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# XML source for `cuyz/valinor`

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A Composer library that provides an additional XML source for use with
the popular [`cuyz/valinor`](https://github.com/CuyZ/Valinor) library.
This allows to easily map XML files or contents to any signature supported
by Valinor, e.g. objects or special array shapes. It leverages the
library to convert raw XML to a reusable array structure.

## 🔥 Installation

[![Packagist Downloads](https://img.shields.io/packagist/dt/eliashaeussler/valinor-xml?color=brightgreen)](https://packagist.org/packages/eliashaeussler/valinor-xml)

composer require eliashaeussler/valinor-xml

## ⚡ Usage

Given the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <name>Dr. Zane Stroman</name>
        <street>439 Karley Loaf</street>
        <city>West Judge</city>
        <country>Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</country>

These are the resulting classes:

final readonly class Address
    public function __construct(
        public string $street,
        public string $postcode,
        public string $city,
        public string $country,
    ) {}

final readonly class Contact
    public function __construct(
        public string $phone,
    ) {}

final readonly class Person
    public function __construct(
        public string $name,
        public Address $address,
        public Contact $contact,
    ) {}

### Mapping from XML string

In order to map the given XML to the `Person` class, you need
to follow these three steps:

1. Create a new mapper as written in [Valinor's documentation](https://valinor.cuyz.io/latest/getting-started/)
2. Parse and prepare your XML using the shipped [`XmlSource`](src/Mapper/Source/XmlSource.php)
3. Use the mapper to map your XML to the `Person` class

use CuyZ\Valinor;
use EliasHaeussler\ValinorXml;

$mapper = (new Valinor\MapperBuilder())->mapper();
$source = ValinorXml\Mapper\Source\XmlSource::fromXmlString($xml);
$person = $mapper->map(Person::class, $source); // instanceof Person

The resulting object will look something like this:

object(Person)#180 (3) {
  string(16) "Dr. Zane Stroman"
  object(Address)#135 (4) {
    string(15) "439 Karley Loaf"
    string(5) "17916"
    string(10) "West Judge"
    string(27) "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
  object(Contact)#205 (1) {
    string(12) "827-986-5852"

### Mapping from XML file

The XML can also be read from an external file:

use CuyZ\Valinor;
use EliasHaeussler\ValinorXml;

$mapper = (new Valinor\MapperBuilder())->mapper();
$source = ValinorXml\Mapper\Source\XmlSource::fromXmlFile($file);
$person = $mapper->map(Person::class, $source); // instanceof Person

### Convert nodes to collections

Sometimes it might be necessary to always convert XML nodes to
collections. Given the following XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <member><!-- ... --></member> <!-- NOTE: There's only one member -->

Let's assume you want to map this XML to the following class:

final readonly class Community
      * @param list<Person> $member
    public function __construct(
        public array $member,
    ) {}

You will recognize that this does not work as expected when using the
above mapping method:

use CuyZ\Valinor;
use EliasHaeussler\ValinorXml;

$mapper = (new Valinor\MapperBuilder())->mapper();
$source = ValinorXml\Mapper\Source\XmlSource::fromXmlFile($file);
$person = $mapper->map(Community::class, $source); // throws exception

It will instead throw an exception like this:

CuyZ\Valinor\Mapper\TypeTreeMapperError: Could not map type `Community` with value array{member: array{…}}.

This is because the XML converter does not know whether `<member>` should
be a collection or if it's just a "normal" node. That's why the `XmlSource`
provides an appropriate method to convert such nodes to collections:

use CuyZ\Valinor;
use EliasHaeussler\ValinorXml;

$mapper = (new Valinor\MapperBuilder())->mapper();
$source = ValinorXml\Mapper\Source\XmlSource::fromXmlFile($file)
$person = $mapper->map(Community::class, $source); // instanceof Community

The resulting object will look something like this:

object(Community)#76 (1) {
  array(1) {
    object(Person)#126 (3) {
      string(16) "Dr. Zane Stroman"
      object(Address)#170 (4) {
        string(15) "439 Karley Loaf"
        string(5) "17916"
        string(10) "West Judge"
        string(27) "Falkland Islands (Malvinas)"
      object(Contact)#252 (1) {
        string(12) "827-986-5852"

However, this is only relevant if only one node of the collection
exists in your XML. If the XML contains more than one node, the XML
converter properly converts them to a collection:

use CuyZ\Valinor;
use EliasHaeussler\ValinorXml;

$xml = <<<XML
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <member><!-- ... --></member>
    <member><!-- ... --></member>
    <member><!-- ... --></member>

$mapper = (new Valinor\MapperBuilder())->mapper();
$source = ValinorXml\Mapper\Source\XmlSource::fromXmlString($xml);
$person = $mapper->map(Community::class, $source); // instanceof Community

## 🧑‍💻 Contributing

Please have a look at [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](CONTRIBUTING.md).

## ⭐ License

This project is licensed under [GNU General Public License 3.0 (or later)](LICENSE).