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// Traversing a Document
// On top of the raw document is a powerful API that takes care of the complex
// traversing of the Document. Here is a simple example:
//   for _, individual := range document.Individuals() {
//     fmt.Println(individual.Name().String())
//   }
// Some of the nodes in a GEDCOM file have been replaced with more function rich
// types, such as names, dates, families and more.
package gedcom

import (

const (
    // DefaultMaxLivingAge is used when creating a new document. See
    // Document.MaxLivingAge for a full description.
    DefaultMaxLivingAge = 100.0

    // DefaultMaxMarriageAge is the default age in which a spouse will begin to
    // produce MarriedTooOldWarnings.
    DefaultMaxMarriageAge = 100.0

    // DefaultMinMarriageAge is the default minimum age that a spouse is allowed
    // to be married.
    DefaultMinMarriageAge = 16.0

// Document represents a whole GEDCOM document. It is possible for a
// Document to contain zero Nodes, this means the GEDCOM file was empty. It
// may also (and usually) contain several Nodes.
// You should not instantiate a Document yourself because there are sensible
// defaults and cache that need to be setup. Use one of the NewDocument
// constructors instead.
type Document struct {
    // HasBOM controls if the encoded stream will start with the Byte Order
    // Mark.
    // This is not recommended by the UTF-8 standard and many applications will
    // have problems reading the data. However, streams that were decoded
    // containing the BOM will retain it so that the re-encoded stream is as
    // compatible and similar to the original stream as possible.
    // Also see Decoder.consumeOptionalBOM().
    HasBOM bool

    // MaxLivingAge is used by Individual.IsLiving to determine if an individual
    // without a DeathNode should be considered living.
    // 100 is chosen as a reasonable default. If you set it to 0 then an
    // individual will never be considered dead without a DeathNode.
    MaxLivingAge float64

    // nodes is private because we need to track changes.
    nodes Nodes

    // pointerCache is setup once when the document is created.
    pointerCache sync.Map // map[string]Node

    families FamilyNodes

// String will render the entire GEDCOM document.
// It is a shorthand for the more proper GEDCOMString() function.
func (doc *Document) String() string {
    return doc.GEDCOMString(0)

// GEDCOMString will render the entire GEDCOM document.
func (doc *Document) GEDCOMString(indent int) string {
    if doc == nil {
        return ""

    buf := bytes.NewBufferString("")

    encoder := NewEncoder(buf, doc)
    encoder.startIndent = indent

    err := encoder.Encode()
    if err != nil {
        return ""

    return buf.String()

// Individuals returns all of the people in the document.
func (doc *Document) Individuals() IndividualNodes {
    individuals := IndividualNodes{}

    for _, node := range doc.Nodes() {
        if n, ok := node.(*IndividualNode); ok {
            individuals = append(individuals, n)

    return individuals

func (doc *Document) buildPointerCache() {
    doc.pointerCache = sync.Map{}

    for _, node := range doc.Nodes() {
        pointer := node.Pointer()

        if pointer != "" {
            doc.pointerCache.Store(pointer, node)

// NodeByPointer returns the Node for a pointer value.
// If the pointer does not exist nil is returned.
func (doc *Document) NodeByPointer(ptr string) Node {
    node, ok := doc.pointerCache.Load(ptr)

    if !ok {
        return nil

    return node.(Node)

// Families returns the family entities in the document.
func (doc *Document) Families() (families FamilyNodes) {
    if doc.families != nil {
        return doc.families

    defer func() {
        doc.families = families

    families = FamilyNodes{}

    for _, node := range doc.Nodes() {
        if n, ok := node.(*FamilyNode); ok {
            families = append(families, n)

    return families

// TODO: needs tests
func (doc *Document) Places() map[*PlaceNode]Node {
    places := map[*PlaceNode]Node{}

    for _, node := range doc.Nodes() {
        extractPlaces(node, places)

    return places

func extractPlaces(n Node, dest map[*PlaceNode]Node) {
    for _, node := range n.Nodes() {
        if place, ok := node.(*PlaceNode); ok {
            // The place points to the parent node which is the thing that the
            // place is describing.
            dest[place] = n
        } else {
            extractPlaces(node, dest)

// TODO: Needs tests
func (doc *Document) Sources() []*SourceNode {
    sources := []*SourceNode{}

    for _, node := range doc.Nodes() {
        if n, ok := node.(*SourceNode); ok {
            sources = append(sources, n)

    return sources

// AddNode appends a node to the document.
// If the node is nil this function has no effect.
// If the node already exists it will be added again. This will cause problems
// with duplicate references.
func (doc *Document) AddNode(node Node) {
    if !IsNil(node) {
        doc.nodes = append(doc.nodes, node)

func (doc *Document) addPointerToCache(node Node) {
    pointer := node.Pointer()

    if pointer != "" {
        doc.pointerCache.Store(pointer, node)

    // Clear cache.
    switch node.Tag() {
    case TagFamily:
        doc.families = nil

// Nodes returns the root nodes for the document.
// It is important that the slice returned is not manually manipulated (such as
// appending) because it may cause the internal cache to all out of sync. You
// may manipulate the nodes themselves.
func (doc *Document) Nodes() Nodes {
    return doc.nodes

// NewDocumentFromGEDCOMFile returns a decoded Document from the provided file.
// If the file does not exist, be read or parse then an error is returned and
// the document will be nil.
func NewDocumentFromGEDCOMFile(path string) (*Document, error) {
    file, err := os.Open(path)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    decoder := NewDecoder(file)
    return decoder.Decode()

// NewDocumentFromString creates a document from a string containing GEDCOM
// data.
// An error is returned if a line cannot be parsed.
func NewDocumentFromString(gedcom string) (*Document, error) {
    decoder := NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(gedcom))

    return decoder.Decode()

// NewDocument returns an empty document.
func NewDocument() *Document {
    return &Document{
        MaxLivingAge: DefaultMaxLivingAge,

// NewDocumentWithNodes creates a new document with the provided root nodes.
func NewDocumentWithNodes(nodes Nodes) *Document {
    document := NewDocument()
    document.nodes = nodes

    return document

func (doc *Document) nonIndividuals() Nodes {
    nodes := Nodes{}

    for _, node := range doc.Nodes() {
        if _, ok := node.(*IndividualNode); !ok {
            nodes = append(nodes, node)

    return nodes

func (doc *Document) SetNodes(nodes Nodes) {
    doc.nodes = nodes

func individuals(doc *Document) IndividualNodes {
    if doc == nil {
        return nil

    return doc.Individuals()

func nonIndividuals(doc *Document) Nodes {
    if doc == nil {
        return nil

    return doc.nonIndividuals()

func (doc *Document) AddIndividual(pointer string, children ...Node) *IndividualNode {
    node := newIndividualNode(doc, pointer, children...)

    // I know this is a bad option, but it's an easy option. If we add a new
    // individual we need to reset any cache on the individuals. Rather than
    // work out which individuals need to be reset we just do them all.
    for _, individual := range doc.Individuals() {

    return node

func (doc *Document) AddFamily(pointer string) *FamilyNode {
    node := newFamilyNode(doc, pointer)

    // I know this is a bad option, but it's an easy option. If we add a new
    // individual we need to reset any cache on the individuals. Rather than
    // work out which individuals need to be reset we just do them all.
    for _, family := range doc.Families() {

    return node

func (doc *Document) AddFamilyWithHusbandAndWife(pointer string, husband, wife *IndividualNode) *FamilyNode {
    familyNode := doc.AddFamily(pointer)

    return familyNode

func (doc *Document) DeleteNode(node Node) (didDelete bool) {
    doc.nodes, didDelete = doc.nodes.deleteNode(node)


func (doc *Document) Warnings() (warnings Warnings) {
    context := WarningContext{}

    for _, node := range doc.nodes {
        if individual, ok := node.(*IndividualNode); ok {
            context.Individual = individual
            context.Family = nil

        if family, ok := node.(*FamilyNode); ok {
            context.Individual = nil
            context.Family = family

        Filter(node, doc, func(node Node) (newNode Node, traverseChildren bool) {
            if warner, ok := node.(Warner); ok {
                for _, warning := range warner.Warnings() {
                    warnings = append(warnings, warning)

            return node, true
