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Test Coverage
// "gedcom publish" renders a GEDCOM file into HTML pages that can be shared and
// published easily.
// Usage
//   gedcom publish -gedcom file.ged
// You can view the full list of options using:
//   gedcom publish -help
package main

import (


func runPublishCommand() {
    var optionGedcomFile string
    var optionOutputDir string
    var optionGoogleAnalyticsID string
    var optionLivingVisibility string
    var optionJobs int

    var optionNoIndividuals bool
    var optionNoPlaces bool
    var optionNoFamilies bool
    var optionNoSurnames bool
    var optionNoSources bool
    var optionNoStatistics bool

    flag.StringVar(&optionGedcomFile, "gedcom", "", "Input GEDCOM file.")

    flag.StringVar(&optionOutputDir, "output-dir", ".", "Output directory. It"+
        " will use the current directory if output-dir is not provided. "+
        "Output files will only be added or replaced. Existing files will not"+
        " be deleted.")

    flag.StringVar(&optionGoogleAnalyticsID, "google-analytics-id", "",
        "The Google Analytics ID, like 'UA-78454410-2'.")

    flag.StringVar(&optionLivingVisibility, "living",
        html.LivingVisibilityPlaceholder, util.CLIDescription(`
            Controls how information for living individuals are handled:

            "show": Show all living individuals and their information.

            "hide": Remove all living individuals as if they never existed.

            "placeholder": Show a "Hidden" placeholder that only that
            individuals are known but will not be displayed.`))

    flag.IntVar(&optionJobs, "jobs", 1,
        "Increasing this value will consume more resources but render the"+
            "website faster. An ideal value would be the number of CPUs "+
            "available, if you can spare it.")

    flag.BoolVar(&optionNoIndividuals, "no-individuals", false,
        "Exclude Individuals.")

    flag.BoolVar(&optionNoPlaces, "no-places", false,
        "Exclude Places.")

    flag.BoolVar(&optionNoFamilies, "no-families", false,
        "Exclude Families.")

    flag.BoolVar(&optionNoSurnames, "no-surnames", false,
        "Exclude Surnames.")

    flag.BoolVar(&optionNoSources, "no-sources", false,
        "Exclude Sources.")

    flag.BoolVar(&optionNoStatistics, "no-statistics", false,
        "Exclude Statistics.")

    err := flag.CommandLine.Parse(os.Args[2:])
    if err != nil {

    if optionGedcomFile == "" {
        fatalln("-gedcom is required")

    file, err := os.Open(optionGedcomFile)
    if err != nil {

    decoder := gedcom.NewDecoder(file)
    document, err := decoder.Decode()
    if err != nil {

    options := &html.PublishShowOptions{
        ShowIndividuals:  !optionNoIndividuals,
        ShowPlaces:       !optionNoPlaces,
        ShowFamilies:     !optionNoFamilies,
        ShowSurnames:     !optionNoSurnames,
        ShowSources:      !optionNoSources,
        ShowStatistics:   !optionNoStatistics,
        LivingVisibility: html.NewLivingVisibility(optionLivingVisibility),

    writer := core.NewDirectoryFileWriter(optionOutputDir)
    writer.WillWriteFile = func(file *core.File) {
        log.Printf("%s/%s\n", optionOutputDir, file.Name)

    publisher := html.NewPublisher(document, options)
    err = publisher.Publish(writer, optionJobs)
    if err != nil {