import type { Key, KeyVariadic, Obj } from '../types'import clone from './clone'import { isArray, isObject, isString } from './is' /** * Get property parts. * * @param {Object} holder - Target object where to look property up. * @param {string|string[]} key - Dot notation, like `'a.b.c'` or `['a', 'b', 'c']`. * @return {string[]} - Array-type keys. */function getPropParts(holder: Record<Key, unknown>, key: KeyVariadic): Key[] { return Array.isArray(key) ? clone(key) : (key + '').split('.')} /** * Determines whether the object has the given property. * * @param {Object} holder - Target object where to look property up. * @param {string} propPart - The current key of array-type keys. * @param {string[]} propParts - Array-type keys. * @param {string} property - The property to look up. * @return {boolean} */function hasProperty<T extends Record<Key, unknown>>( holder: T, propPart: Key, propParts: Key[], property: Key): property is keyof T { return property in holder && propPart !== property && !(propPart in holder)} /** * Get property value. * * @param {Object} holder - Target object where to look property up. * @param {string[]} propParts - Array-type keys * @return {*} - Property value */Function `getValue` has a Cognitive Complexity of 14 (exceeds 5 allowed). Consider refactoring.function getValue(holder: Record<Key, unknown>, propParts: Key[]): unknown { let result: unknown = holder while (propParts.length && (isObject(result) || isArray(result))) { const propPart = propParts.shift() as Key if (propPart === null) { continue } if (isObject(result)) { if (hasProperty(result, propPart, propParts, 'data')) { propParts.unshift(propPart) result = continue } if (hasProperty(result, propPart, propParts, 'attributes')) { propParts.unshift(propPart) result = result.attributes continue } result = result[propPart + ''] } else { result = result[Number(propPart)] } } return result} /** * Get property defined by dot notation in string. * * Based on {@link} (MIT) * * @param {Object} holder - Target object where to look property up. * @param {string|string[]} key - Dot notation, like `'a.b.c'` or `['a', 'b', 'c']`. * @return {*} - A property value. */function getProp(holder: Obj<unknown>, key: KeyVariadic): unknown { if (!key) { return holder } if (isString(key) && key in holder) { return holder[key] } const propParts = getPropParts(holder, key) return getValue(holder, propParts)} export default getProp