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Test Coverage
..  include:: /Includes.rst.txt

..  _extension-configuration:

Extension configuration

The extension currently provides the following configuration options:

..  _extconf-provider:

..  confval:: provider

    :type: string (FQCN)
    :Default: :php:class:`EliasHaeussler\\Typo3Solver\\ProblemSolving\\Solution\\Provider\\OpenAISolutionProvider`

    Default solution provider to be used for problem solving.

    ..  note::

        Custom solutions providers must implement

..  _extconf-prompt:

..  confval:: prompt

    :type: string (FQCN)
    :Default: :php:class:`EliasHaeussler\\Typo3Solver\\ProblemSolving\\Solution\\Prompt\\DefaultPrompt`

    Default prompt to be used for problem solving.

    ..  note::

        Custom prompts must implement

..  _extconf-ignoredCodes:

..  confval:: ignoredCodes

    :type: string (comma-separated list)

    Comma-separated list of exception codes to ignore during problem solving.
    Once a raised exception matches with the configured exception codes, the
    solution provider won't provide a solution and is simply ignored.

    ..  note::

        This setting only applies to the default

..  _extconf-api-key:

..  confval:: api.key

    :type: string

    :ref:`API key <api-key>` for OpenAI requests.

    ..  attention::

        It is essential to configure the API key. Otherwise, requests to OpenAI
        won't be possible.

..  _extconf-attributes-model:

..  confval:: attributes.model

    :type: string
    :Default: `gpt-3.5-turbo-0301`

    `OpenAI model <https://platform.openai.com/docs/models>`__ to use (see
    :ref:`List available models <solver-list-models>` to show a list of available

..  _extconf-attributes-maxTokens:

..  confval:: attributes.maxTokens

    :type: integer
    :Default: `300`

    `Maximum number of tokens <https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create#chat/create-max_tokens>`__
    to use per request to OpenAI.

..  _extconf-attributes-temperature:

..  confval:: attributes.temperature

    :type: float
    :Default: `0.5`

    `Temperature <https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create#chat/create-temperature>`__
    to use for OpenAI completion requests (must be a value between `0` and `1`).

..  _extconf-attributes-numberOfCompletions:

..  confval:: attributes.numberOfCompletions

    :type: integer
    :Default: `1`

    `Number of completions <https://platform.openai.com/docs/api-reference/chat/create#chat/create-n>`__
    to generate for each problem.

..  _extconf-cache-lifetime:

..  confval:: cache.lifetime

    :type: integer
    :Default: `86400` *(= 1 day)*

    Lifetime in seconds of the solutions cache.

    ..  tip::

        Use `0` to disable caching.