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namespace synapp\info\tools\passwordgenerator;
use Exception;
use synapp\info\tools\passwordgenerator\cryptosecureprng\CryptoSecurePRNG;
use synapp\info\tools\passwordgenerator\dictionary\Dictionary;

 * Class PasswordGenerator
 * Generates an easy to remember password, difficult to guess or bruteforce (with lots of entropy).
 * @package synapp\info\tools\passwordgenerator
 * @copyright Gael Abadin (elcodedocle) 2014
 * @license MIT Expat http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expat_License
 * @version 0.1.0-beta
class PasswordGenerator extends PasswordGeneratorAbstract {

    private $defaultMinEntropies = array (64, 80, 112, 128); //min entropy (in bits) per level as an array of integers in ascending order
    private $defaultLevel = 2;
    private $defaultDictionaryFilename = null; // 2^13 (aprox)
    private $defaultSeparator = ' ';
    private $defaultMinWordSize = 4;
    private $maxSymbols = 20;
    private $minEntropies;
    private $level;
    private $separators;
    private $separator;
    private $prng;
    private $defaultMinReadWordsWordSize = 4;
    private $lastPasswordSymbolCount = 0;

     * @param null $separators
     * @return string
    public function setSeparator($separators = null)
        if ($separators === null) { $separators = $this->separators; }
        $separatorsLength = strlen($separators);
        /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */
        $this->separator = $separatorsLength>0?$separators[$this->prng->rand(0,$separatorsLength-1)]:$this->defaultSeparator; //random $separator actually adds log2($separatorsLength) bits of entropy
        return $this->separator;

     * @return mixed
    public function getSeparator()
        return $this->separator;

     * @param $separators
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return bool
    public function setSeparators($separators)
        if ($separators === null || $separators==='') { $this->separators = $this->defaultSeparator; return true; }
        if (is_string($separators)){
            $this->separators = implode('',array_unique(preg_split( '/(?<!^)(?!$)/u',$separators)));
            return true;
        } else {
            throw new Exception ('$separators must be a string');

     * @return mixed
    public function getSeparators()
        return $this->separators;
    private $useVariations = true;
    private $capitalize = true;
    private $punctuate = true;//adds comma/dot, exclamation mark, question mark 
    private $allcaps = true;
    private $addslashes = false;

     * @param $maxSymbols
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return bool
    public function setMaxSymbols($maxSymbols)
        if (is_int($maxSymbols)){
            $this->maxSymbols = $maxSymbols;
            return true;
        } else {
            throw new Exception ('$maxSymbols must be an int');

     * @return int
    public function getMaxSymbols()
        return $this->maxSymbols;

     * @param $addslashes
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return bool
    public function setAddslashes($addslashes){
        if (is_bool($addslashes)){
            $this->addslashes = $addslashes;
            return true;
        } else {
            throw new Exception ('$addslashes must be boolean');

     * @param $allcaps
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return bool
    public function setAllcaps($allcaps){
        if (is_bool($allcaps)){
            $this->allcaps = $allcaps;
            return true;
        } else {
            throw new Exception ('$allcaps must be boolean');

     * @param $capitalize
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return bool
    public function setCapitalize($capitalize){
        if (is_bool($capitalize)){
            $this->capitalize = $capitalize;
            return true;
        } else {
            throw new Exception ('$capitalize must be boolean');

     * @param $defaultDictionaryFilename
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return bool
    public function setDefaultDictionaryFilename($defaultDictionaryFilename)
        if (is_string($defaultDictionaryFilename)){
            $this->defaultDictionaryFilename = $defaultDictionaryFilename;
            return true;
        } else {
            throw new Exception ('');

     * @param $defaultLevel
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return bool
    public function setDefaultLevel($defaultLevel)
        if (is_int($defaultLevel)){
            $this->defaultLevel = $defaultLevel;
            return true;
        } else {
            throw new Exception ('$defaultLevel must be an int');

     * @param $level
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return bool
    public function setLevel($level)
        if (is_int($level)){
            $this->level = $level;
            return true;
        } else {
            throw new Exception ('$level must be int');

     * @param $punctuate
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return bool
    public function setPunctuate($punctuate)
        if (is_bool($punctuate)){
            $this->punctuate = $punctuate;
            return true;
        } else {
            throw new Exception ('$punctuate must be boolean');

     * @return boolean
    public function getAddslashes()
        return $this->addslashes;

     * @return boolean
    public function getAllcaps()
        return $this->allcaps;

     * @return boolean
    public function getCapitalize()
        return $this->capitalize;

     * @return string
    public function getDefaultDictionaryFilename()
        return $this->defaultDictionaryFilename;

     * @return int
    public function getLevel()
        return $this->level;

     * @return array
    public function getMinEntropies()
        return $this->minEntropies;

     * @return boolean
    public function getPunctuate()
        return $this->punctuate;

     * @return boolean
    public function getUseVariations()
        return $this->useVariations;

     * @param $useVariations
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return bool
    public function setUseVariations($useVariations)
        if (is_bool($useVariations)){
            $this->useVariations = $useVariations;
            return true;
        } else {
            throw new Exception ('$useVariations must be boolean');

     * @return array
    public function getDefaultMinEntropies(){
        return $this->defaultMinEntropies;

     * @return int
    public function getDefaultLevel(){
        return $this->defaultLevel;

     * @param null $level
     * @param null $minEntropies
     * @return mixed
     * @throws \Exception
    public function getMinEntropyForLevel($level = null, $minEntropies = null){
        if ($level === null) { $level = $this->level; }
        else if (!is_int($level)) {  throw new Exception ('$level must be int'); }
        if ($minEntropies === null) { $minEntropies = $this->minEntropies; }
        else if (!is_array($minEntropies)) {  throw new Exception ('$minEntropies must be array'); }
        return ($level<0)?$minEntropies[0]:

     * @param $minEntropies
     * @param bool $default
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return bool
    public function setMinEntropies($minEntropies, $default = false){
        if (!is_array($minEntropies)||!isset($minEntropies[0])||!is_int($minEntropies[0])||$minEntropies[0]<=0){
            throw new Exception ('$minEntropies must be an ascending ordered array of ints > 0');
        for ($i = 1; $i<count($minEntropies); $i++){
            if (!isset($minEntropies[$i])||!is_int($minEntropies[$i])||$minEntropies[$i]<=$minEntropies[$i-1]){
                throw new Exception ('$minEntropies must be an ascending ordered array of ints > 0');
        if ($default){
            $this->defaultMinEntropies = $minEntropies;
        } else {
            $this->minEntropies = $minEntropies;
        return true;

     * @param null $variations
     * @return int
    public function getVariationsCount($variations = null){

        $variations = $this->filterVariations($variations);

        $variationsCount = 0;

        foreach ($variations as $variation) {if ($variation === true) $variationsCount++;}
        if (isset($variations['punctuate'])&&$variations['punctuate']===true) $variationsCount+=2;

        return $variationsCount;

     * @param null $separators
     * @return int
     * @throws \Exception
    public function getSeparatorsCount($separators = null){
        if ($separators === null) { $separators = $this->separators; }
        if (is_array($separators)) { return count($separators); } 
        if (is_string($separators)) { return strlen($separators); }
        throw new Exception ('$separators must be array or string');

     * @param null $dictionary
     * @param null $variationsCount
     * @return mixed
     * @throws \Exception
    public function getAlphabetSize($dictionary = null, $variationsCount = null){
        if ($dictionary === null){
            $dictionary = $this->getDictionary();
        } else if (!is_object($dictionary) || !in_array('synapp\info\tools\passwordgenerator\dictionary\DictionaryInterface', class_implements($dictionary))){
            throw new Exception ('$dictionary must be an object implementing DictionaryInterface');
        if ($variationsCount === null) { $variationsCount = $this->getVariationsCount(); }
        else if (!is_int($variationsCount)) {  throw new Exception ('$variationsCount must be an int'); }
        if (($dictionarySize = $dictionary->getWordCount())<=0) {  throw new Exception ('$dictionarySize must be int > 0'); }
        return $dictionarySize*pow(2,$variationsCount);

     * @param $password
     * @param null $lastOrSeparator
     * @return int
    public function getSymbolCount($password,$lastOrSeparator = null){
        if ($lastOrSeparator === null) { $lastOrSeparator = $this->separator; }
        if ($lastOrSeparator === true) { return $this->lastPasswordSymbolCount; }
        return count (explode($lastOrSeparator, $password));

     * @return int
    public function getMaxSymbolCount(){
        return $this->maxSymbols;

     * @param null $level
     * @return mixed
     * @throws \Exception
    public function getMinEntropy($level = null){
        if ($level===null) { $level = $this->level; }
        else if (!is_int($level)) {  throw new Exception ('$level must be an int'); }
        return $this->getMinEntropyForLevel($level);

     * @param $variations
     * @return array
     * @throws \Exception
    public function filterVariations($variations){
        if ( !isset($variations) || $variations === null) {

            $variations = array();
            $variations['capitalize'] = $this->capitalize;
            $variations['punctuate'] = $this->punctuate;
            $variations['allcaps'] = $this->allcaps;
            $variations['addslashes'] = $this->addslashes;

        } else if (!is_array($variations)) {
            throw new Exception ('$variations must be an array');
        } else {
            $keys = array_keys($variations);
            $validKeys = array('capitalize','punctuate','allcaps','addslashes');
            foreach ($keys as $variation) { if (!in_array($variation,$validKeys)) {  throw new Exception ('$variations keys must be one of the hardcoded keys: capitalize, punctuate, allcaps or addslashes'); } }

            if ( !isset($variations['capitalize']) || $variations['capitalize'] === null) { $variations['capitalize'] = $this->capitalize; }
            else if (!is_bool($variations['capitalize'])) {  throw new Exception ('$variations["capitalize"] must be boolean'); }

            if ( !isset($variations['punctuate']) || $variations['punctuate'] === null) { $variations['punctuate'] = $this->punctuate; }
            else if (!is_bool($variations['punctuate'])) { throw new Exception ('$variations["punctuate"] must be boolean'); }

            if ( !isset($variations['allcaps']) || $variations['allcaps'] === null) { $variations['allcaps'] = $this->allcaps; }
            else if (!is_bool($variations['allcaps'])) { throw new Exception ('$variations["allcaps"] must be boolean'); }

            if ( !isset($variations['addslashes']) || $variations['addslashes'] === null) { $variations['addslashes'] = $this->addslashes ; }
            else if (!is_bool($variations['addslashes'])) { throw new Exception ('$variations["addslashes"] must be boolean'); }

        return $variations;

     * @param null $variations
     * @return bool
    public function setVariations($variations = null){
        $variations = $this->filterVariations($variations);
        $this->capitalize = $variations['capitalize'];
        $this->punctuate = $variations['punctuate'];
        $this->allcaps = $variations['allcaps'];
        $this->addslashes = $variations['addslashes'];
        return true;

     * @return array
    public function getVariations(){
        return array(

     * @param $word
     * @param $index
     * @param $variations
     * @param $last
     * @param $appliedVariation
     * @return string
    public function applyVariation($word,$index,$variations,$last,&$appliedVariation){
        $count = 0;
            if ($count<$index){
            } else {
                // capitalize is not exactly capitalize, but invert case of the word's first letter
                $word[0] = (strtolower($word[0]) === $word[0])?strtoupper($word[0]):strtolower($word[0]);
                $appliedVariation = 'capitalize';
                return $word;
            if ($count<$index){
            } else {
                $appliedVariation = 'allcaps';
                return strtoupper($word);
            $appliedVariation = 'punctuate';
            if ($count<$index){
            } else {
                return $word.'!';
            if ($count<$index){
            } else {
                return $word.'?';
            if ($count<$index){
            } else {
                return $word.($last?'.':',');
            if (($count<$index)||$last){
                return $word;
            } else {
                $appliedVariation = 'addslashes';
                return $word.'/';
        return $word;

     * generates a dictionary based password matching the given parameters
     * @param object|null $dictionary the dictionary where words are taken from (must implement DictionaryInterface)
     * @param mixed $minEntropy the minimum entropy of the generated password (may be overrided by $level)
     * @param int|bool $level strength level of the generated password as the index of the entropies array property
     * @param string|null $separators a string of zero or more characters to be randomly used as separators between words, null takes the value set on the property
     * @param bool|null $useVariations a boolean telling whether to use or ignore active variations
     * @param array|null $variations an array of booleans with variations as keys, or null for using default set in property
     * @throws \Exception
     * @return string a string containing the password
    public function generatePassword($dictionary = null, $minEntropy = null, $level = null, $separators = null, $useVariations = null, $variations = null){
        if ($dictionary === null){
            $dictionary = $this->getDictionary();
        } else if (!is_object($dictionary) || !in_array('DictionaryInterface', class_implements($dictionary))){
            throw new Exception ('$dictionary must be an object implementing DictionaryInterface');

        if ($level === null) { $level = $this->level; }
        else if (!is_int($level)){ throw new Exception ('Level must be an int'); }
        else { $minEntropy = $this->getMinEntropy($level); } // explicit level overrides explicit $minEntropy

        if ($separators === null) { $separators = $this->separators; }
        else if (!is_string($separators)){ throw new Exception ('$separators must be a string'); }
        $separator = $this->setSeparator($separators);
        if ( $minEntropy === null) { $minEntropy = $this->getMinEntropy($level); }
        else if (!is_int($minEntropy)) { throw new Exception ('$minEntropy must be an int.'); }

        if ( $useVariations === null) { $useVariations = $this->useVariations; }
        else if (!is_bool($useVariations)) { throw new Exception ('$useVariations must be a boolean'); }

        $variations = $this->filterVariations($variations);
        $password = '';
        $variationsCount = $this->getVariationsCount($variations);
        $minWordCount = $this->getMinSymbolCount($minEntropy, $dictionary, $variationsCount);
        for ($wordCount = 1; $wordCount<=$minWordCount; $wordCount++){
            $appliedVariation = '';
            $last = ($wordCount===$minWordCount);
            if ($useVariations) {
                /** @noinspection PhpUndefinedMethodInspection */
                $word = $this->applyVariation($word,$this->prng->rand(0,$variationsCount),$variations,$last,$appliedVariation);
        $this->lastPasswordSymbolCount = $minWordCount;
        return trim($password);

     * Class Constructor
     * The constructor parameters modify the default settings. None is required, every setting can be changed and also overriden at any time.
     * @param mixed $dictionary a dictionary implementing DictionaryInterface, null sets the default: new Dictionary($this->defaultDictionaryFilename), which reads the words from $this->defaultDictionaryFilename.
     * @param mixed $level the level of strength as the index on the array of entropies, minEntropies
     * @param mixed $separators a string containing zero or more characters to be randomly used as separators between words
     * @param mixed $minEntropies an array of ints containing minimum entropies in ascending order, delimiting the minimum entropy per level; null sets the default $this->defaultMinEntropies
     * @param bool $useVariations whether or not to use variations, such as capitalization or punctuation which increase the amount of entropy per word, thus requiring less words to achieve the same entropy (strength)
     * @param mixed $variations array of variations to the words, null sets the default array('capitalize'=>true,'punctuate'=>true,'allcaps'=>true,'addslashes'=>false)
     * @param null|int $minWordSize minimum word length in characters (must be > 0, defaults to null -> defaultMinWordSize)
     * @param null|int $minReadWordsWordSize minimum word length in characters to be read from source on building the dictionary (must be > 0, defaults to null -> defaultMinReadWordsWordSize)
     * @param mixed $prng the pseudo random number generator object (should be crypto safe and contain a method 'rand' with same functionality as 'rand' and '$this->prng->rand' functions. Null defaults to a new instance of CryptoSecurePRNG)
     * @throws \Exception generated if any of the parameters is invalid
    public function __construct($dictionary = null, $level = null, $separators = ' ', $minEntropies = null, $useVariations = true, $variations = null, $minWordSize = null, $minReadWordsWordSize = null, $prng = null){

        if ($minWordSize === null) {
            $this->minWordSize = $this->defaultMinWordSize;
        } else if (is_int($minWordSize)){
            $this->minWordSize = $minWordSize;
        } else {
            throw new Exception ('$minWordSize must be a valid integer or null.');
        if ($minReadWordsWordSize === null) {
            $this->minReadWordsWordSize = $this->defaultMinReadWordsWordSize;
        } else if (is_int($minReadWordsWordSize)){
            $this->minReadWordsWordSize = $minReadWordsWordSize;
        } else {
            throw new Exception ('$minReadWordsWordSize must be a valid integer or null.');
        if ($prng === null){
            $this->prng = new CryptoSecurePRNG();
        } else {
            if (!is_object($prng)||!method_exists($prng,'rand')){
                throw new Exception('$prng must be an object having a rand method');
            } else {
                $this->prng = $prng;
        if ($dictionary === null){
            $dictionary = new Dictionary($this->defaultDictionaryFilename,$minReadWordsWordSize,'filename');
        if ($this->setDictionary($dictionary) !== true){
            throw new Exception ('Invalid Dictionary');
        if ($level === null) { $this->level = $this->defaultLevel; }
        else if (!$this->setLevel($level)){  throw new Exception ('$level must be an integer'); }

        if($this->setSeparators($separators)!==true) { throw new Exception ('$separators must be a string'); }

        if ($minEntropies === null) { $this->minEntropies = $this->defaultMinEntropies; }
        else if ($this->setMinEntropies($minEntropies) !== true){  throw new Exception ('$minEntropies must be an array of integers'); }

        if (!$this->setUseVariations($useVariations)) { throw new Exception ('$useVariations must be a boolean'); }

        if ($this->setVariations($variations)!==true) { throw new Exception ('$variations must be an array of keys containing valid variations boolean values'); }