package run
import (
libconfig ""
libnuke ""
func execute(c *cli.Context) error {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(c.Context)
defer cancel()
gcp, err := gcputil.New(ctx, c.String("project-id"), c.String("impersonate-service-account"))
if err != nil {
return err
if !gcp.HasProjects() {
return fmt.Errorf("no projects found")
logrus.Trace("preparing to run nuke")
params := &libnuke.Parameters{
Force: c.Bool("no-prompt"),
ForceSleep: c.Int("prompt-delay"),
Quiet: c.Bool("quiet"),
NoDryRun: c.Bool("no-dry-run"),
Includes: c.StringSlice("include"),
Excludes: c.StringSlice("exclude"),
parsedConfig, err := libconfig.New(libconfig.Options{
Path: c.Path("config"),
Deprecations: registry.GetDeprecatedResourceTypeMapping(),
if err != nil {
return err
projectID := c.String("project-id")
projectConfig := parsedConfig.Accounts[projectID]
filters, err := parsedConfig.Filters(projectID)
if err != nil {
return err
n := libnuke.New(params, filters, parsedConfig.Settings)
n.SetRunSleep(5 * time.Second)
n.RegisterVersion(fmt.Sprintf("> %s", common.AppVersion.String()))
p := &nuke.Prompt{Parameters: params, GCP: gcp}
projectResourceTypes := types.ResolveResourceTypes(
// GCP rest clients have to be closed, this ensures that they are closed properly
defer func() {
for _, l := range registry.GetListers() {
lc, ok := l.(registry.ListerWithClose)
if ok {
if slices.Contains(parsedConfig.Regions, "all") {
parsedConfig.Regions = gcp.Regions
`"all" detected in region list, only enabled regions and "global" will be used, all others ignored`)
if len(parsedConfig.Regions) > 1 {
logrus.Warnf(`additional regions defined along with "all", these will be ignored!`)
logrus.Infof("The following regions are enabled for the account (%d total):", len(parsedConfig.Regions))
printableRegions := make([]string, 0)
for i, region := range parsedConfig.Regions {
printableRegions = append(printableRegions, region)
if i%6 == 0 { // print 5 regions per line
logrus.Infof("> %s", strings.Join(printableRegions, ", "))
printableRegions = make([]string, 0)
} else if i == len(parsedConfig.Regions)-1 {
logrus.Infof("> %s", strings.Join(printableRegions, ", "))
// Register the scanners for each region that is defined in the configuration.
for _, regionName := range parsedConfig.Regions {
if err := n.RegisterScanner(nuke.Project, scanner.New(regionName, projectResourceTypes, &nuke.ListerOpts{
Project: ptr.String(projectID),
Region: ptr.String(regionName),
Zones: gcp.GetZones(regionName),
EnabledAPIs: gcp.GetEnabledAPIs(),
ClientOptions: gcp.GetClientOptions(),
})); err != nil {
return err
logrus.Debug("running ...")
return n.Run(c.Context)
func init() {
flags := []cli.Flag{
Name: "config",
Usage: "path to config file",
Value: "config.yaml",
Name: "include",
Usage: "only include this specific resource",
Name: "exclude",
Usage: "exclude this specific resource (this overrides everything)",
Name: "quiet",
Aliases: []string{"q"},
Usage: "hide filtered messages from display",
Name: "no-dry-run",
Usage: "actually run the removal of the resources after discovery",
Name: "no-prompt",
Usage: "disable prompting for verification to run",
Name: "prompt-delay",
Usage: "seconds to delay after prompt before running (minimum: 3 seconds)",
Value: 10,
Name: "feature-flag",
Usage: "enable experimental behaviors that may not be fully tested or supported",
EnvVars: []string{"GCP_NUKE_FEATURE_FLAGS"},
Name: "project-id",
Usage: "which GCP project should be nuked",
EnvVars: []string{"GCP_NUKE_PROJECT_ID"},
Required: true,
Name: "impersonate-service-account",
Usage: "impersonate a service account for all API calls",
cmd := &cli.Command{
Name: "run",
Aliases: []string{"nuke"},
Usage: "run nuke against a GCP project to remove all resources",
Flags: append(flags, global.Flags()...),
Before: global.Before,
Action: execute,