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Test Coverage
package gedcom

import (

// StringSet represents a slice of strings where all elements are unique (a
// set).
type StringSet struct {
    elements sync.Map // map[string]struct{}

// NewStringSet creates a new StringSet that is initialized with zero or more
// elements.
// See Add() for semantics.
func NewStringSet(elements ...string) *StringSet {
    ss := &StringSet{}

    return ss.Add(elements...)

// Add will append zero more strings to the set. If any of the elements already
// exist in the set they will be ignored.
func (ss *StringSet) Add(elements ...string) *StringSet {
    for _, element := range elements {
        ss.elements.Store(element, nil)

    return ss

// Has returns true if the string exists in the set.
func (ss *StringSet) Has(element string) bool {
    _, ok := ss.elements.Load(element)

    return ok

// Intersects returns true if the two sets contain at least one value that is
// the same.
func (ss *StringSet) Intersects(ss2 *StringSet) bool {
    found := false
    ss.elements.Range(func(key, _ interface{}) bool {
        if ss2.Has(key.(string)) {
            found = true
            return false

        return true

    return found

// Iterate will iterate all items, similar to a "for range".
// The order of the elements will change between successive iterations.
// The iteration will stop if the fn returns false.
func (ss *StringSet) Iterate(fn func(string) bool) {
    ss.elements.Range(func(key, _ interface{}) bool {
        if !fn(key.(string)) {
            return false

        return true

// Len returns the number of elements in the set.
func (ss *StringSet) Len() (len int) {
    ss.elements.Range(func(_, _ interface{}) bool {
        return true


// Strings returns all the values as a slice of strings. The result is always
// sorted.
func (ss *StringSet) Strings() (elements []string) {
    ss.Iterate(func(element string) bool {
        elements = append(elements, element)

        return true



// String returns all of the items sorted, in the form of:
//   (bar,foo)
func (ss *StringSet) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("(%s)", strings.Join(ss.Strings(), ","))