package gedcom
// NoIndent can be used with GEDCOMLine and GEDCOMString so that the output does
// not contain the indent-levels.
const NoIndent = -1
// GEDCOMLiner allows an instance to return the single-line GEDCOM value as a
// string. This excludes any child nodes.
type GEDCOMLiner interface {
// GEDCOMLine will return a single GEDCOM line, excluding children and with
// an optional indent-level.
// The indent will only be included if it is at least 0. If you want to use
// GEDCOMLine to compare the string values of nodes or exclude the indent
// you should use the NoIndent constant.
// It is not safe to invoke GEDCOMLine on a nil value. Use GEDCOMLine() for
// a safer alternative.
GEDCOMLine(indent int) string
// GEDCOMStringer allows an instance to be rendered as multi-line GEDCOM.
// GEDCOMStringer can be thought of as a superset of GEDCOMLiner, often sharing
// the same line. However, for some entities (such as a Document) it does not
// make sense to implement GEDCOMLiner as well.
type GEDCOMStringer interface {
// GEDCOMString returns the multi-line GEDCOM that includes an optional
// indent for each line.
// The indent will only be included if it is at least 0. If you want to use
// GEDCOMString to compare the string values of nodes or exclude the indent
// you should use the NoIndent constant.
// It is not safe to invoke GEDCOMString on a nil value. Use GEDCOMString()
// for a safer alternative.
GEDCOMString(indent int) string
// GEDCOMLine is the safer alternative to GEDCOMLiner.GEDCOMLine. It will handle
// nils gracefully, returning an empty string.
func GEDCOMLine(value GEDCOMLiner, indent int) string {
if IsNil(value) {
return ""
return value.GEDCOMLine(indent)
// GEDCOMString is the safer alternative to GEDCOMStringer.GEDCOMString. It will
// handle nils gracefully, returning an empty string.
func GEDCOMString(value GEDCOMStringer, indent int) string {
if IsNil(value) {
return ""
return value.GEDCOMString(indent)