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package eval

import (


// An operation with some side effects.
type effectOp interface{ exec(*Frame) Exception }

func (cp *compiler) chunkOp(n *parse.Chunk) effectOp {
    return chunkOp{n.Range(), cp.pipelineOps(n.Pipelines)}

type chunkOp struct {
    subops []effectOp

func (op chunkOp) exec(fm *Frame) Exception {
    for _, subop := range op.subops {
        exc := subop.exec(fm)
        if exc != nil {
            return exc
    // Check for interrupts after the chunk.
    // We also check for interrupts before each pipeline, so there is no
    // need to check it before the chunk or after each pipeline.
    if fm.Canceled() {
        return fm.errorp(op, ErrInterrupted)
    return nil

func (cp *compiler) pipelineOp(n *parse.Pipeline) effectOp {
    formOps := cp.formOps(n.Forms)

    return &pipelineOp{n.Range(), n.Background, parse.SourceText(n), formOps}

func (cp *compiler) pipelineOps(ns []*parse.Pipeline) []effectOp {
    ops := make([]effectOp, len(ns))
    for i, n := range ns {
        ops[i] = cp.pipelineOp(n)
    return ops

type pipelineOp struct {
    bg     bool
    source string
    subops []effectOp

const pipelineChanBufferSize = 32

func (op *pipelineOp) exec(fm *Frame) Exception {
    if fm.Canceled() {
        return fm.errorp(op, ErrInterrupted)

    if op.bg {
        fm = fm.Fork("background job" + op.source)
        fm.ctx = context.Background()
        fm.background = true

    nforms := len(op.subops)

    var wg sync.WaitGroup
    excs := make([]Exception, nforms)

    var nextIn *Port

    // For each form, create a dedicated evalCtx and run asynchronously
    for i, formOp := range op.subops {
        newFm := fm.Fork("[form op]")
        inputIsPipe := i > 0
        outputIsPipe := i < nforms-1
        if inputIsPipe {
            newFm.ports[0] = nextIn
        if outputIsPipe {
            // Each internal port pair consists of a (byte) pipe pair and a
            // channel.
            // os.Pipe sets O_CLOEXEC, which is what we want.
            reader, writer, e := os.Pipe()
            if e != nil {
                return fm.errorpf(op, "failed to create pipe: %s", e)
            ch := make(chan any, pipelineChanBufferSize)
            sendStop := make(chan struct{})
            sendError := new(error)
            readerGone := new(atomic.Bool)
            newFm.ports[1] = &Port{
                File: writer, Chan: ch,
                closeFile: true, closeChan: true,
                sendStop: sendStop, sendError: sendError, readerGone: readerGone}
            nextIn = &Port{
                File: reader, Chan: ch,
                closeFile: true, closeChan: false,
                // Store in input port for ease of retrieval later
                sendStop: sendStop, sendError: sendError, readerGone: readerGone}
        f := func(formOp effectOp, pexc *Exception) {
            exc := formOp.exec(newFm)
            if exc != nil && !(outputIsPipe && isReaderGone(exc)) {
                *pexc = exc
            if inputIsPipe {
                input := newFm.ports[0]
                *input.sendError = errs.ReaderGone{}
        if i == nforms-1 && !op.bg {
            f(formOp, &excs[i])
        } else {
            go f(formOp, &excs[i])

    if op.bg {
        // Background job, wait for form termination asynchronously.
        go func() {
            if notify := fm.Evaler.BgJobNotify; notify != nil {
                msg := "job " + op.source + " finished"
                err := MakePipelineError(excs)
                if err != nil {
                    msg += ", errors = " + err.Error()
                if fm.Evaler.getNotifyBgJobSuccess() || err != nil {
        return nil
    return fm.errorp(op, MakePipelineError(excs))

func isReaderGone(exc Exception) bool {
    _, ok := exc.Reason().(errs.ReaderGone)
    return ok

func (cp *compiler) formOp(n *parse.Form) effectOp {
    var tempLValues []lvalue
    var assignmentOps []effectOp
    if len(n.Assignments) > 0 {
        if n.Head == nil {
            cp.errorpf(n, `using the syntax of temporary assignment for non-temporary assignment is no longer supported; use "var" or "set" instead`)
            return nopOp{}
        } else {
            as := n.Assignments
            cp.deprecate(diag.MixedRanging(as[0], as[len(as)-1]),
                `the legacy temporary assignment syntax is deprecated; use "tmp" instead`, 18)
        assignmentOps = cp.assignmentOps(n.Assignments)
        for _, a := range n.Assignments {
            lvalues := cp.parseIndexingLValue(a.Left, setLValue|newLValue)
            tempLValues = append(tempLValues, lvalues.lvalues...)
        logger.Println("temporary assignment of", len(n.Assignments), "pairs")

    redirOps := cp.redirOps(n.Redirs)
    body := cp.formBody(n)

    return &formOp{n.Range(), tempLValues, assignmentOps, redirOps, body}

func (cp *compiler) formBody(n *parse.Form) formBody {
    if n.Head == nil {
        // Compiling an incomplete form node, return an empty body.
        return formBody{}

    // Determine if this form is a special command.
    if head, ok := cmpd.StringLiteral(n.Head); ok {
        special, _ := resolveCmdHeadInternally(cp, head, n.Head)
        if special != nil {
            specialOp := special(cp, n)
            return formBody{specialOp: specialOp}

    var headOp valuesOp
    if head, ok := cmpd.StringLiteral(n.Head); ok {
        // Head is a literal string: resolve to function or external (special
        // commands are already handled above).
        if _, fnRef := resolveCmdHeadInternally(cp, head, n.Head); fnRef != nil {
            headOp = variableOp{n.Head.Range(), false, head + FnSuffix, fnRef}
        } else {
            cp.autofixUnresolvedVar(head + FnSuffix)
            if cp.currentPragma().unknownCommandIsExternal || fsutil.DontSearch(head) {
                headOp = literalValues(n.Head, NewExternalCmd(head))
            } else {
                cp.errorpf(n.Head, "unknown command disallowed by current pragma")
    } else {
        // Head is not a literal string: evaluate as a normal expression.
        headOp = cp.compoundOp(n.Head)

    argOps := cp.compoundOps(n.Args)
    optsOp := cp.mapPairs(n.Opts)
    return formBody{ordinaryCmd: ordinaryCmd{headOp, argOps, optsOp}}

func (cp *compiler) formOps(ns []*parse.Form) []effectOp {
    ops := make([]effectOp, len(ns))
    for i, n := range ns {
        ops[i] = cp.formOp(n)
    return ops

type formOp struct {
    tempLValues   []lvalue
    tempAssignOps []effectOp
    redirOps      []effectOp
    body          formBody

type formBody struct {
    // Exactly one field will be populated.
    specialOp   effectOp
    assignOp    effectOp
    ordinaryCmd ordinaryCmd

type ordinaryCmd struct {
    headOp valuesOp
    argOps []valuesOp
    optsOp *mapPairsOp

func (op *formOp) exec(fm *Frame) (errRet Exception) {
    // fm here is always a sub-frame created in compiler.pipeline, so it can
    // be safely modified.

    // Temporary assignment.
    if len(op.tempLValues) > 0 {
        // There is a temporary assignment.
        // Save variables.
        var saveVars []vars.Var
        var saveVals []any
        for _, lv := range op.tempLValues {
            variable, err := derefLValue(fm, lv)
            if err != nil {
                return fm.errorp(op, err)
            saveVars = append(saveVars, variable)
        for i, v := range saveVars {
            // TODO(xiaq): If the variable to save is a elemVariable, save
            // the outermost variable instead.
            if u := vars.HeadOfElement(v); u != nil {
                v = u
                saveVars[i] = v
            val := v.Get()
            saveVals = append(saveVals, val)
            logger.Printf("saved %s = %s", v, val)
        // Do assignment.
        for _, subop := range op.tempAssignOps {
            exc := subop.exec(fm)
            if exc != nil {
                return exc
        // Defer variable restoration. Will be executed even if an error
        // occurs when evaling other part of the form.
        defer func() {
            for i, v := range saveVars {
                val := saveVals[i]
                if val == nil {
                    // TODO(xiaq): Old value is nonexistent. We should delete
                    // the variable. However, since the compiler now doesn't
                    // delete it, we don't delete it in the evaler either.
                    val = ""
                err := v.Set(val)
                if err != nil {
                    errRet = fm.errorp(op, err)
                logger.Printf("restored %s = %s", v, val)

    // Redirections.
    for _, redirOp := range op.redirOps {
        exc := redirOp.exec(fm)
        if exc != nil {
            return exc

    if op.body.specialOp != nil {
        return op.body.specialOp.exec(fm)
    if op.body.assignOp != nil {
        return op.body.assignOp.exec(fm)

    // Ordinary command: evaluate head, arguments and options.
    cmd := op.body.ordinaryCmd

    // Special case: evaluating an incomplete form node. Return directly.
    if cmd.headOp == nil {
        return nil

    headFn, err := evalForCommand(fm, cmd.headOp, "command")
    if err != nil {
        return fm.errorp(cmd.headOp, err)

    var args []any
    for _, argOp := range cmd.argOps {
        moreArgs, exc := argOp.exec(fm)
        if exc != nil {
            return exc
        args = append(args, moreArgs...)

    // TODO(xiaq): This conversion should be avoided.
    convertedOpts := make(map[string]any)
    exc := cmd.optsOp.exec(fm, func(k, v any) Exception {
        if ks, ok := k.(string); ok {
            convertedOpts[ks] = v
            return nil
        // TODO(xiaq): Point to the particular key.
        return fm.errorp(op, errs.BadValue{
            What: "option key", Valid: "string", Actual: vals.Kind(k)})
    if exc != nil {
        return exc

    fm.traceback = fm.addTraceback(op)
    err = headFn.Call(fm, args, convertedOpts)
    if exc, ok := err.(Exception); ok {
        return exc
    return &exception{err, fm.traceback}

func evalForCommand(fm *Frame, op valuesOp, what string) (Callable, error) {
    value, err := evalForValue(fm, op, what)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    switch value := value.(type) {
    case Callable:
        return value, nil
    case string:
        if fsutil.DontSearch(value) {
            return NewExternalCmd(value), nil
    return nil, fm.errorp(op, errs.BadValue{
        What:   what,
        Valid:  "callable or string containing slash",
        Actual: vals.ReprPlain(value)})

func allTrue(vs []any) bool {
    for _, v := range vs {
        if !vals.Bool(v) {
            return false
    return true

func (cp *compiler) assignmentOp(n *parse.Assignment) effectOp {
    lhs := cp.parseIndexingLValue(n.Left, setLValue|newLValue)
    rhs := cp.compoundOp(n.Right)
    return &assignOp{n.Range(), lhs, rhs, false}

func (cp *compiler) assignmentOps(ns []*parse.Assignment) []effectOp {
    ops := make([]effectOp, len(ns))
    for i, n := range ns {
        ops[i] = cp.assignmentOp(n)
    return ops

const defaultFileRedirPerm = 0644

// redir compiles a Redir into a op.
func (cp *compiler) redirOp(n *parse.Redir) effectOp {
    var dstOp valuesOp
    if n.Left != nil {
        dstOp = cp.compoundOp(n.Left)
    flag := makeFlag(n.Mode)
    if flag == -1 {
        // TODO: Record and get redirection sign position
        cp.errorpf(n, "bad redirection sign")
    return &redirOp{n.Range(), dstOp, cp.compoundOp(n.Right), n.RightIsFd, n.Mode, flag}

func (cp *compiler) redirOps(ns []*parse.Redir) []effectOp {
    ops := make([]effectOp, len(ns))
    for i, n := range ns {
        ops[i] = cp.redirOp(n)
    return ops

func makeFlag(m parse.RedirMode) int {
    switch m {
    case parse.Read:
        return os.O_RDONLY
    case parse.Write:
        return os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREATE | os.O_TRUNC
    case parse.ReadWrite:
        return os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREATE
    case parse.Append:
        return os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREATE | os.O_APPEND
        return -1

type redirOp struct {
    dstOp   valuesOp
    srcOp   valuesOp
    srcIsFd bool
    mode    parse.RedirMode
    flag    int

type InvalidFD struct{ FD int }

func (err InvalidFD) Error() string { return fmt.Sprintf("invalid fd: %d", err.FD) }

func (op *redirOp) exec(fm *Frame) Exception {
    var dst int
    if op.dstOp == nil {
        // No explicit FD destination specified; use default destinations
        switch op.mode {
        case parse.Read:
            dst = 0
        case parse.Write, parse.ReadWrite, parse.Append:
            dst = 1
            return fm.errorpf(op, "bad RedirMode; parser bug")
    } else {
        // An explicit FD destination specified, evaluate it.
        var err error
        dst, err = evalForFd(fm, op.dstOp, false, "redirection destination")
        if err != nil {
            return fm.errorp(op, err)

    growPorts(&fm.ports, dst+1)

    if op.srcIsFd {
        src, err := evalForFd(fm, op.srcOp, true, "redirection source")
        if err != nil {
            return fm.errorp(op, err)
        switch {
        case src == -1:
            // close
            fm.ports[dst] = &Port{
                // Ensure that writing to value output throws an exception
                sendStop: closedSendStop, sendError: &ErrPortDoesNotSupportValueOutput}
        case src >= len(fm.ports) || fm.ports[src] == nil:
            return fm.errorp(op, InvalidFD{FD: src})
            fm.ports[dst] = fm.ports[src].fork()
        return nil
    src, err := evalForValue(fm, op.srcOp, "redirection source")
    if err != nil {
        return fm.errorp(op, err)
    switch src := src.(type) {
    case string:
        f, err := os.OpenFile(src, op.flag, defaultFileRedirPerm)
        if err != nil {
            return fm.errorpf(op, "failed to open file %s: %s", vals.ReprPlain(src), err)
        fm.ports[dst] = fileRedirPort(op.mode, f, true)
    case vals.File:
        fm.ports[dst] = fileRedirPort(op.mode, src, false)
    case vals.Map, vals.StructMap:
        var srcFile *os.File
        switch op.mode {
        case parse.Read:
            v, err := vals.Index(src, "r")
            f, ok := v.(*os.File)
            if err != nil || !ok {
                return fm.errorp(op.srcOp, errs.BadValue{
                    What:   "map for input redirection",
                    Valid:  "map with file in the 'r' field",
                    Actual: vals.ReprPlain(src)})
            srcFile = f
        case parse.Write:
            v, err := vals.Index(src, "w")
            f, ok := v.(*os.File)
            if err != nil || !ok {
                return fm.errorp(op.srcOp, errs.BadValue{
                    What:   "map for output redirection",
                    Valid:  "map with file in the 'w' field",
                    Actual: vals.ReprPlain(src)})
            srcFile = f
            return fm.errorpf(op, "can only use < or > with maps")
        fm.ports[dst] = fileRedirPort(op.mode, srcFile, false)
        return fm.errorp(op.srcOp, errs.BadValue{
            What:  "redirection source",
            Valid: "string, file or map", Actual: vals.Kind(src)})
    return nil

// Creates a port that only have a file component, populating the
// channel-related fields with suitable values depending on the redirection
// mode.
func fileRedirPort(mode parse.RedirMode, f *os.File, closeFile bool) *Port {
    if mode == parse.Read {
        return &Port{
            File: f, closeFile: closeFile,
            // ClosedChan produces no values when reading.
            Chan: ClosedChan,
    return &Port{
        File: f, closeFile: closeFile,
        // Throws errValueOutputIsClosed when writing.
        Chan: nil, sendStop: closedSendStop, sendError: &ErrPortDoesNotSupportValueOutput,

// Makes the size of *ports at least n, adding nil's if necessary.
func growPorts(ports *[]*Port, n int) {
    if len(*ports) >= n {
    oldPorts := *ports
    *ports = make([]*Port, n)
    copy(*ports, oldPorts)

func evalForFd(fm *Frame, op valuesOp, closeOK bool, what string) (int, error) {
    value, err := evalForValue(fm, op, what)
    if err != nil {
        return -1, err
    switch value {
    case "stdin":
        return 0, nil
    case "stdout":
        return 1, nil
    case "stderr":
        return 2, nil
    var fd int
    if vals.ScanToGo(value, &fd) == nil {
        return fd, nil
    } else if value == "-" && closeOK {
        return -1, nil
    valid := "fd name or number"
    if closeOK {
        valid = "fd name or number or '-'"
    return -1, fm.errorp(op, errs.BadValue{
        What: what, Valid: valid, Actual: vals.ReprPlain(value)})

type seqOp struct{ subops []effectOp }

func (op seqOp) exec(fm *Frame) Exception {
    for _, subop := range op.subops {
        exc := subop.exec(fm)
        if exc != nil {
            return exc
    return nil

type nopOp struct{}

func (nopOp) exec(fm *Frame) Exception { return nil }