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7 hrs
Test Coverage
/* eslint-disable quotes */
/* This file is generated by "bin/console dev:i18n4js" command, DO NOT EDIT directly */
const t = {
  translation: {
    "click-to-edit": "Click to edit",
    "cancel": "Zrušiť",
    "comment-add": "Pridať komentár",
    "custom-id-in-use": "Custom ID is already used! Try another one.",
    "dropzone-upload-area": "Tu vložte súbory, ktoré chcete priložiť",
    "dropzone-filesize-limit": "File size limit:",
    "editing-metadata": "You are currently editing the metadata attached to this entry.",
    "entity-default-title": "Bez mena",
    "entity-delete-warning": "Vybraté položky a všetky súvisiace údaje sa natrvalo odstránia. To nie je možné vrátiť späť. Si si istý?",
    "error-no-category": "A category is required to fetch the next Custom ID",
    "extra-fields": "Extra polia",
    "filename": "Názov súboru",
    "generic-delete-warning": "Odstrániť toto?",
    "link-delete-warning": "Odstrániť tento odkaz?",
    "new-apikey-warning": "This is the only time the key will be shown! Make sure to copy it somewhere safe as you won't be able to see it again:",
    "no-self-links": "Linking an item to itself is not allowed. Please select a different target.",
    "not-set": "Not set",
    "nothing-selected": "Nič nevybrané!",
    "now": "Now",
    "onboarding-email-sent": "Onboarding email(s) will soon be sent.",
    "please-wait": "Prosím počkajte…",
    "replace-edited-file": "Chcete touto úpravou nahradiť súbor na servery?",
    "request-filename": "Zadajte názov súboru",
    "resource-not-found": "Nič sa nezobrazí s týmto identifikátorom",
    "save": "Uložiť",
    "saved": "Uložené",
    "sort-by-column": "Sort by column",
    "step-delete-warning": "Odstrániť tento krok?",
    "step-unfinish-warning": "Naozaj chceš vrátiť krok späť ?",
    "tag-delete-warning": "Odstrániť túto značku?",
    "template-title": "Názov šablóny",
    "today": "Today",
    "undefined-group": "Undefined group",
    "upload-file-comment": "Komentár k súboru",
export default t;