Iot Certificate: resources/
- Iot Job: resources/
- Iot Ota Update: resources/
- Iot Policy: resources/
- Iot Role Alias: resources/
- Iot Site Wise Access Policy: resources/
- Iot Site Wise Asset Model: resources/
- Iot Site Wise Asset: resources/
- Iot Site Wise Dashboard: resources/
- Iot Site Wise Gateway: resources/
- Iot Site Wise Portal: resources/
- Iot Site Wise Project: resources/
- Iot Stream: resources/
- Iot Thing Group: resources/
- Iot Thing Type State: resources/
- Iot Thing Type: resources/
- Iot Thing: resources/
- Iot Topic Rule: resources/
- Iot Twin Maker Component Type: resources/
- Iot Twin Maker Entity: resources/
- Iot Twin Maker Scene: resources/
- Iot Twin Maker Sync Job: resources/
- Iot Twin Maker Workspace: resources/
- KMS Alias: resources/
- KMS Key: resources/
- Kendra Index: resources/
- Kinesis Analytics Application: resources/
- Kinesis Stream: resources/
- Kinesis Video Project: resources/
- Lambda Event Source Mapping: resources/
- Lambda Function: resources/
- Lambda Layer: resources/
- Lex Bot: resources/
- Lex Intent: resources/
- Lex Model Building Service Bot Alias: resources/
- Lex Slot Type: resources/
- Lightsail Disk: resources/
- Lightsail Domain: resources/
- Lightsail Instance: resources/
- Lightsail Key Pair: resources/
- Lightsail Load Balancer: resources/
- Lightsail Static Ip: resources/
- Machine Learning Branch Prediction: resources/
- Machine Learning Data Source: resources/
- Machine Learning Evaluation: resources/
- Machine Learning Ml Model: resources/
- Macie: resources/
- Managed Blockchain Member: resources/
- Media Convert Job Template: resources/
- Media Convert Preset: resources/
- Media Convert Queue: resources/
- Media Live Channel: resources/
- Media Live Input Security Group: resources/
- Media Live Input: resources/
- Media Package Channel: resources/
- Media Package Origin Endpoint: resources/
- Media Store Container: resources/
- Media Store Data Items: resources/
- Media Tailor Configuration: resources/
- Memory Db Cluster: resources/
- Memory Db Parameter Group: resources/
- Memory Db Subnet Group: resources/
- Memory Db User: resources/
- Memory Dbacl: resources/
- Mgn Job: resources/
- Mgn Source Server: resources/
- Mobile Project: resources/
- Mq Broker: resources/
- Msk Cluster: resources/
- Msk Configuration: resources/
- Neptune Cluster: resources/
- Neptune Instance: resources/
- Neptune Snapshot: resources/
- Network Manager Connect Peer: resources/
- Network Manager Core Network: resources/
- Network Manager Global Network: resources/
- Network Manager Network Attachment: resources/
- Ops Works App: resources/
- Ops Works Cm Backup: resources/
- Ops Works Cm Server State: resources/
- Ops Works Cm Server: resources/
- Ops Works Instance: resources/
- Ops Works Layer: resources/
- Ops Works User Profile: resources/
- Os Domain: resources/
- Os Package: resources/
- Os Pipeline: resources/
- Osvpc Endpoint: resources/
- Pinpoint App: resources/
- Pinpoint Phone Number: resources/
- Pipes Pipe: resources/
- Polly Lexicon: resources/
- Qldb Ledger: resources/
- Quick Sight Subscription: resources/
- Quick Sight User: resources/
- RDS Cluster Snapshot: resources/
- RDS Event Subscription: resources/
- RDS Instance: resources/
- RDS Option Group: resources/
- RDS Proxy: resources/
- RDS Snapshot: resources/
- RDSdb Cluster Parameter Group: resources/
- RDSdb Cluster: resources/
- RDSdb Parameter Group: resources/
- RDSdb Subnet Group: resources/
- Redshift Cluster: resources/
- Redshift Parameter Group: resources/
- Redshift Scheduled Action: resources/
- Redshift Serverless Namespace: resources/
- Redshift Serverless Snapshot: resources/
- Redshift Serverless Workgroup: resources/
- Redshift Snapshot Schedule: resources/
- Redshift Snapshot: resources/
- Redshift Subnet Group: resources/
- Rekognition Collection: resources/
- Rekognition Dataset: resources/
- Rekognition Project: resources/
- Resource Explorer 2Index: resources/
- Resource Explorer 2View: resources/
- Resource Group Group: resources/
- Robo Maker Robot Application: resources/
- Robo Maker Simulation Application: resources/
- Robo Maker Simulation Job: resources/
- Route 53 Health Check: resources/
- Route 53 Hosted Zone: resources/
- Route 53 Resolver Endpoint: resources/
- Route 53 Resolver Rule: resources/
- Route 53 Resource Record Set: resources/
- Route 53 Traffic Policy: resources/
- S3 Access Point: resources/
- S3 Bucket: resources/
- S3 Multipart Upload: resources/
- S3 Object: resources/
- SNS Endpoint: resources/
- SNS Platform Application: resources/
- SNS Subscription: resources/
- SNS Topic: resources/
- SQS Queue: resources/
- SSM Activation: resources/
- SSM Association: resources/
- SSM Document: resources/
- SSM Maintenance Window: resources/
- SSM Parameter: resources/
- SSM Patch Baseline: resources/
- SSM Resource Data Sync: resources/
- Sage Maker App: resources/
- Sage Maker Domain: resources/
- Sage Maker Endpoint Config: resources/
- Sage Maker Endpoint: resources/
- Sage Maker Model: resources/
- Sage Maker Notebook Instance Lifecycle Config: resources/
- Sage Maker Notebook Instance State: resources/
- Sage Maker Notebook Instance: resources/
- Sage Maker Space: resources/
- Sage Maker User Profiles: resources/
- Scheduler Schedule: resources/
- Secrets Manager Secret: resources/
- Security Hub: resources/
- Service Catalog Constraint Portfolio Attachment: resources/
- Service Catalog Portfolio Product Attachment: resources/
- Service Catalog Portfolio Share Attachment: resources/
- Service Catalog Portfolio: resources/
- Service Catalog Principal Portfolio Attachment: resources/
- Service Catalog Product: resources/
- Service Catalog Provisioned Product: resources/
- Service Catalog Tag Option Portfolio Attachment: resources/
- Service Catalog Tag Option: resources/
- Service Discovery Instance: resources/
- Service Discovery Namespace: resources/
- Service Discovery Service: resources/
- Ses Configuration Set: resources/
- Ses Identity: resources/
- Ses Receipt Filter: resources/
- Ses Receipt Rule Set: resources/
- Ses Template: resources/
- Sfn State Machine: resources/
- Signer Signing Job: resources/
- Simple Db Domain: resources/
- Storage Gateway File Share: resources/
- Storage Gateway Gateway: resources/
- Storage Gateway Tape: resources/
- Storage Gateway Volume: resources/
- Transcribe Call Analytics Category: resources/
- Transcribe Call Analytics Job: resources/
- Transcribe Language Model: resources/
- Transcribe Medical Transcription Job: resources/
- Transcribe Medical Vocabulary: resources/
- Transcribe Transcription Job: resources/
- Transcribe Vocabulary Filter: resources/
- Transcribe Vocabulary: resources/
- Transfer Server User: resources/
- Transfer Server: resources/
- WAF Regional Byte Match Set Ip: resources/
- WAF Regional Byte Match Set: resources/
- WAF Regional Ip Set Ip: resources/
- WAF Regional Ip Set: resources/
- WAF Regional Rate Based Rule Predicate: resources/
- WAF Regional Rate Based Rule: resources/
- WAF Regional Regex Match Set: resources/
- WAF Regional Regex Match Tuple: resources/
- WAF Regional Regex Pattern Set: resources/
- WAF Regional Regex Pattern String: resources/
- WAF Regional Rule Group: resources/
- WAF Regional Rule Predicate: resources/
- WAF Regional Rule: resources/
- WAF Regional Web Acl Rule Attachment: resources/
- WAF Regional Web Acl: resources/
- WAF Rule: resources/
- WAF Web Acl Rule Attachment: resources/
- WAF Web Acl: resources/
- WAFv2 Api Key: resources/
- WAFv2 Ip Set: resources/
- WAFv2 Regex Pattern Set: resources/
- WAFv2 Rule Group: resources/
- WAFv2 Web Acl: resources/
- Work Spaces Workspace: resources/
- XRay Group: resources/
- XRay Sampling Rule: resources/