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package resources

import (



    libsettings "github.com/ekristen/libnuke/pkg/settings"


const EC2InstanceResource = "EC2Instance"

func init() {
        Name:     EC2InstanceResource,
        Scope:    nuke.Account,
        Resource: &EC2Instance{},
        Lister:   &EC2InstanceLister{},
        Settings: []string{

type EC2InstanceLister struct{}

func (l *EC2InstanceLister) List(_ context.Context, o interface{}) ([]resource.Resource, error) {
    opts := o.(*nuke.ListerOpts)

    svc := ec2.New(opts.Session)
    params := &ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{}
    resources := make([]resource.Resource, 0)
    for {
        resp, err := svc.DescribeInstances(params)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, err

        for _, reservation := range resp.Reservations {
            for _, instance := range reservation.Instances {
                resources = append(resources, &EC2Instance{
                    svc:          svc,
                    ID:           instance.InstanceId,
                    ImageID:      instance.ImageId,
                    State:        instance.State.Name,
                    InstanceType: instance.InstanceType,
                    LaunchTime:   instance.LaunchTime,
                    Tags:         instance.Tags,

        if resp.NextToken == nil {

        params = &ec2.DescribeInstancesInput{
            NextToken: resp.NextToken,

    return resources, nil

type EC2Instance struct {
    svc      *ec2.EC2
    settings *libsettings.Setting

    ID           *string    `property:"name=Identifier" description:"The instance ID (e.g. i-1234567890abcdef0)"`
    ImageID      *string    `property:"name=ImageIdentifier" description:"The ID of the AMI used to launch the instance"`
    State        *string    `property:"name=InstanceState" description:"The current state of the instance"`
    InstanceType *string    `description:"The instance type (e.g. t2.micro)"`
    LaunchTime   *time.Time `description:"The time the instance was launched"`
    Tags         []*ec2.Tag `description:"The tags associated with the instance"`

func (i *EC2Instance) Settings(setting *libsettings.Setting) {
    i.settings = setting

func (i *EC2Instance) Filter() error {
    if *i.State == ec2.InstanceStateNameTerminated {
        return fmt.Errorf("already terminated")
    return nil

func (i *EC2Instance) Remove(_ context.Context) error {
    deleteTagsParams := &ec2.DeleteTagsInput{
        Resources: []*string{i.ID},
    if _, err := i.svc.DeleteTags(deleteTagsParams); err != nil {
        return err

    params := &ec2.TerminateInstancesInput{
        InstanceIds: []*string{i.ID},

    if _, err := i.svc.TerminateInstances(params); err != nil {
        var awsErr awserr.Error
        ok := errors.As(err, &awsErr)

        // Check for Termination Protection, disable it, and try termination again.
        if ok && awsErr.Code() == awsutil.ErrCodeOperationNotPermitted &&
            awsErr.Message() == "The instance '"+*i.ID+"' may not be "+
                "terminated. Modify its 'disableApiTermination' instance attribute and "+
                "try again." && i.settings.GetBool("DisableDeletionProtection") {
            termErr := i.DisableTerminationProtection()
            if termErr != nil {
                return termErr
            _, err = i.svc.TerminateInstances(params)
            // If we still get an error, we'll check for type and let the next routine
            // handle it.
            if err != nil {
                ok = errors.As(err, &awsErr)

        // Check for Stop Protection, disable it, and try termination again.
        if ok && awsErr.Code() == "OperationNotPermitted" &&
            awsErr.Message() == "The instance '"+*i.ID+"' may not be "+
                "terminated. Modify its 'disableApiStop' instance attribute and try "+
                "again." && i.settings.GetBool("DisableStopProtection") {
            stopErr := i.DisableStopProtection()
            if stopErr != nil {
                return stopErr
            _, err = i.svc.TerminateInstances(params)

        // If we still have an error at this point, we'll return it.
        if err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

func (i *EC2Instance) DisableStopProtection() error {
    params := &ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeInput{
        InstanceId: i.ID,
        DisableApiStop: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{
            Value: ptr.Bool(false),
    _, err := i.svc.ModifyInstanceAttribute(params)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func (i *EC2Instance) DisableTerminationProtection() error {
    params := &ec2.ModifyInstanceAttributeInput{
        InstanceId: i.ID,
        DisableApiTermination: &ec2.AttributeBooleanValue{
            Value: ptr.Bool(false),
    _, err := i.svc.ModifyInstanceAttribute(params)
    if err != nil {
        return err
    return nil

func (i *EC2Instance) Properties() types.Properties {
    return types.NewPropertiesFromStruct(i)

func (i *EC2Instance) String() string {
    return *i.ID