// Decoding a Document
// Decoding a GEDCOM stream:
// ged := "0 HEAD\n1 CHAR UTF-8"
// decoder := gedcom.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(ged))
// document, err := decoder.Decode()
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
// If you are reading from a file you can use NewDocumentFromGEDCOMFile:
// document, err := gedcom.NewDocumentFromGEDCOMFile("family.ged")
// if err != nil {
// panic(err)
// }
package gedcom
import (
// See Decoder.consumeOptionalBOM().
var byteOrderMark = []byte{0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf}
// Decoder represents a GEDCOM decoder.
type Decoder struct {
r *bufio.Reader
// It is not valid for GEDCOM values to contain new lines or carriage
// returns. However, some application dump data without correctly using the
// CONT tags.
// Strictly speaking we should bail out with an error but there are too many
// cases that are difficult to clean up for consumers so we offer and option
// to permit it.
// When enabled any line than cannot be parsed will be considered an
// extension of the previous line (including the new line character).
AllowMultiLine bool
// AllowInvalidIndents allows a child node to have an indent greater than +1
// of the parent. AllowInvalidIndents is disabled by default because if this
// happens the GEDCOM file is broken in some possibly serious way and
// certainly not a valid GEDCOM file.
// The biggest problem with having the indents wrongly aligned is that nodes
// that are expected to be a certain depth (such as NPFX inside a NAME) will
// probably break or interfere with a traversal algorithm that is not
// expecting the node to be there/at that level.
// Another important thing to note is that the incorrect indent level will
// not be retained when writing the Document back to a GEDCOM.
AllowInvalidIndents bool
// Create a new decoder to parse a reader that contain GEDCOM data.
func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {
return &Decoder{
r: bufio.NewReader(r),
// Decode will parse the entire GEDCOM stream (until EOF is reached) and return
// a Document. If the GEDCOM stream is not valid then the document node will
// be nil and the error is returned.
// A blank GEDCOM or a GEDCOM that only contains empty lines is valid and a
// Document will be returned with zero nodes.
func (dec *Decoder) Decode() (*Document, error) {
document := NewDocument()
indents := Nodes{}
var family *FamilyNode
document.HasBOM = dec.consumeOptionalBOM()
finished := false
lineNumber := 0
// Only used when AllowMultiLine is enabled.
var previousNode Node
for !finished {
line, err := dec.readLine()
if err != nil {
if err != io.EOF {
return nil, err
finished = true
// Skip blank lines.
if line == "" {
if dec.AllowMultiLine && previousNode != nil {
previousNode.RawSimpleNode().value += "\n"
node, indent, err := parseLine(line, document, family)
if err != nil {
if dec.AllowMultiLine && previousNode != nil {
previousNode.RawSimpleNode().value += "\n" + line
return nil, fmt.Errorf("line %d: %s", lineNumber, err)
// Families cannot be nested so any children that appear after this node
// will be attached to the most recently seen family. We do not need to
// set this back to nil after we exit the family node.
if f, ok := node.(*FamilyNode); ok {
family = f
// Add a root node to the document.
if indent == 0 {
previousNode = node
// There can be multiple root nodes so make sure we always reset all
// indent pointers.
indents = Nodes{node}
if indent-1 >= len(indents) {
// This means the file is not valid. I have seen it in very rare
// cases. See full explanation in AllowInvalidIndents.
if dec.AllowInvalidIndents {
indent = len(indents)
} else {
"indent is too large - missing parent? at line %d: %s",
lineNumber, line))
i := indents[indent-1]
switch {
case indent >= len(indents):
// Descending one level. It is not valid for a child to have an
// indent that is more than one greater than the parent. This would
// be a corrupt GEDCOM and lead to a panic.
indents = append(indents, node)
case indent < len(indents)-1:
// Moving back to a parent. It is possible for this leap to be
// greater than one so trim the indent levels back as many times as
// needed to represent the new indent level.
indents = indents[:indent+1]
indents[indent] = node
// This case would be "indent == len(indents)-1" (the indent does
// not change from the previous line). However, since it is the only
// other logical possibility there is no need to evaluate it for the
// case condition.
// Make sure we update the current indent with the new node so that
// children get place on this node and not the previous one.
indents[indent] = node
previousNode = node
// Build the cache once.
return document, nil
func (dec *Decoder) trimNodeValue(previousNode Node) {
// When AllowMultiLine is enabled we have to be careful to trim the
// surrounding spaces off the value so it can be interpreted correct.
// Another solution would be to ignore blank lines entirely, but then we
// would miss the paragraph separators in multiline text.
if !IsNil(previousNode) {
newValue := strings.TrimSpace(previousNode.RawSimpleNode().value)
previousNode.RawSimpleNode().value = newValue
func (dec *Decoder) readLine() (string, error) {
buf := new(bytes.Buffer)
for {
b, err := dec.r.ReadByte()
if err != nil {
return string(buf.Bytes()), err
// The line endings in the GEDCOM files can be different. A newline and
// carriage return are both considered to be the end of the line and
// empty lines are ignored so we can treat both of these characters as
// independent line terminators.
if b == '\n' || b == '\r' {
return string(buf.Bytes()), nil
var lineRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^(\d) +(@[^@]+@ )?(\w+) ?(.*)?$`)
func parseLine(line string, document *Document, family *FamilyNode) (Node, int, error) {
parts := lineRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(line)
if len(parts) == 0 {
return nil, 0, fmt.Errorf("could not parse: %s", line)
// Indent (required).
indent, _ := strconv.Atoi(parts[1])
// Pointer (optional).
pointer := ""
if parts[2] != "" {
// Trim off the surrounding '@'.
pointer = parts[2][1 : len(parts[2])-2]
// Tag (required).
tag := TagFromString(parts[3])
// Value (optional).
value := parts[4]
return newNode(document, family, tag, value, pointer), indent, nil
// NewNode creates a node with no children. It is also the correct way to
// create a shallow copy of a node.
// If the node tag is recognised as a more specific type, such as *DateNode then
// that will be returned. Otherwise a *SimpleNode will be used.
func NewNode(tag Tag, value, pointer string, children ...Node) Node {
return newNodeWithChildren(nil, nil, tag, value, pointer, children)
func newNode(document *Document, family *FamilyNode, tag Tag, value, pointer string) Node {
return newNodeWithChildren(document, family, tag, value, pointer, nil)
func newNodeWithChildren(document *Document, family *FamilyNode, tag Tag, value, pointer string, children Nodes) Node {
var node Node
switch tag {
case TagBaptism:
node = NewBaptismNode(value, children...)
case TagBirth:
node = NewBirthNode(value, children...)
case TagBurial:
node = NewBurialNode(value, children...)
case TagChild:
needsFamily(family, tag)
node = newChildNode(family, value, children...)
case TagDate:
node = NewDateNode(value, children...)
case TagDeath:
node = NewDeathNode(value, children...)
case TagEvent:
node = NewEventNode(value, children...)
case TagFamily:
needsDocument(document, tag)
node = newFamilyNode(document, pointer, children...)
case UnofficialTagFamilySearchID1, UnofficialTagFamilySearchID2:
node = NewFamilySearchIDNode(tag, value, children...)
case TagFormat:
node = NewFormatNode(value, children...)
case TagHusband:
needsFamily(family, tag)
node = newHusbandNode(family, value, children...)
case TagIndividual:
needsDocument(document, tag)
node = newIndividualNode(document, pointer, children...)
case TagLatitude:
node = NewLatitudeNode(value, children...)
case TagLongitude:
node = NewLongitudeNode(value, children...)
case TagMap:
node = NewMapNode(value, children...)
case TagName:
node = NewNameNode(value, children...)
case TagNickname:
node = NewNicknameNode(value, children...)
case TagNote:
node = NewNoteNode(value, children...)
case TagPhonetic:
node = NewPhoneticVariationNode(value, children...)
case TagPlace:
node = NewPlaceNode(value, children...)
case TagResidence:
node = NewResidenceNode(value, children...)
case TagRomanized:
node = NewRomanizedVariationNode(value, children...)
case TagSex:
node = NewSexNode(value)
case TagSource:
node = NewSourceNode(value, pointer, children...)
case TagType:
node = NewTypeNode(value, children...)
case UnofficialTagUniqueID:
node = NewUniqueIDNode(value, children...)
case TagWife:
needsFamily(family, tag)
node = newWifeNode(family, value, children...)
if IsNil(node) {
node = newSimpleNode(tag, value, pointer, children...)
} else {
simpleNode := node.RawSimpleNode()
simpleNode.pointer = pointer
return node
func needsDocument(document *Document, tag Tag) {
if document == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot create %s without a document", tag))
func needsFamily(family *FamilyNode, tag Tag) {
if family == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cannot create %s without a family", tag))
// consumeOptionalBOM will test and discard the Byte Order Mark at the start of
// the stream.
// In order to keep the original stream as intact as possible when encoding the
// BOM will be written back if it existed originally.
// Use of a BOM is neither required nor recommended for UTF-8, but may be
// encountered in contexts where UTF-8 data is converted from other encoding
// forms that use a BOM or where the BOM is used as a UTF-8 signature. See the
// “Byte Order Mark” subsection in Section 16.8, Specials, for more information.
// - 2.6 Encoding Schemes,
func (dec *Decoder) consumeOptionalBOM() bool {
possibleBOM, _ := dec.r.Peek(3)
hasBOM := bytes.Compare(possibleBOM, byteOrderMark) == 0
if hasBOM {
return hasBOM