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Test Coverage
package edit

import (


type complexCandidateOpts struct {
    CodeSuffix string
    Display    any

func (*complexCandidateOpts) SetDefaultOptions() {}

func complexCandidate(fm *eval.Frame, opts complexCandidateOpts, stem string) (complexItem, error) {
    var display ui.Text
    switch displayOpt := opts.Display.(type) {
    case nil:
        // Leave display = nil
    case string:
        display = ui.T(displayOpt)
    case ui.Text:
        display = displayOpt
        return complexItem{}, errs.BadValue{What: "&display",
            Valid: "string or styled", Actual: vals.ReprPlain(displayOpt)}
    return complexItem{
        Stem:       stem,
        CodeSuffix: opts.CodeSuffix,
        Display:    display,
    }, nil

func completionStart(ed *Editor, bindings tk.Bindings, ev *eval.Evaler, cfg complete.Config, smart bool) {
    codeArea, ok := focusedCodeArea(ed.app)
    if !ok {
    if smart {
    buf := codeArea.CopyState().Buffer
    result, err := complete.Complete(
        complete.CodeBuffer{Content: buf.Content, Dot: buf.Dot}, ev, cfg)
    if err != nil {
    if smart {
        prefix := ""
        for i, item := range result.Items {
            if i == 0 {
                prefix = item.ToInsert
            prefix = commonPrefix(prefix, item.ToInsert)
            if prefix == "" {
        if prefix != "" {
            insertedPrefix := false
            codeArea.MutateState(func(s *tk.CodeAreaState) {
                rep := s.Buffer.Content[result.Replace.From:result.Replace.To]
                if len(prefix) > len(rep) && strings.HasPrefix(prefix, rep) {
                    s.Pending = tk.PendingCode{
                        Content: prefix,
                        From:    result.Replace.From, To: result.Replace.To}
                    insertedPrefix = true
            if insertedPrefix {
    w, err := modes.NewCompletion(ed.app, modes.CompletionSpec{
        Name: result.Name, Replace: result.Replace, Items: result.Items,
        Filter: filterSpec, Bindings: bindings,
    if w != nil {
    if err != nil {

func initCompletion(ed *Editor, ev *eval.Evaler, nb eval.NsBuilder) {
    bindingVar := newBindingVar(emptyBindingsMap)
    bindings := newMapBindings(ed, ev, bindingVar)
    matcherMapVar := newMapVar(vals.EmptyMap)
    argGeneratorMapVar := newMapVar(vals.EmptyMap)
    cfg := func() complete.Config {
        return complete.Config{
            Filterer: adaptMatcherMap(
                ed, ev, matcherMapVar.Get().(vals.Map)),
            ArgGenerator: adaptArgGeneratorMap(
                ev, argGeneratorMapVar.Get().(vals.Map)),
    generateForSudo := func(args []string) ([]complete.RawItem, error) {
        return complete.GenerateForSudo(args, ev, cfg())
        "complete-filename": wrapArgGenerator(complete.GenerateFileNames),
        "complete-getopt":   completeGetopt,
        "complete-sudo":     wrapArgGenerator(generateForSudo),
        "complex-candidate": complexCandidate,
        "match-prefix":      wrapMatcher(strings.HasPrefix),
        "match-subseq":      wrapMatcher(strutil.HasSubseq),
        "match-substr":      wrapMatcher(strings.Contains),
    app := ed.app
                "arg-completer": argGeneratorMapVar,
                "binding":       bindingVar,
                "matcher":       matcherMapVar,
                "accept":      func() { listingAccept(app) },
                "smart-start": func() { completionStart(ed, bindings, ev, cfg(), true) },
                "start":       func() { completionStart(ed, bindings, ev, cfg(), false) },
                "up":          func() { listingUp(app) },
                "down":        func() { listingDown(app) },
                "up-cycle":    func() { listingUpCycle(app) },
                "down-cycle":  func() { listingDownCycle(app) },
                "left":        func() { listingLeft(app) },
                "right":       func() { listingRight(app) },

// A wrapper type implementing Elvish value methods.
type complexItem complete.ComplexItem

func (c complexItem) Index(k any) (any, bool) {
    switch k {
    case "stem":
        return c.Stem, true
    case "code-suffix":
        return c.CodeSuffix, true
    case "display":
        return c.Display, true
    return nil, false

func (c complexItem) IterateKeys(f func(any) bool) {
    vals.Feed(f, "stem", "code-suffix", "display")

func (c complexItem) Kind() string { return "map" }

func (c complexItem) Equal(a any) bool {
    rhs, ok := a.(complexItem)
    return ok && c.Stem == rhs.Stem &&
        c.CodeSuffix == rhs.CodeSuffix && reflect.DeepEqual(c.Display, rhs.Display)

func (c complexItem) Hash() uint32 {
    h := hash.DJBInit
    h = hash.DJBCombine(h, hash.String(c.Stem))
    h = hash.DJBCombine(h, hash.String(c.CodeSuffix))
    // TODO: Add c.Display
    return h

func (c complexItem) Repr(indent int) string {
    // TODO(xiaq): Pretty-print when indent >= 0
    return fmt.Sprintf("(edit:complex-candidate %s &code-suffix=%s &display=%s)",
        parse.Quote(c.Stem), parse.Quote(c.CodeSuffix), vals.Repr(c.Display, indent+1))

type wrappedArgGenerator func(*eval.Frame, ...string) error

// Wraps an ArgGenerator into a function that can be then passed to
// eval.NewGoFn.
func wrapArgGenerator(gen complete.ArgGenerator) wrappedArgGenerator {
    return func(fm *eval.Frame, args ...string) error {
        rawItems, err := gen(args)
        if err != nil {
            return err
        out := fm.ValueOutput()
        for _, rawItem := range rawItems {
            var v any
            switch rawItem := rawItem.(type) {
            case complete.ComplexItem:
                v = complexItem(rawItem)
            case complete.PlainItem:
                v = string(rawItem)
                v = rawItem
            err := out.Put(v)
            if err != nil {
                return err
        return nil

func commonPrefix(s1, s2 string) string {
    for i, r := range s1 {
        if s2 == "" {
        r2, n2 := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(s2)
        if r2 != r {
            return s1[:i]
        s2 = s2[n2:]
    return s1

// The type for a native Go matcher. This is not equivalent to the Elvish
// counterpart, which streams input and output. This is because we can actually
// afford calling a Go function for each item, so omitting the streaming
// behavior makes the implementation simpler.
// Native Go matchers are wrapped into Elvish matchers, but never the other way
// around.
// This type is satisfied by strings.Contains and strings.HasPrefix; they are
// wrapped into match-substr and match-prefix respectively.
type matcher func(text, seed string) bool

type matcherOpts struct {
    IgnoreCase bool
    SmartCase  bool

func (*matcherOpts) SetDefaultOptions() {}

type wrappedMatcher func(fm *eval.Frame, opts matcherOpts, seed string, inputs eval.Inputs) error

func wrapMatcher(m matcher) wrappedMatcher {
    return func(fm *eval.Frame, opts matcherOpts, seed string, inputs eval.Inputs) error {
        out := fm.ValueOutput()
        var errOut error
        if opts.IgnoreCase || (opts.SmartCase && seed == strings.ToLower(seed)) {
            if opts.IgnoreCase {
                seed = strings.ToLower(seed)
            inputs(func(v any) {
                if errOut != nil {
                errOut = out.Put(m(strings.ToLower(vals.ToString(v)), seed))
        } else {
            inputs(func(v any) {
                if errOut != nil {
                errOut = out.Put(m(vals.ToString(v), seed))
        return errOut

// Adapts $edit:completion:matcher into a Filterer.
func adaptMatcherMap(nt notifier, ev *eval.Evaler, m vals.Map) complete.Filterer {
    return func(ctxName, seed string, rawItems []complete.RawItem) []complete.RawItem {
        matcher, ok := lookupFn(m, ctxName)
        if !ok {
                "matcher for %s not a function, falling back to prefix matching", ctxName)
        if matcher == nil {
            return complete.FilterPrefix(ctxName, seed, rawItems)
        input := make(chan any)
        stopInputFeeder := make(chan struct{})
        defer close(stopInputFeeder)
        // Feed a string representing all raw candidates to the input channel.
        go func() {
            defer close(input)
            for _, rawItem := range rawItems {
                select {
                case input <- rawItem.String():
                case <-stopInputFeeder:

        // TODO: Supply the Chan component of port 2.
        port1, collect, err := eval.ValueCapturePort()
        if err != nil {
            nt.notifyf("cannot create pipe to run completion matcher: %v", err)
            return nil

        err = ev.Call(matcher,
            eval.CallCfg{Args: []any{seed}, From: "[editor matcher]"},
            eval.EvalCfg{Ports: []*eval.Port{
                // TODO: Supply the Chan component of port 2.
                {Chan: input, File: eval.DevNull}, port1, {File: os.Stderr}}})
        outputs := collect()

        if err != nil {
            nt.notifyError("matcher", err)
            // Continue with whatever values have been output
        if len(outputs) != len(rawItems) {
                "matcher has output %v values, not equal to %v inputs",
                len(outputs), len(rawItems))
        filtered := []complete.RawItem{}
        for i := 0; i < len(rawItems) && i < len(outputs); i++ {
            if vals.Bool(outputs[i]) {
                filtered = append(filtered, rawItems[i])
        return filtered

func adaptArgGeneratorMap(ev *eval.Evaler, m vals.Map) complete.ArgGenerator {
    return func(args []string) ([]complete.RawItem, error) {
        gen, ok := lookupFn(m, args[0])
        if !ok {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("arg completer for %s not a function", args[0])
        if gen == nil {
            return complete.GenerateFileNames(args)
        argValues := make([]any, len(args))
        for i, arg := range args {
            argValues[i] = arg
        var output []complete.RawItem
        var outputMutex sync.Mutex
        collect := func(item complete.RawItem) {
            defer outputMutex.Unlock()
            output = append(output, item)
        valueCb := func(ch <-chan any) {
            for v := range ch {
                switch v := v.(type) {
                case string:
                case complexItem:
        bytesCb := func(r *os.File) {
            buffered := bufio.NewReader(r)
            for {
                line, err := buffered.ReadString('\n')
                if line != "" {
                if err != nil {
        port1, done, err := eval.PipePort(valueCb, bytesCb)
        if err != nil {
        err = ev.Call(gen,
            eval.CallCfg{Args: argValues, From: "[editor arg generator]"},
            eval.EvalCfg{Ports: []*eval.Port{
                // TODO: Supply the Chan component of port 2.
                nil, port1, {File: os.Stderr}}})

        return output, err

func lookupFn(m vals.Map, ctxName string) (eval.Callable, bool) {
    val, ok := m.Index(ctxName)
    if !ok {
        val, ok = m.Index("")
    if !ok {
        // No matcher, but not an error either
        return nil, true
    fn, ok := val.(eval.Callable)
    if !ok {
        return nil, false
    return fn, true