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Test Coverage
{% extends 'base.html' %}

{% block body %}
<ul class='tabbed-menu'>
  <li><button type='button' class='btn' data-action='switch-tab' data-tabtarget='1'>{{ 'Scheduler'|trans }}</button></li>
  <li><button type='button' class='btn' data-action='switch-tab' data-tabtarget='2'>{{ 'Members'|trans }}</button></li>
  <li><button type='button' class='btn' data-action='switch-tab' data-tabtarget='3'>{{ 'Templates'|trans }}</button></li>
  <li><button type='button' class='btn' data-action='switch-tab' data-tabtarget='4'>{{ 'Email'|trans }}</button></li>
  <li><button type='button' class='btn' data-action='switch-tab' data-tabtarget='5'>{{ 'Procurement requests'|trans }}</button></li>

{# loading spinner #}
<div class='d-flex justify-content-center' id='loading-spinner'>
  <div class='lds-dual-ring'></div>

{# Modal for event click #}
<div class='modal fade' id='eventModal' tabindex='-1' role='dialog' aria-labelledby='eventModalLabel'>
  <div class='modal-dialog modal-lg' role='document'>
    <div class='modal-content'>
      <div class='modal-header'>
        <h5 class='modal-title' id='eventModalLabel'>{{ 'Edit event'|trans }}</h5>
        <button type='button' class='close' data-dismiss='modal' aria-label='{{ 'Close'|trans }}'>
          <span aria-hidden='true'>&times;</span>
      <div class='modal-body' data-wait='{{ 'Please wait…'|trans }}'>
        {# "placeholder" will be replaced with real title by js #}
        <h3 id='eventTitle' class='editable hl-hover'>placeholder</h3>
        {# START AND END TIMES #}
        <div class='mt-2'>
          <label for='schedulerEventModalStart'>{{ 'Start time'|trans }}</label>
          <input id='schedulerEventModalStart' class='form-control' type='datetime-local' data-what='start_epoch' value='' />
          <label for='schedulerEventModalEnd'>{{ 'End time'|trans }}</label>
          <input id='schedulerEventModalEnd' class='form-control' type='datetime-local' data-what='end_epoch' value='' />

        {# BIND EXPERIMENT #}
        <div class='mt-2'>
          <i class='fas fa-link mr-1'></i><h5 class='d-inline' id='bindExpInputLabel'>{{ 'Bind an experiment'|trans }}</h5>
          <div id='eventBoundExp'></div>
          <button data-action='scheduler-rm-bind' data-type='experiment' data-eventid='' class='btn btn-sm btn-danger mb-2' type='button'>{{ 'Unbind'|trans }}</button>
            <div class='input-group mb-3'>
              <div class='input-group-prepend'>
                <span class='input-group-text'>{{ 'Search'|trans }}</span>
              <input type='text' data-complete-target='experiments' data-identifier='binddivexp' class='form-control bindInput' aria-labelledby='bindExpInputLabel' />
              <div class='input-group-append'>
                <button class='btn btn-primary' data-input='bindexpinput' data-action='scheduler-bind-entity' data-type='experiment' type='button'>{{ 'Attach'|trans }}</button>
            <div id='autocompleteAnchorDiv_binddivexp'></div>
        {# BIND ITEM #}
        <div class='mt-2'>
          <i class='fas fa-link mr-1'></i><h5 class='d-inline' id='bindItemInputLabel'>{{ 'Bind a resource'|trans }}</h5>
          <div id='eventBoundDb'></div>
          <button data-action='scheduler-rm-bind' data-type='item_link' data-eventid='' class='btn btn-sm btn-danger mb-2' type='button'>{{ 'Unbind'|trans }}</button>
            <div class='input-group mb-3'>
              <div class='input-group-prepend'>
                <span class='input-group-text'>{{ 'Search'|trans }}</span>
              <input type='text' data-complete-target='items' data-identifier='binddivdb' class='form-control bindInput' aria-labelledby='bindItemInputLabel' />
              <div class='input-group-append'>
                <button class='btn btn-primary' data-input='binddbinput' data-action='scheduler-bind-entity' data-type='item_link' type='button'>{{ 'Attach'|trans }}</button>
            <div id='autocompleteAnchorDiv_binddivdb'></div>

        {# only show the cancel block if item is cancellable or user is admin #}
        {% if bookableItemData.book_is_cancellable == 1 or App.Users.isAdmin %}
            <h5>{{ 'Cancel booking slot'|trans }}</h5>
            <h6><label for='cancelEventTextarea'>{{ 'Add a custom message'|trans }}</label></h6>
              <textarea id='cancelEventTextarea' class='form-control'></textarea>
              <label>{{ 'Send to'|trans }}</label>
              <div class='form-check'>
                <input class='form-check-input' type='radio' name='targetCancelEvent' data-targetid='{{ App.Request.query.get('item') }}' value='bookable_item' id='targetCancelEventUsers' checked> <label class='form-check-label' for='targetCancelEventUsers'>{{ 'Past and future users who booked this resource'|trans }}</label>
              <div class='form-check'>
                <input class='form-check-input' type='radio' name='targetCancelEvent' data-targetid='{{ App.teamArr.id }}' value='team' id='targetCancelEventTeam'> <label class='form-check-label' for='targetCancelEventTeam'>{{ 'Members of team %s'|trans|format(App.teamArr.name) }}</label>
              {% for teamgroup in teamGroupsArr %}
                <div class='form-check'>
                  <input class='form-check-input' type='radio' name='targetCancelEvent' data-targetid='{{ teamgroup.id }}' value='teamgroup' id='targetCancelEventTeamgroup_{{ teamgroup.id }}'> <label class='form-check-label' for='targetCancelEventTeamgroup_{{ teamgroup.id }}'>{{ 'Members of teamgroup %s'|trans|format(teamgroup.name) }}</label>
              {% endfor %}
              <div class='mt-2'>
                <button type='button' data-action='cancel-event-with-message' data-dismiss='modal' data-id='' class='btn btn-danger cancelEventBtn'>{{ 'Send message and cancel'|trans }}</button>
                <button type='button' data-action='cancel-event' data-dismiss='modal' data-id='' class='btn btn-danger cancelEventBtn'>{{ 'Cancel'|trans }}</button>
        {% endif %}
      <div class='modal-footer'>
        <button type='button' class='btn btn-secondary' data-dismiss='modal'>{{ 'Close'|trans }}</button>

<div data-tabcontent='1' hidden>
  <div class='d-flex mb-2'>
    <div id='selectBookableWarningDiv' hidden>{{ 'Select a resource below in order to book it.'|trans }}</div>
    <div class='ml-auto'>
      {% include 'scope-button.html' with {'reload': 'page', 'target': 'scope_items'} %}

  <div id='mainSchedulerContent'>
    {% if itemsArr|length == 0 %}
      {{ 'No bookable items.'|trans|msg('warning', false) }}
    {% else %}
    <div class='row mb-3'>
      <div class='col-md-3'>
        {# CATEGORY #}
        <form aria-label='{{ 'Filter by category'|trans }}'>
          {% if App.Config.configArr.debug -%}
            <!-- [html-validate-disable-block input-missing-label, prefer-native-element, no-unused-disable: suppress errors from tom-select] -->
          {%- endif %}
            aria-label='{{ 'Filter by category'|trans }}'
            class='autosubmit mr-1 form-control'
            <option value=''>{{ 'Filter by category'|trans }}</option>
            {% for category in bookableItemsTypes %}
              <option value='{{ category.id }}'{{ App.Request.query.get('cat') == category.id ? ' selected' }}>
                {{ category.title }}
            {% endfor %}

      <div class='col-md-3'>
        {# ITEM LIST #}
        <form aria-label='{{ 'Select a resource'|trans }}'>
          {% if App.Config.configArr.debug -%}
            <!-- [html-validate-disable-block input-missing-label, prefer-native-element, no-unused-disable: suppress errors from tom-select] -->
          {%- endif %}
            aria-label='{{ 'Select a resource'|trans }}'
            class='autosubmit mr-1 form-control'
            <option value=''>{{ 'Select a resource'|trans }}</option>
            {% for item in itemsArr %}
              {# data-color is used to set the background during initial drag #}
              <option data-color='{{ item.category_color }}' value='{{ item.id }}'{{ App.Request.query.get('item') == item.id ? ' selected' }}>
                {{ item.category_title }} - {{ item.title }}
            {% endfor %}

      {% if bookableItemData %}
        <div class='col-md-3 ml-auto'>
          <div class='input-group justify-content-end flex-nowrap'>
            <div class='input-group-prepend'>
              <button class='btn btn-secondary' type='button' data-action='remove-param-reload' data-target='item'>X</button>
            <a href='database.php?mode=view&amp;id={{ bookableItemData.id }}' class='list-group-item hl-hover-gray'><span style='--bg: #{{ bookableItemData.category_color }}' class='catstat-btn category-btn mr-2'>{{ bookableItemData.category_title }}</span>{{ bookableItemData.title }}</a>
      {% endif %}
    {% endif %}
  <div id='scheduler' data-lang='{{ App.getJsLang }}' data-render={{ itemsArr|length > 0 ? 'true' : 'false' }}></div>

{# TAB 2 INFO #}
<div data-tabcontent='2' hidden>
  <div class='alert alert-success'><i class='fas fa-info-circle fa-fw color-success'></i>
  {{ 'You belong to the %s team.'|trans|format(teamArr.name) }}
  {{ 'Members'|trans }}: {{ teamsStats.totusers }} &ndash; {% trans %}Experiment{% plural teamStats.totxp %}Experiments{% endtrans %}: {{ teamsStats.totxp }} ({{ teamsStats.totxpts }} timestamped) &ndash; {{ 'Resources'|trans }}: {{ teamsStats.totdb }}

  <h3 class='p-2 pl-3 mb-3 section-title'>{{ 'Members'|trans }}</h3>
  {% include 'filter-input-snippet.html' with {'target': 'teamTable'} %}
  <table class='table' aria-describedby='pageTitle' data-table-sort='true'>
          <th scope='col'>{{ 'Name'|trans }}</th>
          <th scope='col'>{{ 'Email'|trans }}</th>
          <th scope='col'>ORCID</th>
    <tbody id='teamTable'>
      {# archived users are hidden on this page #}
      {% for user in App.Users.readAllFromTeam()|filter(u => u.archived == 0) %}
          <a href='experiments.php?owner={{ user.userid }}'>
              {{ user.fullname }}
              {% if user.usergroup in range(1, 3) %}
                ({{ 'Admin'|trans }})
              {% endif %}
        <td><a href='mailto:{{ user.email|e('html_attr') }}'>{{ user.email }}</a></td>
        <td>{{ user.orcid }}</td>
      {% endfor %}

<div data-tabcontent='3' hidden>
  <h3 class='p-2 pl-3 section-title'>{{ 'Experiments Templates'|trans }}</h3>
  <p class='mt-3'>All the experiments templates are now visible at one place: the <a href='/ucp.php?tab=3'>Settings</a>.</p>

{# TAB 4 EMAIL #}
<div data-tabcontent='4' hidden>
  <h3 class='p-2 pl-3 mb-3 section-title'>{{ 'Send an email to users'|trans }}</h3>
  <form class='pl-3' method='post' action='app/controllers/TeamController.php' aria-label='{{ 'Mass email form'|trans }}'>
    {{ App.Session.get('csrf')|csrf }}
    <input type='hidden' name='emailUsers' />
    <label>{{ 'Send to'|trans }}</label>
    <div class='form-check'>
      <input class='form-check-input' type='radio' name='target' value='team' id='targetTeam' checked> <label class='form-check-label' for='targetTeam'>{{ 'Members of team %s'|trans|format(App.teamArr.name) }}</label>
    {% for teamgroup in teamGroupsArr %}
      <div class='form-check'>
        <input class='form-check-input' type='radio' name='target' value='teamgroup_{{ teamgroup.id }}' id='targetTeamgroup_{{ teamgroup.id }}'> <label class='form-check-label' for='targetTeamgroup_{{ teamgroup.id }}'>{{ 'Members of teamgroup %s'|trans|format(teamgroup.name) }}</label>
    {% endfor %}
    <div class='form-group'>
      <label for='emailSubject'>{{ 'Subject'|trans }}</label>
      <input type='text' id='emailSubject' name='subject' class='form-control' required />
      <label for='emailBody'>{{ 'Content'|trans }}</label>
      <textarea id='emailBody' name='body' class='form-control' rows='10' required></textarea>
    <div class='mt-4 text-center'>
      <button type='submit' class='btn btn-primary'>{{ 'Send'|trans }}</button>

<div data-tabcontent='5' hidden>
  <h3 class='p-2 pl-3 section-title'>{{ 'Procurement requests'|trans }}</h3>
  <div class='pl-3 my-2'>
    {% if teamProcurementRequestsArr %}
      {# DOWNLOAD as CSV #}
      <div class='mb-4 d-flex flex-row-reverse'>
        <a href='/api/v2/teams/current/procurement_requests?format=csv'><button type='button' class='btn btn-secondary'>{{ 'Download'|trans }} (.csv)</button></a>
      {% include 'filter-input-snippet.html' with {'target': 'procurementRequestsTable'} %}

      {# MAIN TABLE #}
      <table class='table' aria-label='{{ 'Procurement requests'|trans }}' data-table-sort='true'>
            <th scope='col'>{{ 'Resource'|trans }}</th>
            <th scope='col'>{{ 'Requester'|trans }}</th>
            <th scope='col'>{{ 'Ordered'|trans }}</th>
            <th scope='col'>{{ 'Quantity ordered'|trans }}</th>
            <th scope='col'>{{ 'Total'|trans }}</th>
            <th scope='col'>{{ 'Quantity received'|trans }}</th>
            <th scope='col'>{{ 'Comment'|trans }}</th>
            <th scope='col'>{{ 'Quote'|trans }}</th>
            <th scope='col'>{{ 'State'|trans }}</th>
            <th scope='col'>{{ 'Actions'|trans }}</th>
        {# this is the element to reload after a change, don't use the full div so we keep the js working in table headers #}
        <tbody id='procurementRequestsTable'>
          {% for req in teamProcurementRequestsArr %}
              <td class='no-wrap' data-label='{{ 'Resource'|trans }}'>
                <a href='/database.php?mode=view&id={{ req.entity_id }}'>
                  <span class='hl-hover-gray p-2 mr-2 rounded'><i class='fas fa-eye'></i></span>
                </a>{{ req.entity_title }}</td>
              {# REQUESTER #}
              <td data-label='{{ 'Requester'|trans }}'>{{ req.requester_fullname }}</td>
              {# CREATED AT #}
              <td data-label='{{ 'Ordered'|trans }}'><span title='{{ req.created_at }}' class='relative-moment text-nowrap'></span></td>
              {# QTY ORDERED #}
              <td data-label='{{ 'Quantity ordered'|trans }}'>{{ req.qty_ordered }}</td>
              {# TOTAL #}
              <td data-label='{{ 'Total'|trans }}'>{{ req.total }} {{ req.symbol }}</td>
              <td data-label='{{ 'Quantity received'|trans }}'><span class='hl-hover-gray p-1 rounded malleableColumn' data-endpoint='teams/current/procurement_requests' data-target='qty_received' data-input-type='number' data-id='{{ req.id }}'>{{ req.qty_received }}</span></td>
              <td data-label='{{ 'Comment'|trans }}'><span class='hl-hover-gray p-1 rounded malleableColumn {{ not req.body ? 'font-italic' }}' data-endpoint='teams/current/procurement_requests' data-target='body' data-id='{{ req.id }}'>{{ req.body|default('unset'|trans) }}</span></td>
              <td data-label='{{ 'Quote'|trans }}'>
                <a target='_blank' href='/api/v2/uploads/{{ req.quote }}?format=binary'>
                  <span class='hl-hover-gray p-1 mr-2 rounded'>{{ req.quote ? "<i class='fas fa-download'></i>" }}</span>
              <td data-label='{{ 'State'|trans }}'><span class='hl-hover-gray p-1 rounded malleableState' data-id='{{ req.id }}'>{{ req.state_human }}</span></td>
              <td data-label='{{ 'Actions'|trans }}'>
                <button class='btn hl-hover-gray p-1 rounded hover-danger lh-normal' title='{{ 'Cancel order'|trans }}' data-action='cancel-procurement-request' aria-label='{{ 'Cancel order'|trans }}' type='button' data-id='{{ req.id }}'>
                  <i class='fas fa-trash-alt'></i>
          {% endfor %}
      {% else %} {# no requests #}
      {# TODO add documentation link #}
        <p>{{ 'No procurement requests have been made yet.'|trans }}</p>
      {% endif %}

{% endblock body %}