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// Package nuke provides the framework for scanning for resources and then iterating over said resources to determine
// if they should be removed or not and in what order.
package nuke

import (


    liberrors "github.com/ekristen/libnuke/pkg/errors"
    libsettings "github.com/ekristen/libnuke/pkg/settings"


// ListCache is used to cache the list of resources that are returned from the API.
type ListCache map[string]map[string][]resource.Resource

// Parameters is a collection of common variables used to configure the before of the Nuke instance.
type Parameters struct {
    NoDryRun       bool // NoDryRun instructs Run to actually perform the remove function
    Force          bool // Force instructs Run to proceed without confirmation from user
    ForceSleep     int  // ForceSleep indicates how long of a delay before proceeding with confirmation
    Quiet          bool // Quiet will hide resources if they have been filtered
    MaxWaitRetries int  // MaxWaitRetries is the total number of times a resource will be retried during wait state

    // WaitOnDependencies controls whether resources will be removed after their dependencies. It is important to note
    // that it does not currently track direct dependencies but instead dependent resources. For example if ResourceA
    // depends on ResourceB, all ResourceB has to be in a completed state (removed or failed) before ResourceA will be
    // processed
    WaitOnDependencies bool

    // UseFilterGroups controls whether the filter groups are used or not. If set to true, then the filters will be
    // processed by groups, where each group is a list of filters that are processed together. A single filter in a
    // group must match for the group to match. If set to false, then the filters will be processed individually and
    // a single filter must match for the resource to be filtered.
    UseFilterGroups bool

    // Includes is a list of resource types that are to be included during the nuke process. If a resource type is
    // listed in both the Includes and Excludes fields then the Excludes field will take precedence.
    Includes []string

    // Excludes is a list of resource types that are to be excluded during the nuke process. If a resource type is
    // listed in both the Includes and Excludes fields then the Excludes field will take precedence.
    Excludes []string

    // Alternatives is a list of resource types that are to be used instead of the default resource. The primary use
    // case for this is AWS Cloud Control API resources.
    Alternatives []string

type INuke interface {
    Run() error
    Scan() error
    Filter(item *queue.Item) error
    HandleRemove(item *queue.Item)
    HandleWait(item *queue.Item, cache ListCache)

// Nuke is the main struct for the library. It is used to register resource types, scanners, filters and validation
// handlers.
type Nuke struct {
    Parameters *Parameters           // Parameters is a collection of common variables used to configure the before of the Nuke instance.
    Filters    filter.Filters        // Filters is the collection of filters that will be used to filter resources
    Settings   *libsettings.Settings // Settings is the collection of settings that will be used to control resource behavior

    ValidateHandlers []func() error
    ResourceTypes    map[registry.Scope]types.Collection
    Scanners         map[registry.Scope][]*scanner.Scanner
    Queue            *queue.Queue // Queue is the queue of resources that will be processed

    scannerHashes []string      // scannerHashes is used to track if a scanner has already been registered
    prompt        func() error  // prompt is what is shown to the user for confirmation
    version       string        // version is what is shown at the beginning of a run
    log           *logrus.Entry // log is the logger that is used for the library
    runSleep      time.Duration // runSleep is how long to sleep between runs of the queue

    failedCount  int // failedCount is used to track how many times we've retried all failed resources
    waitingCount int // waitingCount is used to track how many times we've waiting for resources to move states

// New returns an instance of nuke that is properly configured for initial use
func New(params *Parameters, filters filter.Filters, settings *libsettings.Settings) *Nuke {
    logger := logrus.New()

    n := &Nuke{
        Parameters: params,
        Filters:    filters,
        Queue:      queue.New(),
        Settings:   settings,
        log:        logger.WithField("component", "nuke"),
        runSleep:   5 * time.Second,

    if n.Settings == nil {
        n.Settings = &libsettings.Settings{}

    return n

// SetLogger allows the tool instantiating the library to set the logger that is used for the library. It is optional.
func (n *Nuke) SetLogger(logger *logrus.Entry) {
    n.log = logger

// SetRunSleep allows the tool instantiating the library to set the sleep duration between runs of the queue.
// It is optional.
func (n *Nuke) SetRunSleep(duration time.Duration) {
    n.runSleep = duration

// RegisterVersion allows the tool instantiating the library to register its version so there's consist output
// of the version information across all tools. It is optional.
func (n *Nuke) RegisterVersion(version string) {
    n.version = version

// RegisterValidateHandler allows the tool instantiating the library to register a validation handler. It is optional.
func (n *Nuke) RegisterValidateHandler(handler func() error) {
    if n.ValidateHandlers == nil {
        n.ValidateHandlers = make([]func() error, 0)

    n.ValidateHandlers = append(n.ValidateHandlers, handler)

// RegisterResourceTypes is used to register resource types against a scope. A scope is a string that is used to
// group resource types together. For example, you could have a scope of "aws" and register all AWS resource types.
// For Azure, you have to register resources by tenant or subscription or even resource group.
func (n *Nuke) RegisterResourceTypes(scope registry.Scope, resourceTypes ...string) {
    if n.ResourceTypes == nil {
        n.ResourceTypes = make(map[registry.Scope]types.Collection)

    n.ResourceTypes[scope] = append(n.ResourceTypes[scope], resourceTypes...)

// RegisterScanner is used to register a scanner against a scope. A scope is a string that is used to group resource
// types together. A scanner is what is responsible for actually querying the API for resources and adding them to
// the queue for processing.
func (n *Nuke) RegisterScanner(scope registry.Scope, instance *scanner.Scanner) error {
    if n.Scanners == nil {
        n.Scanners = make(map[registry.Scope][]*scanner.Scanner)

    hashString := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", scope, instance.Owner)
    n.log.Debugf("hash: %s", hashString)
    if slices.Contains(n.scannerHashes, hashString) {
        return fmt.Errorf("scanner is already registered, you cannot register it twice")

    if n.scannerHashes == nil {
        n.scannerHashes = make([]string, 0)

    n.scannerHashes = append(n.scannerHashes, hashString)
    n.Scanners[scope] = append(n.Scanners[scope], instance)

    return nil

// RegisterPrompt is used to register the prompt function that used to prompt the user for input, usually to confirm
// if the nuke process should continue or not.
func (n *Nuke) RegisterPrompt(prompt func() error) {
    n.prompt = prompt

// Prompt actually calls the registered prompt function as part of the run
func (n *Nuke) Prompt() error {
    if n.prompt != nil {
        return n.prompt()

    return nil

// Run is the main entry point for the library. It will run the validation handlers, prompt the user, scan for
// resources, filter them and then process them.
func (n *Nuke) Run(ctx context.Context) error {

    if err := n.Validate(); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := n.Prompt(); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := n.Scan(ctx); err != nil {
        return err

    if n.Queue.Count(queue.ItemStateNew) == 0 {
        fmt.Println("No resource to delete.")
        return nil

    if !n.Parameters.NoDryRun {
        fmt.Println("The above resources would be deleted with the supplied configuration. Provide --no-dry-run to actually destroy resources.")
        return nil

    if err := n.Prompt(); err != nil {
        return err

    if err := n.run(ctx); err != nil {
        return err

    fmt.Printf("Nuke complete: %d failed, %d skipped, %d finished.\n\n",
        n.Queue.Count(queue.ItemStateFailed), n.Queue.Count(queue.ItemStateFiltered), n.Queue.Count(queue.ItemStateFinished))

    return nil

// handleFailure is used to handle the failure state of resources. It will determine if there have been too many
// failures and exit accordingly, writing to screen the failure state of each resource
func (n *Nuke) handleFailure() error {
    // processingCount is used to determine if there are any resources that are not in the failed state
    processingCount := n.Queue.Count(queue.ItemStatePending, queue.ItemStatePendingDependency, queue.ItemStateHold,
        queue.ItemStateWaiting, queue.ItemStateNew, queue.ItemStateNewDependency)

    // failedCount is used to determine if there are any resources that are in the failed state
    failedCount := n.Queue.Count(queue.ItemStateFailed)

    // if there are no resources being processed and there are resources in the failed state, then we enter this
    // loop to determine how many times we've tried the failed resources
    if processingCount == 0 && failedCount > 0 {
        // if failCount is greater than 2, then we are done, print status and return failed error
        if n.failedCount >= 2 {
            logrus.Errorf("There are resources in failed state, but none are ready for deletion, anymore.")

            for _, item := range n.Queue.GetItems() {
                if item.GetState() != queue.ItemStateFailed {


            return fmt.Errorf("failed")

    } else {
        n.failedCount = 0

    return nil

// handleWaiting is used to handle the waiting state of resources. It will determine if there have been too many
// wait retries and exit accordingly.
func (n *Nuke) handleWaiting() error {
    // if MaxWaitRetries is set to 0, then we do not need to do anything, we will retry indefinitely
    if n.Parameters.MaxWaitRetries == 0 {
        return nil

    // pendingCount is used to determine if there are any resources that are still in a pending or hold
    pendingCount := n.Queue.Count(queue.ItemStateWaiting, queue.ItemStatePending,
        queue.ItemStatePendingDependency, queue.ItemStateHold)

    // newCount is used to determine if there are any resources that are still in a new state
    newCount := n.Queue.Count(queue.ItemStateNew, queue.ItemStateNewDependency)

    // If MaxWaitRetries is set, then we need to know if all resources have been moved from new to a pending state.
    // If there are pending, then we need to know how many times to retry before giving up, otherwise we try
    // indefinitely.
    if pendingCount > 0 && newCount == 0 {
        if n.waitingCount >= n.Parameters.MaxWaitRetries {
            return fmt.Errorf("max wait retries of %d exceeded", n.Parameters.MaxWaitRetries)
    } else {
        n.waitingCount = 0

    return nil

// run handles the processing and loop of the queue of items
func (n *Nuke) run(ctx context.Context) error {
    if n.runSleep == 0 {
        n.runSleep = 5 * time.Second

    for {
        // HandleQueue is used to handle the queue of resources. It will iterate over the queue and trigger the
        // appropriate handlers based on the state of the resource.

        // handleFailure will check to see if we are in a final failure state and should error out and exit
        if err := n.handleFailure(); err != nil {
            return err

        // handleWaiting will check to see if we have waited to long for resources to retry and error and exit
        if err := n.handleWaiting(); err != nil {
            return err

        // unfinishedCount is used to determine if there are any resources that are still in a state
        // that is not the finished state
        unfinishedCount := n.Queue.Count(queue.ItemStateNew, queue.ItemStateNewDependency,
            queue.ItemStatePending, queue.ItemStatePendingDependency, queue.ItemStateFailed,
            queue.ItemStateWaiting, queue.ItemStateHold,

        // If there are no resources in the queue that are in a state that is not finished, then we are done
        if unfinishedCount == 0 {


    return nil

// Version prints the version that was registered with the library by the invoking tool.
func (n *Nuke) Version() {

// Validate is used to run the validation handlers that were registered with the library by the invoking tool.
func (n *Nuke) Validate() error {
    if n.Parameters.ForceSleep < 3 {
        return fmt.Errorf("value for --force-sleep cannot be less than 3 seconds. This is for your own protection")

    if err := n.Filters.Validate(); err != nil {
        return err

    for _, handler := range n.ValidateHandlers {
        if err := handler(); err != nil {
            return err

    return nil

// getScanners is used to condense the scanners down to a single list
func (n *Nuke) getScanners() []*scanner.Scanner {
    var allScanners []*scanner.Scanner
    for _, scanners := range n.Scanners {
        allScanners = append(allScanners, scanners...)
    return allScanners

// runScanner is used to run a scanner and process the items that are returned from the scanner
func (n *Nuke) runScanner(ctx context.Context, resourceScanner *scanner.Scanner, itemQueue *queue.Queue) error {
    if err := resourceScanner.Run(ctx); err != nil {
        return err

    for item := range resourceScanner.Items {
        // Experimental Feature
        if n.Parameters.WaitOnDependencies {
            reg := registry.GetRegistration(item.Type)
            if len(reg.DependsOn) > 0 {
                item.State = queue.ItemStateNewDependency

        sGetter, ok := item.Resource.(resource.SettingsGetter)
        if ok {

        itemQueue.Items = append(itemQueue.Items, item)
        if err := n.Filter(item); err != nil {
            return err

        // If quiet and filtered, skip printing to screen
        if n.Parameters.Quiet && item.State == queue.ItemStateFiltered {


    return nil

// Scan is used to scan for resources. It will run the scanners that were registered with the library by the invoking
// tool. It will also filter the resources based on the filters that were registered. It will also print the current
// status of the resources.
func (n *Nuke) Scan(ctx context.Context) error {
    itemQueue := queue.New()

    scanners := n.getScanners()

    // Iterate over scanners and run them then process their items.
    for _, actualScanner := range scanners {
        if err := n.runScanner(ctx, actualScanner, itemQueue); err != nil {
            return err

    fmt.Printf("Scan complete: %d total, %d nukeable, %d filtered.\n\n",
        itemQueue.Total(), itemQueue.Count(queue.ItemStateNew, queue.ItemStateNewDependency), itemQueue.Count(queue.ItemStateFiltered))

    n.Queue = itemQueue

    return nil

// Filter is used to filter resources. It will run the filters that were registered with the instance of Nuke
// and set the state of the resource to filtered if it matches the filter.
func (n *Nuke) Filter(item *queue.Item) error {
    log := n.log.
        WithField("handler", "Filter").
        WithField("type", item.Type)

    if r, ok := item.Resource.(resource.LegacyStringer); ok {
        log = log.WithField("item", r.String())

    checker, ok := item.Resource.(resource.Filter)
    if ok {
        log.Trace("resource had filter function")
        err := checker.Filter()
        if err != nil {
            log.Trace("resource was filtered by resource filter")
            item.State = queue.ItemStateFiltered
            item.Reason = err.Error()

            // Not returning the error, since it could be because of a failed
            // request to the API. We do not want to block the whole nuking,
            // because of an issue on AWS side.
            return nil

    if n.Parameters.UseFilterGroups {
        return n.filterWithGroups(item)

    return n.filterWithoutGroups(item)

func (n *Nuke) filterWithGroups(item *queue.Item) error {
    log := n.log.
        WithField("handler", "Filter").
        WithField("type", item.Type)

    matched, err := n.Filters.Match(item.Type, item)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    if matched {
        log.Trace("resource was filtered by config")
        item.State = queue.ItemStateFiltered
        item.Reason = "filtered by config"

    return nil

func (n *Nuke) filterWithoutGroups(item *queue.Item) error {
    log := n.log.
        WithField("handler", "Filter").
        WithField("type", item.Type)

    itemFilters := n.Filters.Get(item.Type)
    if itemFilters == nil {
        log.Tracef("no filters found for type: %s", item.Type)
        return nil

    for _, f := range itemFilters {
            WithField("prop", f.Property).
            WithField("type", f.Type).
            WithField("value", f.Value).
            Trace("filter details")

        prop, err := item.GetProperty(f.Property)
        if err != nil {
            // Note: this needs to remain a warning. There needs to be additional logic and handling for
            // properties that do not exist if we wish to do something about it. Additionally, the __global__ is
            // a special case that is used to filter all resources.
            log.WithError(err).Warnf("unable to get property: %s", f.Property)

        log.Tracef("property: %s", prop)

        match, err := f.Match(prop)
        if err != nil {
            return err

        log.Tracef("match: %t", match)

        if f.Invert {
            log.WithField("orig", match).WithField("new", !match).Trace("filter inverted")
            match = !match

        if match {
            log.Trace("filter matched")
            item.State = queue.ItemStateFiltered
            item.Reason = "filtered by config"
            return nil

    return nil

// HandleQueue is used to handle the queue of resources. It will iterate over the queue and trigger the appropriate
// handlers based on the state of the resource.
func (n *Nuke) HandleQueue(ctx context.Context) {
    listCache := make(map[string]map[string][]resource.Resource)

    for _, item := range n.Queue.GetItems() {
        switch item.GetState() {
        case queue.ItemStateNew, queue.ItemStateHold:
            n.HandleRemove(ctx, item)
        case queue.ItemStateNewDependency, queue.ItemStatePendingDependency:
            n.HandleWaitDependency(ctx, item)
        case queue.ItemStateFailed:
            n.HandleRemove(ctx, item)
            n.HandleWait(ctx, item, listCache)
        case queue.ItemStatePending:
            n.HandleWait(ctx, item, listCache)
            item.State = queue.ItemStateWaiting
        case queue.ItemStateWaiting:
            n.HandleWait(ctx, item, listCache)

    countWaiting := n.Queue.Count(
    countFailed := n.Queue.Count(queue.ItemStateFailed)
    countSkipped := n.Queue.Count(queue.ItemStateFiltered)
    countFinished := n.Queue.Count(queue.ItemStateFinished)

    fmt.Printf("Removal requested: %d waiting, %d failed, %d skipped, %d finished\n\n",
        countWaiting, countFailed, countSkipped, countFinished)

// HandleRemove is used to handle the removal of a resource. It will remove the resource and set the state of the
// resource to pending if it was successful or failed if it was not.
func (n *Nuke) HandleRemove(ctx context.Context, item *queue.Item) {
    err := item.Resource.Remove(ctx)
    if err != nil {
        var resErr liberrors.ErrHoldResource
        if errors.As(err, &resErr) {
            item.State = queue.ItemStateHold
            item.Reason = resErr.Error()

        item.State = queue.ItemStateFailed
        item.Reason = err.Error()

    item.State = queue.ItemStatePending
    item.Reason = ""

// HandleWaitDependency is used to handle the waiting of a resource. It will check if the resource has any dependencies
// and if it does, it will check if the dependencies have been removed. If they have, it will trigger the remove handler.
func (n *Nuke) HandleWaitDependency(ctx context.Context, item *queue.Item) {
    reg := registry.GetRegistration(item.Type)
    depCount := 0
    for _, dep := range reg.DependsOn {
        cnt := n.Queue.CountByType(dep,
            queue.ItemStateNew, queue.ItemStateNewDependency,
            queue.ItemStatePending, queue.ItemStatePendingDependency,
            queue.ItemStateWaiting, queue.ItemStateHold)
        depCount += cnt

    if depCount == 0 {
        n.HandleRemove(ctx, item)

    item.State = queue.ItemStatePendingDependency
    item.Reason = fmt.Sprintf("left: %d", depCount)

// HandleWait is used to handle the waiting of a resource. It will check if the resource has been removed. If it has,
// it will set the state of the resource to finished. If it has not, it will set the state of the resource to waiting.
func (n *Nuke) HandleWait(ctx context.Context, item *queue.Item, cache ListCache) {
    var err error

    waitHook, hookOk := item.Resource.(resource.HandleWaitHook)
    if hookOk {
        if hookErr := waitHook.HandleWait(ctx); hookErr != nil {
            var waitErr liberrors.ErrWaitResource
            if errors.As(hookErr, &waitErr) {
                item.State = queue.ItemStateWaiting

            item.State = queue.ItemStateFailed
            item.Reason = hookErr.Error()

    ownerID := item.Owner
    _, ok := cache[ownerID]
    if !ok {
        cache[ownerID] = make(map[string][]resource.Resource)

    left, ok := cache[ownerID][item.Type]
    if !ok {
        left, err = item.List(ctx, item.Opts)
        if err != nil {
            item.State = queue.ItemStateFailed
            item.Reason = err.Error()
        cache[ownerID][item.Type] = left

    for _, r := range left {
        if !item.Equals(r) {

        rSet, okSet := r.(resource.SettingsGetter)
        if okSet {

        checker, filterOk := r.(resource.Filter)
        if filterOk {
            if filterErr := checker.Filter(); filterErr != nil {


    item.State = queue.ItemStateFinished
    item.Reason = ""