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<div class='dropdown'>
  <button type='button' class='btn btn-link hl-hover-gray py-0 float-right px-2' data-toggle='dropdown' aria-haspopup='true' aria-expanded='false' title='{{ 'More options'|trans }}' aria-label='{{ 'More options'|trans }}'>
    <i class='fas fa-ellipsis-v'></i>

  <div class='dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right'>

  {% if mode == 'edit' %}
    {# INSERT IN TEXT in edit mode for images #}
    {% if ext matches '/(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|svg)$/i' %}
      <button type='button' class='dropdown-item' data-action='insert-image-in-body' data-name='{{ upload.real_name|e('html_attr') }}' data-storage='{{ upload.storage }}' data-link='{{ upload.long_name|e('html_attr') }}' data-uploadid='{{ upload.id }}'>
        <i class='fas fa-fw fa-image mr-1'></i>{{ 'Insert in text at cursor position'|trans }}
    {% endif %}

    {# INSERT IN TEXT in edit mode for plain text #}
    {% if ext matches '/txt$/i' %}
      <button type='button' class='dropdown-item' data-action='insert-plain-text' data-storage='{{ upload.storage }}' data-path='{{ upload.long_name|e('html_attr') }}'>
        <i class='fas fa-fw fa-file-import mr-1'></i>{{ 'Insert in text at cursor position'|trans }}
    {% endif %}
  {% endif %}

  {# Edit filename (available in view mode too) #}
  {% if not upload.immutable and not Entity.isReadOnly and App.Users.userData.uploads_layout != 0 %}
    <button type='button' class='dropdown-item' data-action='rename-upload' data-id='{{ upload.id }}'>
      <i class='fas fa-fw fa-pencil-alt mr-1'></i>{{ 'Edit filename'|trans }}
  {% endif %}

  {% if mode == 'edit' %}

    {# Annotate image #}
    {% if ext matches '/(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/i' %}
      <button type='button' class='dropdown-item' data-action='annotate-image' data-storage='{{ upload.storage }}' data-path='{{ upload.long_name|e('html_attr') }}'>
        <i class='fas fa-fw fa-paint-brush mr-1'></i>{{ 'Annotate this image'|trans }}
    {% endif %}

    {% if ext matches '/(json)$/i' %}
      <button type='button' class='dropdown-item' data-uploadid='{{ upload.id }}' data-name='{{ upload.real_name|e('html_attr') }}' data-link='{{ upload.long_name|e('html_attr') }}' data-action='json-load-file'>
        <i class='fas fa-fw fa-{{ mode == 'edit' ? 'pencil-alt' : 'eye' }} mr-1'></i>{{ 'Load into JSON Editor'|trans }}
    {% endif %}

    {# Save mol file as png #}
    {% if ext matches '/(mol)$/i' %}
      <button type='button' class='dropdown-item' data-action='save-mol-as-png' data-canvasid='molFile_{{ upload.id }}' data-name='{{ upload.real_name|e('html_attr') }}'>
        <i class='fas fa-fw fa-image mr-1'></i>{{ 'Save as image'|trans }}
    {% endif %}

    {# Upload a new version: only in edit mode because currently it'll look into the editor to change the image, but it might be convenient to also have it in view mode #}
    {% if not upload.immutable %}
      <button type='button' class='dropdown-item' data-action='replace-upload' data-uploadid='{{ upload.id }}'>
        <i class='fas fa-fw fa-sync-alt mr-1'></i>{{ 'Upload a new version of this file'|trans }}
    {% endif %}

  {% endif %}

  {# Show content of plain text #}
  {% if ext matches '/(txt|md|json)$/i' %}
    <button type='button' class='dropdown-item' data-action='toggle-modal' data-target='plainTextModal' data-ext='{{ ext }}' data-storage='{{ upload.storage }}' data-path='{{ upload.long_name|e('html_attr') }}' data-name='{{ upload.real_name|e('html_attr') }}'>
      <i class='fas fa-fw fa-eye mr-1'></i>{{ 'Show content of file'|trans }}
  {% endif %}

  {# Load in NMRium #}
  {% if ext matches '/jdx$/i' %}
    <button type='button' class='dropdown-item' data-uploadid='{{ upload.id }}' data-action='open-in-nmrium'>
      <i class='fas fa-fw fa-square-poll-vertical mr-1'></i>{{ 'Open in NMRium'|trans }}
  {% endif %}

  {# More info #}
  {% if App.Users.userData.uploads_layout != 0 %}
    <button type='button' class='dropdown-item' data-action='more-info-upload' data-uploadid='{{ upload.id }}'>
      <i class='fas fa-fw fa-info-circle mr-1'></i>{{ 'More information'|trans }}
  {% endif %}

  {% if not upload.immutable and not Entity.isReadOnly %}
    {# ARCHIVE #}
    <div class='dropdown-divider'></div>
    <button type='button' class='dropdown-item hover-warning' data-action='archive-upload' data-uploadid='{{ upload.id }}'>
      <i class='fas fa-fw fa-box-archive mr-1'></i>{{ 'Archive/Unarchive'|trans }}
    {# DESTROY #}
    <button type='button' class='dropdown-item hover-danger' data-action='destroy-upload' data-uploadid='{{ upload.id }}'>
      <i class='fas fa-fw fa-trash-alt mr-1'></i>{{ 'Delete'|trans }}
  {% endif %}