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Hi, I am working with TYPO3 CMS, and I have encountered an exception in my code.
The exception message reads as follows:

{exceptionClass}: "{exception.message -> f:format.raw()}"
<f:if condition="{exception.file}">in {exception.file}
{f:if(condition: exception.line, then: 'on line {exception.line}')}</f:if>

Here's the code snippet with line numbers where the exception occurred:

{snippet -> f:format.raw()}

Please note that this TYPO3 CMS installation is in {mode} mode and using
version {typo3Version}. The PHP version being used is {phpVersion}.

Please provide a solution that is efficient, effective, and robust, enabling the
TYPO3 CMS installation to function smoothly and without errors. Your response
should be written in Markdown format and include a detailed explanation of how
the solution works and why it is the most optimal solution to the problem. Please
ensure that the solution is clear and concise, and highlight relevant aspects of
the solution. Please ensure that any code snippets provided are correct, readable,
and maintainable.