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package gedcom

import "fmt"

// SimilarityOptions is used by all of the functions that calculate the
// similarity or otherwise compare entities. This struct allows many things to
// be tweaked. However, not all of the values are used by all of the functions.
// Use NewSimilarityOptions() to choose sensible defaults that are best for most
// general cases.
type SimilarityOptions struct {
    // MinimumSimilarity is the threshold for matching individuals as the same
    // person. This is used to compare only the individual (not surrounding
    // family) like spouses and children. See DefaultMinimumSimilarity.
    MinimumSimilarity float64

    // MinimumWeightedSimilarity is the threshold for whether two individuals
    // should be the seen as the same person when the surrounding immediate
    // family is taken into consideration. See WeightedSimilarity().
    MinimumWeightedSimilarity float64

    // MaxYears is the maximum error margin (in years) that two dates can be
    // different before they are assume to not be the same. See
    // DefaultMaxYearsForSimilarity.
    MaxYears float64

    // All four of these must sum up to 1.0.
    IndividualWeight, ParentsWeight, SpousesWeight, ChildrenWeight float64

    // NameToDateRatio describes the ratio between the weight of the individuals
    // name to their combined estimated birth and death dates. A value of 0.0
    // would not take into account the individuals name at all, whereas 1.0
    // would not take into account any dates. A sensible default is 0.5.
    NameToDateRatio float64

    // JaroBoostThreshold and JaroPrefixSize are used by the JaroWinkler
    // function. They affect the properties of names are compared. The default
    // values for each of these can be found in the constants
    // DefaultJaroWinklerBoostThreshold and DefaultJaroWinklerPrefixSize. Their
    // values have been chosen with "gedcom tune".
    JaroBoostThreshold float64
    JaroPrefixSize     int

    // PreferPointerAbove controls if two individuals should be considered a
    // match by their pointer value.
    // The default value is DefaultMinimumSimilarity which means that the
    // individuals will be considered a match if they share the same pointer and
    // hit the same default minimum similarity.
    // A value of 1.0 would have to be a perfect match to be considered equal on
    // their pointer, this is the same as disabling the feature.
    // A value of 0.0 would mean that it always trusts the pointer match, even
    // if the individuals are nothing alike.
    // PreferPointerAbove makes sense when you are comparing documents that have
    // come from the same base and retained the pointers between individuals of
    // the existing data.
    PreferPointerAbove float64

// NewSimilarityOptions returns sensible defaults that are used around many of
// the similarity functions.
func NewSimilarityOptions() SimilarityOptions {
    return SimilarityOptions{
        MaxYears:                  DefaultMaxYearsForSimilarity,
        MinimumSimilarity:         DefaultMinimumSimilarity,
        MinimumWeightedSimilarity: DefaultMinimumSimilarity,

        // All four of these must sum up to 1.0.
        IndividualWeight: 0.8,
        ParentsWeight:    0.2 / 3,
        SpousesWeight:    0.2 / 3,
        ChildrenWeight:   0.2 - (0.4 / 3),

        NameToDateRatio:    0.5,
        JaroBoostThreshold: DefaultJaroWinklerBoostThreshold,
        JaroPrefixSize:     DefaultJaroWinklerPrefixSize,

        // Allow individuals to me matched using their pointer if they hit the
        // same default minimum threshold.
        PreferPointerAbove: DefaultMinimumSimilarity,

// String renders the options as a comma-separated string.
func (options SimilarityOptions) String() string {
    s := fmt.Sprintf("%#v", options)
    sLen := len(s)

    return s[25 : sLen-1]

func (options SimilarityOptions) canSkipExtraProcessing(individualSimilarity float64) bool {
    actual := individualSimilarity * options.IndividualWeight
    threshold := options.MinimumWeightedSimilarity -
        options.ParentsWeight -
        options.SpousesWeight -

    return actual <= threshold