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45 mins
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import { debug } from '../debug';

function conflictProp<T extends Record<string, unknown>>(context: T, props: Array<keyof T> = Object.keys(context)): T {
    const config: PropertyDescriptor = {
        writable: false,
        configurable: false
    props.forEach(name => {
        Object.defineProperty(context, name, config);
    return context;

function parsePath(path: string, base_path: string): string {
    if(base_path === ''){
        base_path = '/';

    if(base_path.indexOf('/') < 0){
        base_path += '/path';
    if(path.indexOf(base_path) === 0 || path.match(/^(\/|\w)/)) {
        return path;
    else if(path.substring(0,2) === './') {
        path = '/.' + path;
    else {
        if(base_path === '/'){
            base_path = '/path';
        path = '/../' + path;
    return base_path + path;

function absolutePath(path: string, base_path = '/'): string {
    path = parsePath(path, base_path);
    while(/\/\.\.\//.test(path = path.replace(/[^/]*\/+\.\.\//g,"")));
    /* Escape certain characters to prevent XSS */
    path = path.replace(/\.$/,'').replace(/\/\./g,'').replace(/"/g,'%22')
    return path;

/** fail safe template function */
const WaxTemplate: WaxTemplate = () => '';

/** The default delimiter */
const WaxDelimiter: WaxDelimiter = conflictProp({
    blockSyntax: /@(\w+)(\([^@]+\))?/,
    tagName: 1,
    argList: 2,
    endPrefix: 'end'
}, ['endPrefix']);

/** The default configurations */
const WaxConfig: WaxConfig = {
    strip: true,
    debug: false,
    autoescape: true,
    delimiter: WaxDelimiter,
    context: conflictProp({
        /** A collection which holds the template blocks */
        __env: {},
        /** Time the context was resolved. This may be off by a few ms */
        startTime: Date.now(),
        /** Returns JSON string representation of object */
        json: JSON.stringify,
        /** Returns current timestamp */ 
        now: Date.now,
         * Encodes HTML to prevent malicious input
         * @param {string} html - The suspected html
         * @returns string
        escape(html: string): string {
            const encodeRules: {[x: string]: string} = {
                '&': '&#38;',
                '<': '&#60;',
                '>': '&#62;',
                '"': '&#34;',
                '\'': '&#39;',
                '/': '&#47;',
            const matchHTML = /&(?!#?\w+;)|<|>|"|'|\//g;
            return typeof html === 'string' ? html.replace(matchHTML, (m) => encodeRules[m] || m) : html;
         * Merges an array of contexts into current context
         * @param args - The array of context to merge with
        merge(args: WaxContext[] = []): void {
            args = [].slice.call(args);
            args.forEach(arg => {
                for (const name in arg) {
                    if(!(name in this) || Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(this, name).configurable === true){
                        this[name] = arg[name];
         * Reverses a string
         * @param text - The string to reverse
         * @param delimiter - The character delimiter to use
         * @returns - The reversed string
        reverse(text: string, delimiter = ''): string {
            return text.split(delimiter).reverse().join(delimiter);
        template(this: WaxContext, id: string, context: WaxContext = {}, safe: boolean): string {
            const prevId = this.id as string;
            const template = require('../waxe').template(absolutePath(id, prevId));
            if(safe !== true && !template) {
                debug(`no template: ${id}!`, template, WaxTemplate);
            this.id = id;
            const value = (template || WaxTemplate)(context);
            this.id = prevId;
            return value;

export {