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// Package elvdoc extracts doc comments of Elvish variables and functions.
// An elvdoc is a continuous sequence of comment lines that consist of:
//  1. An optional sequence of "directive" lines, which start with "#" followed
//     immediately by a non-space character.
//  2. Any number of content lines, which are either a lone "#", or starts with
//     "# ".
// Elvdocs can appear before "var" or "fn" declarations, or at the top of the
// module.
// There is one directive recognized by this package, "#doc:show-unstable".
// Normally, symbols starting with "-" are ignored by this package, but adding
// this directive suppresses that behavior. All other directives are left
// unprocessed and returned.
// This package doesn't require the content lines to follow any syntax, but
// other packages like pkg/mods/doc and the website generator assume them to be
// Markdown.
package elvdoc

import (


// Docs records doc comments.
type Docs struct {
    File *FileEntry
    Fns  []Entry
    Vars []Entry

// FileEntry stores the file-level elvdoc.
type FileEntry struct {
    Directives []string
    Content    string
    LineNo     int

// Entry stores the elvdoc for a particular symbol.
type Entry struct {
    Name       string
    Directives []string
    Content    string
    LineNo     int // 1-based line number for the first line of Content. 0 if Content is empty.
    Fn         *Fn // Function-specific information, nil for variables.

// Returns e.Content, prepended with function usage if applicable.
func (e Entry) FullContent() string {
    if e.Fn == nil {
        return e.Content
    return fmt.Sprintf("```elvish\n%s\n```\n\n%s", e.Fn.Usage, e.Content)

// Fn stores fn-specific information.
type Fn struct {
    // The signature without surrounding pipes, like "a @b".
    Signature string
    // Usage information converted from the original declaration. The function
    // name is qualified, like "ns:f $a $b...".
    Usage string

// ExtractAllFromFS extracts elvdocs of all modules found under fsys, and returns a map
// from the symbol prefix of a module ("" for builtin, "$mod:" for any other $mod).
// See [ExtractFromFS] for how modules correspond to files.
func ExtractAllFromFS(fsys fs.FS) (map[string]Docs, error) {
    prefixes := []string{"", "edit:"}
    modDirs, _ := fs.ReadDir(fsys, "mods")
    for _, modDir := range modDirs {
        if modDir.IsDir() {
            prefixes = append(prefixes, modDir.Name()+":")

    prefixToDocs := map[string]Docs{}
    for _, prefix := range prefixes {
        var err error
        prefixToDocs[prefix], err = ExtractFromFS(fsys, prefix)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("extracting for prefix %q: %w", prefix, err)
    return prefixToDocs, nil

// ExtractFromFS extracts elvdoc of a module from fsys. The symbolPrefix is used
// to look up which files to read:
//   - "": eval/*.elv (the builtin module)
//   - "edit:": edit/*.elv
//   - "$mod:": mods/$mod/*.elv
// If symbolPrefix is not empty and doesn't end in ":", this function panics.
func ExtractFromFS(fsys fs.FS, symbolPrefix string) (Docs, error) {
    var subdir string
    switch symbolPrefix {
    case "":
        subdir = "eval"
    case "edit:":
        subdir = "edit"
        if !strings.HasSuffix(symbolPrefix, ":") {
            panic("symbolPrefix must be empty or ends in :")
        subdir = "mods/" + symbolPrefix[:len(symbolPrefix)-1]
    filenames, err := fs.Glob(fsys, subdir+"/*.elv")
    if err != nil {
        return Docs{}, err
    // Prepare to concatenate subDir/*.elv into one [io.Reader] to pass to
    // [Extract].
    var readers []io.Reader
    for _, filename := range filenames {
        file, err := fsys.Open(filename)
        if err != nil {
            return Docs{}, err
        // Insert an empty line between adjacent files so that the comment
        // block at the end of one file doesn't get merged with the comment
        // block at the start of the next file.
        readers = append(readers, file, strings.NewReader("\n\n"))
    return Extract(io.MultiReader(readers...), symbolPrefix)

const (
    singleQuoted = `'(?:[^']|'')*'`
    doubleQuoted = `"(?:[^\\"]|\\.)*"`
    // Bareword, single-quoted and double-quoted. The bareword pattern covers
    // more than what's allowed in Elvish syntax, but that's OK as the context
    // we'll use it in requires a string literal.
    stringLiteralGroup = `([^ '"]+|` + singleQuoted + `|` + doubleQuoted + `)`
    // Any run of non-pipe non-quote runes, or quoted strings. Again this covers
    // a superset of what's allowed, but that's OK.
    signatureGroup = `((?:[^|'"]|` + singleQuoted + `|` + doubleQuoted + `)*)`

var (
    // Groups:
    // 1. Name
    // 2. Signature (part inside ||)
    // TODO: Support multi-line function signatures.
    fnRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^fn +` + stringLiteralGroup + ` +\{(?: *\|` + signatureGroup + `\|)?`)
    // Groups:
    // 1. Name
    varRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^var +` + stringLiteralGroup)

const showUnstable = "#doc:show-unstable"

// Keeps the state of the current elvdoc block.
// An elvdoc block contains a number of consecutive comment lines, followed
// optionally by directive lines (#doc:html-id or #doc:show-unstable), and ends
// with a fn/var/#doc:fn line.
type blockState struct {
    directives   []string
    content      []string
    startLineNo  int
    showUnstable bool

// Uses the state to set relevant fields in the Entry, and resets the state.
func (b *blockState) finish() (directives []string, content string, lineNo int, showUnstable bool) {
    directives, content, lineNo, showUnstable = b.directives, strutil.JoinLines(b.content), b.startLineNo, b.showUnstable
    *b = blockState{}

// Extract extracts the elvdoc of one module from an Elvish source.
func Extract(r io.Reader, symbolPrefix string) (Docs, error) {
    var docs Docs
    var block blockState
    scanner := bufio.NewScanner(r)
    lineNo := 0
    maybeSetFileEntry := func() {
        // This is a somewhat simplistic criteria for "top of the file", but
        // it's good enough for now.
        if len(docs.Vars) == 0 && len(docs.Fns) == 0 {
            if len(block.directives) > 0 || len(block.content) > 0 {
                directives, content, lineNo, _ := block.finish()
                docs.File = &FileEntry{directives, content, lineNo}
    for scanner.Scan() {
        line := scanner.Text()
        if line == "#" || strings.HasPrefix(line, "# ") {
            if len(block.content) == 0 {
                block.startLineNo = lineNo
            if line == "#" {
                block.content = append(block.content, "")
            } else {
                block.content = append(block.content, line[2:])
        } else if strings.HasPrefix(line, "#") {
            if len(block.content) > 0 {
                return Docs{}, fmt.Errorf("line %d: directive must appear at top of elvdoc block", lineNo)
            if line == showUnstable {
                block.showUnstable = true
            } else {
                block.directives = append(block.directives, line[1:])
        } else if m := fnRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
            name, sig := unquote(m[1]), m[2]
            qname := symbolPrefix + name
            usage := fnUsage(qname, sig)
            directives, content, lineNo, showUnstable := block.finish()
            if showUnstable || !unstable(name) {
                docs.Fns = append(docs.Fns,
                    Entry{qname, directives, content, lineNo, &Fn{sig, usage}})
        } else if m := varRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
            name := unquote(m[1])
            directives, content, lineNo, showUnstable := block.finish()
            if showUnstable || !unstable(name) {
                docs.Vars = append(docs.Vars,
                    Entry{"$" + symbolPrefix + name, directives, content, lineNo, nil})
        } else {
            block = blockState{}

    return docs, scanner.Err()

func unquote(s string) string {
    pn := &parse.Primary{}
    // TODO: Handle error
    parse.ParseAs(parse.Source{Code: s}, pn, parse.Config{})
    return pn.Value

func fnUsage(name, sig string) string {
    var sb strings.Builder
    for _, field := range sigFields(sig) {
        sb.WriteByte(' ')
        if strings.HasPrefix(field, "&") {
        } else if strings.HasPrefix(field, "@") {
            sb.WriteString("$" + field[1:] + "...")
        } else {
            sb.WriteString("$" + field)
    return sb.String()

func sigFields(sig string) []string {
    pn := &parse.Primary{}
    // TODO: Handle error
    parse.ParseAs(parse.Source{Code: "{|" + sig + "|}"}, pn, parse.Config{})
    var fields []string
    for _, n := range parse.Children(pn) {
        if _, isSep := n.(*parse.Sep); isSep {
        s := strings.TrimSpace(parse.SourceText(n))
        if s != "" {
            fields = append(fields, s)
    return fields

func unstable(s string) bool { return s != "-" && strings.HasPrefix(s, "-") }