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package gedcom

import "strings"

// IndividualComparison is the result of two compared individuals.
type IndividualComparison struct {
    // Left or Right may be nil, but never both.
    Left, Right *IndividualNode

    // Similarity will only contain a usable value if Left and Right are not
    // nil. Otherwise, Similarity may contain any unexpected value.
    Similarity *SurroundingSimilarity

    // This is an internal flag when a comparison is known to be equal so that
    // it doesn't need to be tested again.
    certainMatch bool

// IndividualComparisons is a slice of IndividualComparison instances.
type IndividualComparisons []*IndividualComparison

func NewIndividualComparison(Left, Right *IndividualNode, Similarity *SurroundingSimilarity) *IndividualComparison {
    return &IndividualComparison{
        Left:       Left,
        Right:      Right,
        Similarity: Similarity,

// String returns each comparison string on its own like, like:
//   John Smith <-> John H Smith (0.833333)
//   Jane Doe <-> (none) (?)
//   (none) <-> Joe Bloggs (?)
func (comparisons IndividualComparisons) String() string {
    lines := []string{}

    for _, comparison := range comparisons {
        lines = append(lines, comparison.String())

    return strings.Join(lines, "\n")