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// Merging
// There are several functions available that handle different kinds of merging:
// - MergeNodes(left, right Node) Node: returns a new node that merges children
// from both nodes.
// - MergeNodeSlices(left, right Nodes, mergeFn MergeFunction) Nodes: merges
// two slices based on the mergeFn. This allows more advanced merging when
// dealing with slices of nodes.
// - MergeDocuments(left, right *Document, mergeFn MergeFunction) *Document:
// creates a new document with their respective nodes merged. You can use
// IndividualBySurroundingSimilarityMergeFunction with this to merge
// individuals, rather than just appending them all.
// The MergeFunction is a type that can be received in some of the merging
// functions. The closure determines if two nodes should be merged and what the
// result would be. Alternatively it can also describe when two nodes should not
// be merged.
// You may certainly create your own MergeFunction, but there are some that are
// already included:
// - IndividualBySurroundingSimilarityMergeFunction creates a MergeFunction that
// will merge individuals if their surrounding similarity is at least
// minimumSimilarity.
// - EqualityMergeFunction is a MergeFunction that will return a merged node if
// the node are considered equal (with Equals).
package gedcom

import (

// MergeFunction will do one of two things:
// 1. If the nodes should be merged, it must return a new new node.
// 2. If the nodes should not or could not be merged, then nil is returned.
// A MergeFunction can be used with MergeNodeSlices.
// The document parameter is used as the destination for merged nodes that need
// to be attached to a document (such as individuals).
type MergeFunction func(left, right Node, document *Document) Node

// MergeNodes returns a new node that merges children from both nodes.
// If either of the nodes are nil, or they are not the same tag an error will be
// returned and the result node will be nil.
// The node returned and all of the merged children will be created as new
// nodes as to not interfere with the original input.
// The document must not be nil and will be used to attach the new nodes to
// (since some nodes require a document, such as individuals). You may supply
// the same document.
func MergeNodes(left, right Node, document *Document) (Node, error) {
    if IsNil(left) {
        return nil, errors.New("left is nil")

    if IsNil(right) {
        return nil, errors.New("right is nil")

    leftTag := left.Tag()
    rightTag := right.Tag()

    // We can only proceed if the nodes can be merged.
    if !leftTag.Is(rightTag) {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("cannot merge %s and %s nodes",
            leftTag.Tag(), rightTag.Tag())

    r := DeepCopy(left, document)

    for _, child := range right.Nodes() {
        for _, n := range r.Nodes() {
            if n.Equals(child) {
                newNodes := MergeNodeSlices(child.Nodes(), n.Nodes(), document,
                goto next


    return r, nil

// MergeNodeSlices merges two slices based on the mergeFn.
// The MergeFunction must not be nil, but may return nil. See MergeFunction for
// usage.
// The left and right may contain zero elements or be nil, these mean the same
// thing.
// MergeNodeSlices makes some guarantees about the result:
// 1. The result slice will contain at least the length of the greatest length
// of left and right. So if len(left) = 3 and len(right) = 5 then the result
// slice will have a minimum of 5 items. If both slices are empty or nil the
// minimum length will also be zero.
// 2. The result slice will not contain more elements than the sum of the
// lengths of the left and right. So if len(left) = 3 and len(right) = 5 then
// the largest possible slice returned is 8.
// 3. All of the nodes returned will be deep copies of the original nodes so it
// is safe to manipulate the result in any way without affecting the original
// input slices.
// 4. Any element from the left or right may only be merged once. That is to say
// that if a merge happens between a left and right node that the result node
// cannot be merged again.
// 5. Merges can only happen between a node on the left with a node on the
// right. Even if two nodes in the left could be merged they will not be. The
// same goes for all of the elements in the right slice.
// The document must not be nil and will be used to attach the new nodes to
// (since some nodes require a document, such as individuals). You may supply
// the same document.
func MergeNodeSlices(left, right Nodes, document *Document, mergeFn MergeFunction) Nodes {
    newSlice := Nodes{}

    // Be careful to duplicate the right slice. I'm not sure why this is
    // necessary but the unit tests that reuse mergeDocumentsTests will fail if
    // we do not have this.
    newRight := make(Nodes, len(right))
    copy(newRight, right)
    right = newRight

    // We start by adding all of the items on the left.
    for _, node := range left {
        newSlice = append(newSlice, DeepCopy(node, document))

    // Each of the items on the right must be compared with all of the items in
    // the slice, which starts off with all the items from the left but will
    // grow.
    // If the right item does not match anything previously seen then it is
    // appended to the end. Otherwise the left node is removed and the new
    // merged node is place on the end of the new slice.
    // We can guarantee that all the items on the left will be inserted once.
    // However, one obvious problem is that the items on the right may be merged
    // multiple times into a single left element, or even be merged into an
    // element previously appended from the right.
    // To get around this behavior we have to keep track of when a node has
    // already been replaced with a merged one. This gives us the same
    // guarantees for the items on the right.

    alreadyMerged := NodeSet{}

    for len(right) > 0 {
        found := false

        for i := 0; i < len(newSlice); i++ {
            node := newSlice[i]

            // Skip any nodes that were previously marked as merged.
            if alreadyMerged.Has(node) {
                goto next

            for j, node2 := range right {
                merged := mergeFn(node, node2, document)
                if !IsNil(merged) {
                    // Remove the current node, and append the new merged one.
                    // This will change the order, but the order of nodes
                    // doesn't matter in GEDCOM files.
                    newSlice = append(newSlice[:i], newSlice[i+1:]...)
                    newSlice = append(newSlice, merged)

                    // We also have to remove the matching right node, otherwise
                    // we may get stuck into an infinite loop.
                    right = append(right[:j], right[j+1:]...)

                    // Record the fact that this new node has been merged so it
                    // will be avoided next time, even in the case of a merge
                    // candidate.

                    found = true

        if !found {
            // See the comment above about why we need to mark the new right
            // node as already merged.
            newNode := DeepCopy(right[0], document)

            newSlice = append(newSlice, newNode)
            right = right[1:]

    return newSlice

// MergeDocuments creates a new document with their respective nodes merged.
// The MergeFunction must not be nil, but may return nil. See MergeFunction for
// usage.
// The left and right may be nil. This is treated as an empty document.
// The result document will have a deep copy of all nodes. So it's safe to
// manipulate the nodes without affecting the original nodes.
// Individuals will not be merged amongst each other, only appended to the final
// document. To merge similar individuals see MergeDocumentsAndIndividuals.
// The document (third parameter) must not be nil and will be used to attach the
// new nodes to (since some nodes require a document, such as individuals). You
// may supply the same document.
func MergeDocuments(left, right *Document, document *Document, mergeFn MergeFunction) *Document {
    var leftNodes, rightNodes Nodes

    if left != nil {
        leftNodes = left.Nodes()

    if right != nil {
        rightNodes = right.Nodes()

    newNodes := MergeNodeSlices(leftNodes, rightNodes, document, mergeFn)

    return NewDocumentWithNodes(newNodes)

// MergeDocumentsAndIndividuals merges two documents while also merging similar
// individuals. A new document will be returned.
// The MergeFunction must not be nil, but may return nil. It will only be used
// for nodes that are not individuals. See MergeFunction for usage.
// The options must be provided.
func MergeDocumentsAndIndividuals(left, right *Document, mergeFn MergeFunction, options *IndividualNodesCompareOptions) (*Document, error) {
    // Merge individuals.
    leftIndividuals := individuals(left)
    rightIndividuals := individuals(right)

    document := NewDocument()
    mergedIndividuals, err := leftIndividuals.Merge(rightIndividuals, document, options)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    // Merge non-individuals.
    leftOther := nonIndividuals(left)
    rightOther := nonIndividuals(right)

    mergedOther := MergeNodeSlices(leftOther, rightOther, document, mergeFn)

    allNodes := append(mergedIndividuals.Nodes(), mergedOther...)

    return NewDocumentWithNodes(allNodes), nil

// IndividualBySurroundingSimilarityMergeFunction creates a MergeFunction that
// will merge individuals if their surrounding similarity is at least
// minimumSimilarity.
// If either of the nodes are not IndividualNode instances then it will always
// return nil so they will not be merged.
// The minimumSimilarity should be value between 0.0 and 1.0. The options must
// not be nil, you should use NewSimilarityOptions() for sensible defaults.
// The document must not be nil and will determine where the merged nodes will
// end up. This is important for nodes that need to be attached to a document.
func IndividualBySurroundingSimilarityMergeFunction(minimumSimilarity float64, options SimilarityOptions) MergeFunction {
    return func(left, right Node, document *Document) Node {
        leftIndividual, leftOK := left.(*IndividualNode)
        rightIndividual, rightOK := right.(*IndividualNode)

        // Either side is not an individual.
        if !leftOK || !rightOK {
            return nil

        similarity := leftIndividual.SurroundingSimilarity(rightIndividual, options, false)

        if similarity.WeightedSimilarity() > minimumSimilarity {
            // Ignore the error here because left and right must be the same
            // type.
            mergedIndividuals, _ := MergeNodes(left, right, document)

            return mergedIndividuals

        // Do not merge.
        return nil

// EqualityMergeFunction is a MergeFunction that will return a merged node if
// the node are considered equal (with Equals). This is probably the most
// generic case when doing general merges.
// The document must not be nil and will be used to attach the merged nodes as
// some nodes need a document to be created (such as Individual nodes).
func EqualityMergeFunction(left, right Node, document *Document) Node {
    if left.Equals(right) {
        merged, err := MergeNodes(left, right, document)
        if err != nil {
            return nil

        return merged

    return nil