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// Package glob implements globbing for elvish.
package glob

import (

// TODO: On Windows, preserve the original path separator (/ or \) specified in
// the glob pattern.

// PathInfo keeps a path resulting from glob expansion and its FileInfo. The
// FileInfo is useful for efficiently determining if a given pathname satisfies
// a particular constraint without doing an extra stat.
type PathInfo struct {
    // The generated path, consistent with the original glob pattern. It cannot
    // be replaced by Info.Name(), which is just the final path component.
    Path string
    Info os.FileInfo

// Glob returns a list of file names satisfying the given pattern.
func Glob(p string, cb func(PathInfo) bool) bool {
    return Parse(p).Glob(cb)

// Glob returns a list of file names satisfying the Pattern.
func (p Pattern) Glob(cb func(PathInfo) bool) bool {
    segs := p.Segments
    dir := ""

    // TODO(xiaq): This is a hack solely for supporting globs that start with
    // ~ (tilde) in the eval package.
    if p.DirOverride != "" {
        dir = p.DirOverride

    if len(segs) > 0 && IsSlash(segs[0]) {
        segs = segs[1:]
        dir += "/"
    } else if runtime.GOOS == "windows" && len(segs) > 1 && IsLiteral(segs[0]) && IsSlash(segs[1]) {
        // TODO: Handle Windows UNC paths.
        elem := segs[0].(Literal).Data
        if isDrive(elem) {
            segs = segs[2:]
            dir = elem + "/"

    return glob(segs, dir, cb)

// isLetter returns true if the byte is an ASCII letter.
func isLetter(chr byte) bool {
    return ('a' <= chr && chr <= 'z') || ('A' <= chr && chr <= 'Z')

// isDrive returns true if the string looks like a Windows drive letter path prefix.
func isDrive(s string) bool {
    return len(s) == 2 && s[1] == ':' && isLetter(s[0])

// glob finds all filenames matching the given Segments in the given dir, and
// calls the callback on all of them. If the callback returns false, globbing is
// interrupted, and glob returns false. Otherwise it returns true. Files that
// can't be lstat'ed and directories that can't be read are ignored silently.
func glob(segs []Segment, dir string, cb func(PathInfo) bool) bool {
    // Consume non-wildcard path elements simply by following the path. This may
    // seem like an optimization, but is actually required for "." and ".." to
    // be used as path elements, as they do not appear in the result of ReadDir.
    // It is also required for handling directory components that are actually
    // symbolic links to directories.
    for len(segs) > 1 && IsLiteral(segs[0]) && IsSlash(segs[1]) {
        elem := segs[0].(Literal).Data
        segs = segs[2:]
        dir += elem + "/"
        // This will correctly resolve symbolic links when they appear literally
        // (e.g. in "link-to-dir/*") despite the use of Lstat, since a trailing
        // slash always causes symbolic links to be resolved
        // (https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/basedefs/V1_chap04.html#tag_04_13).
        if info, err := os.Lstat(dir); err != nil || !info.IsDir() {
            return true

    if len(segs) == 0 {
        if info, err := os.Lstat(dir); err == nil {
            return cb(PathInfo{dir, info})
        return true
    } else if len(segs) == 1 && IsLiteral(segs[0]) {
        path := dir + segs[0].(Literal).Data
        if info, err := os.Lstat(path); err == nil {
            return cb(PathInfo{path, info})
        return true

    infos, err := readDir(dir)
    if err != nil {
        // Ignore directories that can't be read.
        return true

    i := -1
    // nexti moves i to the next index in segs that is either / or ** (in other
    // words, something that matches /).
    nexti := func() {
        for i++; i < len(segs); i++ {
            if IsSlash(segs[i]) || IsWild1(segs[i], StarStar) {

    // Enumerate the position of the first slash. In the presence of multiple
    // **'s in the pattern, the first slash may be in any of those.
    // For instance, in x**y**z, the first slash may be in the first ** or the
    // second:
    // 1) If it is in the first, then pattern is equivalent to x*/**y**z. We
    //    match directories with x* and recurse in each subdirectory with the
    //    pattern **y**z.
    // 2) If it is the in the second, we know that since the first ** can no
    //    longer contain any slashes, we treat it as * (this is done in
    //    matchElement). The pattern is now equivalent to x*y*/**z. We match
    //    directories with x*y* and recurse in each subdirectory with the
    //    pattern **z.
    // The rules are:
    // 1) For each **, we treat it as */** and all previous ones as *. We match
    //    subdirectories with the part before /, and recurse in subdirectories
    //    with the pattern after /.
    // 2) If a literal / is encountered, we return after recursing in the
    //    subdirectories.
    for i < len(segs) {
        slash := IsSlash(segs[i])
        var first, rest []Segment
        if slash {
            // segs = x/y. Match dir with x, recurse on y.
            first, rest = segs[:i], segs[i+1:]
        } else {
            // segs = x**y. Match dir with x*, recurse on **y.
            first, rest = segs[:i+1], segs[i:]

        for _, info := range infos {
            name := info.Name()
            if matchElement(first, name) && info.IsDir() {
                if !glob(rest, dir+name+"/", cb) {
                    return false

        if slash {
            // First slash cannot appear later than a slash in the pattern.
            return true

    // If we reach here, it is possible to have no slashes at all. Simply match
    // the entire pattern with all files.
    for _, info := range infos {
        name := info.Name()
        if matchElement(segs, name) {
            fullname := dir + name
            info, err := os.Lstat(fullname)
            if err != nil {
                // Either the file was removed between ReadDir and Lstat, or the
                // OS has some special rule that prevents it from being lstat'ed
                // (see b.elv.sh/1674 for a known case on macOS; SELinux and
                // FreeBSD's MAC might be able to do the same). In either case,
                // ignore the file.
            if !cb(PathInfo{fullname, info}) {
                return false
    return true

// readDir is just like os.ReadDir except that it treats an argument of "" as ".".
func readDir(dir string) ([]os.DirEntry, error) {
    if dir == "" {
        dir = "."
    return os.ReadDir(dir)

// matchElement matches a path element against segments, which may not contain
// any Slash segments. It treats StarStar segments as they are Star segments.
func matchElement(segs []Segment, name string) bool {
    if len(segs) == 0 {
        return name == ""
    // If the name start with "." and the first segment is a Wild, only match
    // when MatchHidden is true.
    if len(name) > 0 && name[0] == '.' && IsWild(segs[0]) && !segs[0].(Wild).MatchHidden {
        return false
    for len(segs) > 0 {
        // Find a chunk. A chunk is an optional Star followed by a run of
        // fixed-length segments (Literal and Question).
        var i int
        for i = 1; i < len(segs); i++ {
            if IsWild2(segs[i], Star, StarStar) {

        chunk := segs[:i]
        startsWithStar := IsWild2(chunk[0], Star, StarStar)
        var startingStar Wild
        if startsWithStar {
            startingStar = chunk[0].(Wild)
            chunk = chunk[1:]
        segs = segs[i:]

        // TODO: Implement a quick path when len(segs) == 0 by matching
        // backwards.

        // Match at the current position. If this is the last chunk, we need to
        // make sure name is exhausted by the matching.
        ok, rest := matchFixedLength(chunk, name)
        if ok && (rest == "" || len(segs) > 0) {
            name = rest

        if startsWithStar {
            // TODO: Optimize by stopping at len(name) - LB(# bytes segs can
            // match) rather than len(names)
            for i := 0; i < len(name); {
                r, rsize := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name[i:])
                j := i + rsize
                // Match name[:j] with the starting *, and the rest with chunk.
                if !startingStar.Match(r) {
                ok, rest := matchFixedLength(chunk, name[j:])
                if ok && (rest == "" || len(segs) > 0) {
                    name = rest
                    continue segs
                i = j
        return false
    return name == ""

// matchFixedLength returns whether a run of fixed-length segments (Literal and
// Question) matches a prefix of name. It returns whether the match is
// successful and if it is, the remaining part of name.
func matchFixedLength(segs []Segment, name string) (bool, string) {
    for _, seg := range segs {
        if name == "" {
            return false, ""
        switch seg := seg.(type) {
        case Literal:
            n := len(seg.Data)
            if len(name) < n || name[:n] != seg.Data {
                return false, ""
            name = name[n:]
        case Wild:
            if seg.Type == Question {
                r, n := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(name)
                if !seg.Match(r) {
                    return false, ""
                name = name[n:]
            } else {
                panic("matchFixedLength given non-question wild segment")
            panic("matchFixedLength given non-literal non-wild segment")
    return true, name