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Test Coverage
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang='en'>
    <style>{{ css|raw }}</style>
    {{ useCjk ? '<style>td { font-family:sun-extA; }</style>' }}
  <body {{ useCjk ? " style='font-family:sun-extA;'" }}>
  <htmlpagefooter name='footer'>
    {% if pdfSig %}
      <div class='footer-block signatures'>
        User's signature:<br><br>
        Witness' name:<br><br>
        Witness' signature:<br><br>
    {% endif %}
    <div class='footer-block footer'>
      <p style='font-size:6pt;'>PDF generated with <a href='https://www.elabftw.net'>elabftw</a>, a free and open source lab notebook<br>
      File generated on {DATE d-m-Y} at {DATE H:i}</p>
      <p>{PAGENO} / {nb}</p>

  <div id='header'>
    <h1>{{ entityData.title }}</h1>
    {{ entityDate }}
      <strong>{{ 'Date'|trans }}:</strong> {{ date }}<br>
      {% if entityData.tags %}
        {% set tags = entityData.tags|split('|') %}
        <strong>{{ 'Tags'|trans }}:</strong>
        {% for tag in tags %}
          <span class='tag'>{{ tag }}</span>
        {% endfor %}<br>
      {% endif %}
      {% if entityData.category_title %}
      <strong>{{ 'Category'|trans }}:</strong> {{ entityData.category_title }}<br>
      {% endif %}
      {% if entityData.status_title %}
      <strong>{{ 'Status'|trans }}:</strong> {{ entityData.status_title }}<br>
      {% endif %}
      <strong>{{ 'Created by'|trans }}:</strong> {{ entityData.fullname }}<br>

{{ body|raw }}

{% if entityData.metadata %}
<section class='no-break no-list-style'>
  {{ entityData.metadata|formatMetadata }}
{% endif %}

{% if entityData.experiments_links %}
  <section class='no-break'>
    <h3>{% trans %}
      Linked experiment
      {% plural entityData.experiments_links|length %}
      Linked experiments
      {% endtrans %}</h3>

    {% for link in entityData.experiments_links %}
      <p class='pdf-ul'>
        <span style='color:#{{ link.color }}'>{{ link.category }}</span> - <a href='{{ linkBaseUrl.experiments }}?mode=view&amp;id={{ link.itemid }}'>{{ link.title }}</a>
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% if entityData.items_links %}
  <section class='no-break'>
    <h3>{% trans %}
      Linked item
      {% plural entityData.items_links|length %}
      Linked items
      {% endtrans %}</h3>

    {% for link in entityData.items_links %}
      <p class='pdf-ul'>
        <span style='color:#{{ link.color }}'>{{ link.category }}</span> - <a href='{{ linkBaseUrl.items }}?mode=view&amp;id={{ link.itemid }}'>{{ link.title }}</a>
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% if entityData.steps %}
  <section class='no-break'>
    <h3>{{ 'Steps'|trans }}</h3>
    {% for step in entityData.steps %}
      <p class='pdf-ul'>{{ step.body }}
      {% if step.finished %} ({{ step.finished_time }}){% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% if includeFiles and entityData.uploads %}
  <section class='no-break'>
    <h3>{% trans %}
      Attached file
      {% plural entityData.uploads|length %}
      Attached files
      {% endtrans %}
    {% for upload in entityData.uploads %}
      <p class='pdf-ul'>{{ upload.real_name }}
      {# add a comment? don't add if it's the default text or if it's null #}
      {% if upload.comment and upload.comment != 'Click to add a comment' %} ({{ upload.comment|nl2br }}){% endif %}
      {# add hash? don't add if we don't have it #}
      {% if upload.hash|length >= 32 %}<br>{{ upload.hash_algorithm }}: {{ upload.hash }}{% endif %}

      {% if upload.base64_thumbnail %}
      {# Note: adding charset to the data string makes it fail #}
        <br><img class='attached-image' src='data:image/jpeg;base64,{{ upload.base64_thumbnail }}' alt='{{ upload.comment|e('html_attr') }}' />
      {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

{% if entityData.comments %}
  <section class='no-break'>
    <h3>{% trans %}
      {% plural entityData.comments|length %}
      {% endtrans %}
    {% for comment in entityData.comments %}
      <p class='pdf-ul'>On {{ comment.datetime }} {{ comment.fullname }} wrote:<br>{{ comment.comment|nl2br }}</p>
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

<div id='infoblock'>
  <table class='noborder' role='presentation'>
      <td class='noborder'>
        {# use raw here as this is an mpdf special tag and the url needs to be passed unmodified #}
        <barcode code='{{ url|raw }}' type='QR' class='barcode' size='0.8' error='M' />
      <td class='noborder'>
        <p class='elabid'>{{ 'Unique eLabID:'|trans }} {{ entityData.elabid }}</p>
        {% if locked %}
          <p class='elabid'>Locked by {{ lockerName }} on {{ lockDate }}</p>
        {% endif %}
        <p class='elabid'>Link: <a href='{{ url }}'>{{ url }}</a></p>

{% if includeChangelog %}
  <h3 id='changelogHeader'>{{ 'Changelog'|trans }}</h3>
  <table class='table' aria-labelledby='changelogHeader'>
          <th>{{ 'Date'|trans }}</th>
          <th>{{ 'User'|trans }}</th>
          <th>{{ 'Property changed'|trans }}</th>
          <th>{{ 'New value'|trans }}</th>
      {% for change in changes %}
        <td>{{ change.created_at }}</td>
        <td>{{ change.fullname }}</td>
        <td>{{ change.target }}</td>
          {# cannot use ternary here as it is an expression and filters are applied after evaluation #}
          {%- if change.target == 'body' -%}
            {# use of raw to make the link to revisions page work #}
            {{ change.content|raw }}
          {%- else -%}
            {{ change.content }}
          {%- endif -%}
      {% endfor %}
{% endif %}