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Test Coverage
# cat=basic//10; type=string; label=FQCN of the solution provider to use:Must implement the "EliasHaeussler\Typo3Solver\Solution\Provider\SolutionProvider" interface
provider = EliasHaeussler\Typo3Solver\Solution\Provider\OpenAISolutionProvider

# cat=basic//20; type=string; label=FQCN of the prompt to use:Must implement the "EliasHaeussler\Typo3Solver\Prompt\Prompt" interface
prompt = EliasHaeussler\Typo3Solver\Prompt\DefaultPrompt

# cat=basic//30; type=string; label=Ignored exception codes:Separated by comma
ignoredCodes =

# cat=api//10; type=string; label=OpenAI API key:Must be created on https://platform.openai.com/account/api-keys
api.key =

# cat=attributes//10; type=string; label=OpenAI model:You can list all available models by running the `solver:list-models` command
attributes.model = gpt-3.5-turbo-0301

# cat=attributes//20; type=int+; label=Maximum number of tokens to use per request
attributes.maxTokens = 300

# cat=attributes//30; type=string; label=Temperature to use for completion requests:Must be a float between 0 and 1
attributes.temperature = 0.5

# cat=attributes//40; type=int+; label=Number of provided completions:Must be an integer greater than 0
attributes.numberOfCompletions = 1

# cat=cache//10; type=int+; label=Lifetime of the solutions cache:Use "0" to disable caching
cache.lifetime = 86400