// Package scanner provides a mechanism for scanning resources and adding them to the item queue for processing. The
// scope of the scanner is determined by the resource types that are passed to it. The scanner will then run the lister
// for each resource type and add the resources to the item queue for processing.
package scanner
import (
liberrors ""
// DefaultParallelQueries is the number of parallel queries to run at any given time for a scanner.
const DefaultParallelQueries = 16
// Scanner is collection of resource types that will be scanned for existing resources and added to the
// item queue for processing. These items will be filtered and then processed.
type Scanner struct {
Items chan *queue.Item `hash:"ignore"`
semaphore *semaphore.Weighted `hash:"ignore"`
ResourceTypes []string
Options interface{}
Owner string
mutateOptsFunc MutateOptsFunc `hash:"ignore"`
parallelQueries int64
// MutateOptsFunc is a function that can mutate the Options for a given resource type. This is useful for when you
// need to pass in a different set of Options for a given resource type. For example, AWS nuke needs to be able to
// populate the region and session for a given resource type give that it might only exist in us-east-1.
type MutateOptsFunc func(opts interface{}, resourceType string) interface{}
// New creates a new scanner for the given resource types.
func New(owner string, resourceTypes []string, opts interface{}) *Scanner {
return &Scanner{
Items: make(chan *queue.Item, 10000),
semaphore: semaphore.NewWeighted(DefaultParallelQueries),
ResourceTypes: resourceTypes,
Options: opts,
Owner: owner,
parallelQueries: DefaultParallelQueries,
type IScanner interface {
Run(resourceTypes []string)
list(resourceType string)
// RegisterMutateOptsFunc registers a mutate Options function for the scanner. The mutate Options function is called
// for each resource type that is being scanned. This allows you to mutate the Options for a given resource type.
func (s *Scanner) RegisterMutateOptsFunc(morph MutateOptsFunc) error {
if s.mutateOptsFunc != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("mutateOptsFunc already registered")
s.mutateOptsFunc = morph
return nil
// SetParallelQueries changes the number of parallel queries to run at any given time from the default for the scanner.
func (s *Scanner) SetParallelQueries(parallelQueries int64) {
s.parallelQueries = parallelQueries
s.semaphore = semaphore.NewWeighted(s.parallelQueries)
// Run starts the scanner and runs the lister for each resource type.
func (s *Scanner) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
for _, resourceType := range s.ResourceTypes {
if err := s.semaphore.Acquire(ctx, 1); err != nil {
return err
opts := s.Options
if s.mutateOptsFunc != nil {
opts = s.mutateOptsFunc(opts, resourceType)
go s.list(ctx, s.Owner, resourceType, opts)
// Wait for all routines to finish.
if err := s.semaphore.Acquire(ctx, s.parallelQueries); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (s *Scanner) list(ctx context.Context, owner, resourceType string, opts interface{}) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
defer cancel()
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
err := fmt.Errorf("%v\n\n%s", r.(error), string(debug.Stack()))
dump := utils.Indent(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err), " ")
logrus.Errorf("Listing %s failed:\n%s", resourceType, dump)
defer s.semaphore.Release(1)
lister := registry.GetLister(resourceType)
var rs []resource.Resource
if lister == nil {
logrus.Errorf("lister for resource type not found: %s", resourceType)
rs, err := lister.List(ctx, opts)
if err != nil {
var errSkipRequest liberrors.ErrSkipRequest
ok := errors.As(err, &errSkipRequest)
if ok {
logrus.Debugf("skipping request: %v", err)
var errUnknownEndpoint liberrors.ErrUnknownEndpoint
ok = errors.As(err, &errUnknownEndpoint)
if ok {
logrus.Debugf("skipping request: %v", err)
dump := utils.Indent(fmt.Sprintf("%v", err), " ")
logrus.WithError(err).Errorf("Listing %s failed:\n%s", resourceType, dump)
for _, r := range rs {
i := &queue.Item{
Resource: r,
State: queue.ItemStateNew,
Type: resourceType,
Owner: owner,
Opts: opts,
itemHook, ok := r.(resource.QueueItemHook)
if ok {
s.Items <- i