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The pure go mruby virtual machine implementation.

## Roadmap

The priority task is to make the virtual machine available with limited functions, it still depends on `mrbc` command to compile RiteBinary.

* complete the method support
* complete the class support
* add mruby capability test


Golang has public and private method design and we can attach method to a struct. Therefore all public method is attach to `*mruby.State` in mruby-go as preferred method.

func (mrb *State) ObjectInstanceVariableGet(obj RObject, name Symbol) Value {
  return obj.ivGet(name)

// Prefer
func (mrb *State) ClassName(class RClass) string {
    if class == nil {
        return ""

    name := mrb.ObjectInstanceVariableGet(class, _classname(mrb)) // <- Prefer this
    if name == nil {
        return ""

    return name.(string)

// Avoid
func (mrb *State) ClassName(class RClass) string {
    if class == nil {
        return ""

    name := class.ivGet(_classname(mrb)) // <- Avoid this
    if name == nil {
        return ""

    return name.(string)