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# Format <Badge type="tip" text="2.0+" />

<small>📝&nbsp;Name: `format` &middot; 🚨&nbsp;Required &middot; 🖥️&nbsp;Option: `-f`, `--format` &middot; 🐝&nbsp;Default: `text`</small>

> The formatter used to print the cache warmup result.

## JSON formatter: `json`

This formatter can be used to format user-oriented output as JSON object.

::: code-group

```bash [CLI]
./cache-warmup.phar -f json
./cache-warmup.phar --format json

```json [JSON]
    "format": "json"

```php [PHP]
use EliasHaeussler\CacheWarmup;

return static function (CacheWarmup\Config\CacheWarmupConfig $config) {

    return $config;

```yaml [YAML]
format: json

```bash [.env]


### Data structure

The resulting JSON object includes the following properties:

| Property            | Description                                                                                                            |
| `cacheWarmupResult` | Lists all crawled URLs, grouped by their crawling state (`failure`, `success`), and may contain `cancelled` state      |
| `messages`          | Contains all logged messages, grouped by message severity (`error`, `info`, `success`, `warning`)                      |
| `parserResult`      | Lists all parsed and excluded XML sitemaps and URLs, grouped by their parsing state (`excluded`, `failure`, `success`) |
| `time`              | Lists all tracked times during cache warmup (`crawl`, `parse`)                                                         |

The complete JSON structure can be found in the provided
[JSON schema](../../res/cache-warmup-result.schema.json).

::: details Example output
    "cacheWarmupResult": {
        "cancelled": [
        "failure": [
        "success": [
    "parserResult": {
        "excluded": {
            "sitemaps": [
        "failure": {
            "urls": [
        "success": {
            "sitemaps": [
            "urls": [
    "time": {
        "parse": "0.18s",
        "crawl": "0.212s"


## Text formatter: `text`

This is the default formatter that is used if no other formatter is
explicitly configured. It writes all user-oriented output to the console.

::: code-group

```bash [CLI]
./cache-warmup.phar -f text
./cache-warmup.phar --format text

```json [JSON]
    "format": "text"

```php [PHP]
use EliasHaeussler\CacheWarmup;

return static function (CacheWarmup\Config\CacheWarmupConfig $config) {

    return $config;

```yaml [YAML]
format: text

```bash [.env]
