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## [In git](https://github.com/elgalu/twitter_anonymous_client/compare/v1.0.2.0...HEAD)

### New Features
* n/a

### Bugfixes
* n/a

### Chores
* Added Client#last_tweet and Tweet#status_url to README.md. (Leo Gallucci)

## [v1.0.2.0](https://github.com/elgalu/twitter_anonymous_client/tree/v1.0.2.0)

### New Features
* Added Client#last_tweet to get the last tweet given a screen name. (Leo Gallucci)

### Bugfixes
* n/a

### Chores
* n/a

## [v1.0.1.0](https://github.com/elgalu/twitter_anonymous_client/tree/v1.0.1.0)

### New Features
* Added Tweet#status_url to get the http link built easily. (Leo Gallucci)

### Bugfixes
* n/a

### Chores
* n/a

## [v1.0.0.0](https://github.com/elgalu/twitter_anonymous_client/tree/v1.0.0.0)

### New Features
* n/a

### Bugfixes
* n/a

### Chores
* Added documentation. (Leo Gallucci)
* Changed conversioning system: 1.0 for twitter API and 0.0 for this gem version. (Leo Gallucci)

## [v0.0.1](https://github.com/elgalu/twitter_anonymous_client/tree/v0.0.1)

## First gem release

### Features:
* Retrieve user timeline with count and slug_name filter (Leo Gallucci)
* Twitter public (anonymous) client for old v1.0 API (Leo Gallucci)