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## [In git](https://github.com/elgalu/strongly_typed/compare/v0.0.2...HEAD)

### New Features
* n/a

### Bugfixes
* n/a

### Chores
* Updated boolean_class dependency so it is compatible from ruby 1.9.2 (Leo Gallucci)
* Added gem version badge at README and coveralls gem & badge. (Leo Gallucci)

## [v0.0.2](https://github.com/elgalu/strongly_typed/tree/v0.0.2)

### New Features
* n/a

### Bugfixes
* n/a

### Chores
* Added this Change Log file (Leo Gallucci)
* Added Code Climate badge and Dependency Status badge (Leo Gallucci)
* README.md, Gemfile, gemspec improvements (Leo Gallucci)
* Confirmed support for ruby 2.0.0-p0, added more rubies to travis, added .ruby-version file (Leo Gallucci)

## [v0.0.1](https://github.com/elgalu/strongly_typed/tree/v0.0.1)

## First gem release

### Features:
* StronglyTyped::Model allows to call `attribute()` to define your object properties. (Leo Gallucci)
* Instance initialization with a hash, a.k.a named parameters. (Leo Gallucci)
* Instance initialization with same old way ordered parameters. (Leo Gallucci)
* Type conversions when possible. (Leo Gallucci)