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// Package md implements a Markdown parser.
// To use this package, call [Render] with one of the [Codec] implementations:
//   - [HTMLCodec] converts Markdown to HTML. This is used in
//     [src.elv.sh/website/cmd/md2html], part of Elvish's website toolchain.
//   - [FmtCodec] formats Markdown. This is used in [src.elv.sh/cmd/elvmdfmt],
//     used for formatting Markdown files in the Elvish repo.
//   - [TTYCodec] renders Markdown in the terminal. This will be used in a help
//     system that can used directly from Elvish to render documentation of
//     Elvish modules.
// # Why another Markdown implementation?
// The Elvish project uses Markdown in the documentation ("[elvdoc]") for the
// functions and variables defined in builtin modules. These docs are then
// converted to HTML as part of the website; for example, you can read the docs
// for builtin functions and variables at https://elv.sh/ref/builtin.html.
// We used to use [Pandoc] to convert the docs from their Markdown sources to
// HTML. However, we would also like to expand the elvdoc system in two ways:
//   - We would like to support elvdocs in user-defined modules, not just
//     builtin modules.
//   - We would like to allow users to read elvdocs directly from the Elvish
//     program, in the terminal, without needing a browser or an Internet
//     connection.
// With these requirements, Elvish itself needs to know how to parse Markdown
// sources and render them in the terminal, so we need a Go implementation
// instead. There is a good Go implementation, [github.com/yuin/goldmark], but
// it is quite large: linking it into Elvish will increase the binary size by
// more than 1MB. (There is another popular Markdown implementation,
// [github.com/russross/blackfriday/v2], but it doesn't support CommonMark.)
// By having a more narrow focus, this package is much smaller than goldmark,
// and can be easily optimized for Elvish's use cases. In contrast to goldmark's
// 1MB, including [Render] and [HTMLCodec] in Elvish only increases the binary
// size by 150KB. That said, the functionalities provided by this package still
// try to be as general as possible, and can potentially be used by other people
// interested in a small Markdown implementation.
// Besides elvdocs, Pandoc was also used to convert all the other content on the
// Elvish website (https://elv.sh) to HTML. Additionally, [Prettier] used to be
// used to format all the Markdown files in the repo. Now that Elvish has its
// own Markdown implementation, we can use it not just for rendering elvdocs in
// the terminal, but also replace the use of Pandoc and Prettier. These external
// tools are decent, but using them still came with some frictions:
//   - Even though both are relatively easy to set up, they can still be a
//     hindrance to casual contributors.
//   - Since behavior of these tools can change with version, we explicit
//     specify their versions in both CI configurations and [contributing
//     instructions]. But this creates another problem: every time these tools
//     release new versions, we have to manually bump the versions, and every
//     contributor also needs to manually update them in their development
//     environments.
// Replacing external tools with this package removes these frictions.
// Additionally, this package is very easy to extend and optimize to suit
// Elvish's needs:
//   - We used to custom Pandoc using a mix of shell scripts, templates and Lua
//     scripts. While these customization options of Pandoc are well documented,
//     they are not something people are likely to be familiar with.
//     With this implementation, everything is now done with Go code.
//   - The Markdown formatter is much faster than Prettier, so it's now feasible
//     to run the formatter every time when saving a Markdown file.
// # Which Markdown variant does this package implement?
// This package implements a large subset of the [CommonMark] spec, with the
// following omissions:
//   - "\r" and "\r\n" are not supported as line endings. This can be easily
//     worked around by converting them to "\n" first.
//   - Tabs are not supported for defining block structures; use spaces instead.
//     Tabs in other context are supported.
//   - Among HTML entities, only a few are supported: < > &quote; '
//     &. This is because the full list of HTML entities is very large and
//     will inflate the binary size.
//     If full support for HTML entities are desirable, this can be done by
//     overriding the [UnescapeHTML] variable with [html.UnescapeString].
//     (Numeric character references like 	 and   are fully supported.)
//   - [Setext headings] are not supported; use [ATX headings] instead.
//   - [Reference links] are not supported; use [inline links] instead.
//   - Lists are always considered [loose].
// The package also supports the following extensions:
//   - ATX headers may be followed by [Pandoc header attributes] {...}.
// These omitted features are never used in Elvish's Markdown sources.
// All implemented features pass their relevant CommonMark spec tests, currently
// targeting [CommonMark 0.31.2]. See [testutils_test.go] for a complete list of
// which spec tests are skipped.
// # Is this package useful outside Elvish?
// Yes! Well, hopefully. Assuming you don't use the features this package omits,
// it can be useful in at least the following ways:
//   - The implementation is quite lightweight, so you can use it instead of a
//     more full-features Markdown library if small binary size is important.
//     As shown above, the increase in binary size when using this package in
//     Elvish is about 150KB, compared to more than 1MB when using
//     [github.com/yuin/goldmark]. You mileage may vary though, since the binary
//     size increase depends on which packages the binary is already including.
//   - The formatter implemented by [FmtCodec] is heavily fuzz-tested to ensure
//     that it does not alter the semantics of the Markdown.
//     Markdown formatting is fraught with tricky edge cases. For example, if a
//     formatter standardizes all bullet markers to "-", it might reformat "*
//     --" to "- ---", but the latter will now be parsed as a thematic break.
//     Thanks to Go's builtin [fuzzing support], the formatter is able to handle
//     many such corner cases (at least [all the corner cases found by the
//     fuzzer]; take a look and try them on other formatters!). There are two
//     areas - namely nested and consecutive emphasis or strong emphasis - that
//     are just too tricky to get 100% right that the formatter is not
//     guaranteed to be correct; the fuzz test explicitly skips those cases.
//     Nonetheless, if you are writing a Markdown formatter and care about
//     correctness, the corner cases will be interesting, regardless of which
//     language you are using to implement the formatter.
// [Pandoc header attributes]: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#extension-header_attributes
// [all the corner cases found by the fuzzer]: https://github.com/elves/elvish/tree/master/pkg/md/testdata/fuzz/FuzzFmtPreservesHTMLRender
// [fuzzing support]: https://go.dev/security/fuzz/
// [loose]: https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#loose
// [Setext headings]: https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#setext-headings
// [ATX headings]: https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#atx-headings
// [testutils_test.go]: https://github.com/elves/elvish/blob/master/pkg/md/testutils_test.go
// [elvdoc]: https://github.com/elves/elvish/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#reference-docs
// [Pandoc]: https://pandoc.org
// [Prettier]: https://prettier.io
// [CommonMark]: https://spec.commonmark.org
// [contributing instructions]: https://github.com/elves/elvish/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md
// [inline links]: https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#inline-link
// [Reference links]: https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#reference-link
// [CommonMark 0.31.2]: https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/
package md

//go:generate stringer -type=OpType,InlineOpType -output=zstring.go

import (

// UnescapeHTML is used by the parser to unescape HTML entities and numeric
// character references.
// The default implementation supports numeric character references, plus a
// minimal set of entities that are necessary for writing valid HTML or can
// appear in the output of FmtCodec. It can be set to html.UnescapeString for
// better CommonMark compliance.
var UnescapeHTML = unescapeHTML

// https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#entity-and-numeric-character-references
const charRefPattern = `&(?:[a-zA-Z0-9]+|#[0-9]{1,7}|#[xX][0-9a-fA-F]{1,6});`

var charRefRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(charRefPattern)

var entities = map[string]rune{
    // Necessary for writing valid HTML
    "lt": '<', "gt": '>', "quote": '"', "apos": '\'', "amp": '&',
    // Not strictly necessary, but could be output by FmtCodec for slightly
    // nicer text
    "Tab": '\t', "NewLine": '\n', "nbsp": '\u00A0',

func unescapeHTML(s string) string {
    return charRefRegexp.ReplaceAllStringFunc(s, func(entity string) string {
        body := entity[1 : len(entity)-1]
        if r, ok := entities[body]; ok {
            return string(r)
        } else if body[0] == '#' {
            if body[1] == 'x' || body[1] == 'X' {
                if num, err := strconv.ParseInt(body[2:], 16, 32); err == nil {
                    return string(rune(num))
            } else {
                if num, err := strconv.ParseInt(body[1:], 10, 32); err == nil {
                    return string(rune(num))
        return entity

// Codec is used to render output.
type Codec interface {

// Op represents an operation for the Codec.
type Op struct {
    Type OpType
    // 1-based line number. If the Op spans multiple lines, this identifies the
    // first line. For the *End types, this identifies the first line that
    // causes the block to be terminated, which can be the first line of another
    // block.
    LineNo int
    // For OpOrderedListStart (the start number) or OpHeading (as the heading
    // level)
    Number int
    // For OpHeading (attributes inside { }) and OpCodeBlock (text after opening
    // fence)
    Info string
    // For OpCodeBlock and OpHTMLBlock
    Lines []string
    // For OpParagraph and OpHeading
    Content []InlineOp

// OpType enumerates possible types of an Op.
type OpType uint

// Possible output operations.
const (
    // Leaf blocks.
    OpThematicBreak OpType = iota

    // Container blocks.

var initRegexpsOnce sync.Once

// Render parses markdown and renders it with a [Codec].
func Render(text string, codec Codec) {
    // Compiled regular expressions live on the heap. Compiling them lazily
    // saves memory if this function is never called.
    p := blockParser{lines: lineSplitter{text, 0, 0}, codec: codec}

// StringerCodec is a [Codec] that also implements the String method.
type StringerCodec interface {
    String() string

// Render calls Render(text, codec) and returns codec.String(). This can be a
// bit more convenient to use than [Render].
func RenderString(text string, codec StringerCodec) string {
    Render(text, codec)
    return codec.String()

type blockParser struct {
    lines lineSplitter
    codec Codec
    tree  blockTree

// Block regexps.
var thematicBreakRegexp,
    html7Regexp *regexp.Regexp

// Inline regexps.
var uriAutolinkRegexp,
    closingTagRegexp *regexp.Regexp

// Building blocks for regexps.
const (
    scheme           = `[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9+.-]{1,31}`
    emailLocalPuncts = ".!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-"

    // https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#open-tag
    openTag = `<` +
        `[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*` + // tag name
        (`(?:` +
            `[ \t\n]+` + // whitespace
            `[a-zA-Z_:][a-zA-Z0-9_\.:-]*` + // attribute name
            `(?:[ \t\n]*=[ \t\n]*(?:[^ \t\n"'=<>` + "`" + `]+|'[^']*'|"[^"]*"))?` + // attribute value specification
            `)*`) + // zero or more attributes
        `[ \t\n]*` + // whitespace
    // https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#closing-tag
    closingTag = `</[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9-]*[ \t\n]*>`

func initRegexps() {
    thematicBreakRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(
        `^ {0,3}((?:-[ \t]*){3,}|(?:_[ \t]*){3,}|(?:\*[ \t]*){3,})$`)

    // Capture group 1: heading opener
    atxHeadingRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^ {0,3}(#{1,6})(?:[ \t]|$)`)
    atxHeadingCloserRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`[ \t]#+[ \t]*$`)

    // Support the header_attributes extension
    // (https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#extension-header_attributes). Like
    // pandoc, attributes appear *after* the optional heading closer.
    // Attributes are stored in the info string and interpreted by the Codec.
    atxHeadingAttributeRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(` {([^}]+)}$`)

    // Capture groups:
    // 1. Indent
    // 2. Fence punctuations (backquote fence)
    // 3. Untrimmed info string (backquote fence)
    // 4. Fence punctuations (tilde fence)
    // 5. Untrimmed info string (tilde fence)
    codeFenceRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("(^ {0,3})(?:(`{3,})([^`]*)|(~{3,})(.*))$")
    // Capture group 1: fence punctuations
    codeFenceCloserRegexp = regexp.MustCompile("(?:^ {0,3})(`{3,}|~{3,})[ \t]*$")

    // These corresponds to the bullet list in
    // https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#html-blocks.
    html1Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^ {0,3}<(?i:pre|script|style|textarea)`)
    html1CloserRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`</(?i:pre|script|style|textarea)`)
    html2Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^ {0,3}<!--`)
    html2CloserRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`-->`)
    html3Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^ {0,3}<\?`)
    html3CloserRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\?>`)
    html4Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^ {0,3}<![a-zA-Z]`)
    html4CloserRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`>`)
    html5Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^ {0,3}<!\[CDATA\[`)
    html5CloserRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\]\]>`)

    html6Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^ {0,3}</?(?i:address|article|aside|base|basefont|blockquote|body|caption|center|col|colgroup|dd|details|dialog|dir|div|dl|dt|fieldset|figcaption|figure|footer|form|frame|frameset|h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|head|header|hr|html|iframe|legend|li|link|main|menu|menuitem|nav|noframes|ol|optgroup|option|p|param|search|section|summary|table|tbody|td|tfoot|th|thead|title|tr|track|ul)(?:[ \t>]|$|/>)`)
    html7Regexp = regexp.MustCompile(
        fmt.Sprintf(`^ {0,3}(?:%s|%s)[ \t]*$`, openTag, closingTag))

    // https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#uri-autolink
    uriAutolinkRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(
        `^<` + scheme + `:[^\x00-\x19 <>]*` + `>`)
    // https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#email-autolink
    emailAutolinkRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(
        `^<[a-zA-Z0-9` + emailLocalPuncts + `]+@[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)*>`)

    openTagRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^` + openTag)
    closingTagRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^` + closingTag)

const indentedCodePrefix = "    "

func (p *blockParser) render() {
    for p.lines.more() {
        line, lineNo := p.lines.next()
        line, matchedContainers, newItem := p.tree.processContainerMarkers(line, lineNo, p.codec)

        if isBlankLine(line) {
            // Blank lines terminate blockquote if the continuation marker is
            // absent.
            if i, unmatched := p.tree.unmatchedBlockquote(matchedContainers); unmatched {
                p.tree.closeBlocks(i, lineNo, p.codec)
            if newItem && p.lines.more() {
                // A list item can start with at most one blank line; the second
                // blank closes it.
                nextLine, _ := p.lines.next()
                nextLine, _ = p.tree.matchContinuationMarkers(nextLine)
                if isBlankLine(nextLine) {
                    p.tree.closeBlocks(len(p.tree.containers)-1, lineNo, p.codec)
            p.tree.closeParagraph(lineNo, p.codec)
        } else if thematicBreakRegexp.MatchString(line) {
            p.tree.closeBlocks(matchedContainers, lineNo, p.codec)
            p.codec.Do(Op{Type: OpThematicBreak, LineNo: lineNo})
        } else if m := atxHeadingRegexp.FindStringSubmatchIndex(line); m != nil {
            p.tree.closeBlocks(matchedContainers, lineNo, p.codec)
            openerStart, openerEnd := m[2], m[3]
            opener := line[openerStart:openerEnd]
            line = strings.TrimRight(line[openerEnd:], " \t")
            if closer := atxHeadingCloserRegexp.FindString(line); closer != "" {
                line = strings.TrimRight(line[:len(line)-len(closer)], " \t")
            attr := ""
            if m := atxHeadingAttributeRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
                attr = m[1]
                line = strings.TrimRight(line[:len(line)-len(m[0])], " \t")
            level := len(opener)
                Type: OpHeading, LineNo: lineNo, Number: level, Info: attr,
                Content: renderInline(strings.Trim(line, " \t"))})
        } else if m := codeFenceRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
            p.tree.closeBlocks(matchedContainers, lineNo, p.codec)
            indent, opener, info := len(m[1]), m[2], m[3]
            if opener == "" {
                opener, info = m[4], m[5]
            p.parseFencedCodeBlock(indent, opener, info)
        } else if len(p.tree.paragraph) == 0 && strings.HasPrefix(line, indentedCodePrefix) {
            p.tree.closeBlocks(matchedContainers, lineNo, p.codec)
        } else if html1Regexp.MatchString(line) {
            p.tree.closeBlocks(matchedContainers, lineNo, p.codec)
            p.parseCloserTerminatedHTMLBlock(line, html1CloserRegexp.MatchString)
        } else if html2Regexp.MatchString(line) {
            p.tree.closeBlocks(matchedContainers, lineNo, p.codec)
            p.parseCloserTerminatedHTMLBlock(line, html2CloserRegexp.MatchString)
        } else if html3Regexp.MatchString(line) {
            p.tree.closeBlocks(matchedContainers, lineNo, p.codec)
            p.parseCloserTerminatedHTMLBlock(line, html3CloserRegexp.MatchString)
        } else if html4Regexp.MatchString(line) {
            p.tree.closeBlocks(matchedContainers, lineNo, p.codec)
            p.parseCloserTerminatedHTMLBlock(line, html4CloserRegexp.MatchString)
        } else if html5Regexp.MatchString(line) {
            p.tree.closeBlocks(matchedContainers, lineNo, p.codec)
            p.parseCloserTerminatedHTMLBlock(line, html5CloserRegexp.MatchString)
        } else if html6Regexp.MatchString(line) || (len(p.tree.paragraph) == 0 && html7Regexp.MatchString(line)) {
            p.tree.closeBlocks(matchedContainers, lineNo, p.codec)
        } else {
            if len(p.tree.paragraph) == 0 {
                // This is not lazy continuation, so close all unmatched
                // containers.
                p.tree.closeBlocks(matchedContainers, lineNo, p.codec)
            p.tree.paragraph = append(p.tree.paragraph, line)
    p.tree.closeBlocks(0, p.lines.lastLineNo+1, p.codec)

func isBlankLine(line string) bool {
    return strings.Trim(line, " \t") == ""

func (p *blockParser) parseFencedCodeBlock(indent int, opener, info string) {
    // Escaped spaces and tabs (e.g. &Tab;) should also be trimmed, so process
    // the info string before trimming.
    info = strings.Trim(processCodeFenceInfo(info), " \t")
    var lines []string
    startLineNo := p.lines.lastLineNo
    doCodeBlock := func() {
        p.codec.Do(Op{Type: OpCodeBlock, LineNo: startLineNo, Info: info, Lines: lines})

    for p.lines.more() {
        line, lineNo := p.lines.next()
        line, matchedContainers := p.tree.matchContinuationMarkers(line)
        if isBlankLine(line) {
            if i, unmatched := p.tree.unmatchedBlockquote(matchedContainers); unmatched {
                p.tree.closeBlocks(i, lineNo, p.codec)
        } else if matchedContainers < len(p.tree.containers) {
        if m := codeFenceCloserRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(line); m != nil {
            closer := m[1]
            if closer[0] == opener[0] && len(closer) >= len(opener) {
        for i := indent; i > 0 && line != "" && line[0] == ' '; i-- {
            line = line[1:]
        lines = append(lines, line)

// Code fence info strings are mostly verbatim, but support backslash and
// entities. This mirrors part of (*inlineParser).render.
func processCodeFenceInfo(text string) string {
    pos := 0
    var sb strings.Builder
    for pos < len(text) {
        b := text[pos]
        if b == '&' {
            if entity := leadingCharRef(text[pos:]); entity != "" {
                pos += len(entity)
        } else if b == '\\' && pos+1 < len(text) && isASCIIPunct(text[pos+1]) {
            b = text[pos+1]
    return sb.String()

func (p *blockParser) parseIndentedCodeBlock(line string) {
    lines := []string{strings.TrimPrefix(line, indentedCodePrefix)}
    startLineNo := p.lines.lastLineNo
    doCodeBlock := func() { p.codec.Do(Op{Type: OpCodeBlock, LineNo: startLineNo, Lines: lines}) }
    var savedBlankLines []string

    for p.lines.more() {
        line, lineNo := p.lines.next()
        line, matchedContainers := p.tree.matchContinuationMarkers(line)
        if isBlankLine(line) {
            if i, unmatched := p.tree.unmatchedBlockquote(matchedContainers); unmatched {
                p.tree.closeBlocks(i, lineNo, p.codec)
            if strings.HasPrefix(line, indentedCodePrefix) {
                line = strings.TrimPrefix(line, indentedCodePrefix)
            } else {
                line = ""
            savedBlankLines = append(savedBlankLines, line)
        } else if matchedContainers < len(p.tree.containers) || !strings.HasPrefix(line, indentedCodePrefix) {
        lines = append(lines, savedBlankLines...)
        savedBlankLines = savedBlankLines[:0]
        lines = append(lines, strings.TrimPrefix(line, indentedCodePrefix))

func (p *blockParser) parseCloserTerminatedHTMLBlock(line string, closer func(string) bool) {
    lines := []string{line}
    startLineNo := p.lines.lastLineNo
    doHTMLBlock := func() {
        p.codec.Do(Op{Type: OpHTMLBlock, LineNo: startLineNo, Lines: lines})

    if closer(line) {
    var savedBlankLines []string
    for p.lines.more() {
        line, lineNo := p.lines.next()
        line, matchedContainers := p.tree.matchContinuationMarkers(line)
        if isBlankLine(line) {
            if i, unmatched := p.tree.unmatchedBlockquote(matchedContainers); unmatched {
                p.tree.closeBlocks(i, lineNo, p.codec)
            savedBlankLines = append(savedBlankLines, line)
        } else if matchedContainers < len(p.tree.containers) {
        lines = append(lines, savedBlankLines...)
        savedBlankLines = savedBlankLines[:0]
        lines = append(lines, line)
        if closer(line) {

func (p *blockParser) parseBlankLineTerminatedHTMLBlock(line string) {
    lines := []string{line}
    startLineNo := p.lines.lastLineNo
    doHTMLBlock := func() { p.codec.Do(Op{Type: OpHTMLBlock, LineNo: startLineNo, Lines: lines}) }

    for p.lines.more() {
        line, lineNo := p.lines.next()
        line, matchedContainers := p.tree.matchContinuationMarkers(line)
        if isBlankLine(line) {
            if i, unmatched := p.tree.unmatchedBlockquote(matchedContainers); unmatched {
                p.tree.closeBlocks(i, lineNo, p.codec)
        } else if matchedContainers < len(p.tree.containers) {
        lines = append(lines, line)

// This struct corresponds to the block tree in
// https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#phase-1-block-structure.
// The spec describes a two-phased parsing strategy where the entire block tree
// is built before inline parsing is done. However, since we don't support
// setext headings and link reference definitions, and treats all lists as
// loose, the rendering result of closed blocks will never be impacted by future
// blocks. This enables us to render as we parse, and allows us to only track
// the path of currently open blocks, which is the same as the rightmost path in
// the full block tree at any given point in time.
// The path consists of zero or more container nodes, and an optional paragraph
// node. The paragraph node exists if and only if it contains at least 1 line;
// the spec prohibits paragraphs consisting of 0 lines.
// We don't need to track any other type of leaf blocks, because they all have
// simple termination conditions, so can be parsed in one iteration of the main
// parsing loop, as a nested loop that consumes lines until the block
// terminates.
// Paragraphs, however, don't have a simple termination condition. Other than
// the common condition of being terminated as part of the container block,
// paragraphs are always terminated by *another* type of leaf block. This means
// that the logic for deciding to continue or interrupt of a paragraph lives
// within the main parsing loop. This in turn makes it necessary to store the
// lines of the paragraph across iterations of the main parsing loop, hence part
// of the parser's state.
type blockTree struct {
    containers []container
    paragraph  []string

// Processes container markers at the start of the line, which consists of
// continuation markers of existing containers and starting markers of new
// containers.
// Returns the line after removing both types of markers, the number of markers
// matched or parsed, and whether the innermost container is a newly opened list
// item.
// The latter should be used to call t.closeContainers
// unless the remaining content of the line constitutes a blank line or
// paragraph continuation.
func (t *blockTree) processContainerMarkers(line string, lineNo int, codec Codec) (string, int, bool) {
    line, matched := t.matchContinuationMarkers(line)
    line, newContainers := t.parseStartingMarkers(line,
        // This argument tells parseStartingMarkers whether we are starting a
        // new paragraph. This seems straightforward enough: if the paragraph is
        // empty is the first place, or if we are going to terminate some
        // containers, we are starting a new paragraph.
        // The second part of the condition is more subtle though. If the
        // remaining content of the line constitutes paragraph continuation, we
        // are not starting a new paragraph. We are only able to ignore this
        // case parseStartingMarkers only uses this condition when it actually
        // parses a starting marker, meaning that the line cannot be paragraph
        // continuation.
        len(t.paragraph) == 0 || matched != len(t.containers))

    continueList := false
    if matched > 0 && t.containers[matched-1].typ.isList() {
        // If the last matched container is a list (i.e. the first unmatched
        // container is a list item), keep it if and only if the first
        // container to add is a list item that can continue the list.
        continueList = len(newContainers) > 0 && newContainers[0].punct == t.containers[matched-1].punct
        if !continueList {

    if len(newContainers) == 0 {
        return line, matched, false

    t.closeBlocks(matched, lineNo, codec)
    for _, c := range newContainers {
        if c.typ.isItem() {
            if continueList {
                continueList = false
            } else {
                list := container{typ: c.typ.itemToList(), punct: c.punct, start: c.start}
                t.containers = append(t.containers, list)
                codec.Do(Op{Type: containerOpenOp[list.typ], LineNo: lineNo, Number: list.start})
        t.containers = append(t.containers, c)
        codec.Do(Op{Type: containerOpenOp[c.typ], LineNo: lineNo})
    return line, len(t.containers), newContainers[len(newContainers)-1].typ.isItem()

// Matches the continuation markers of existing container nodes. Returns the
// line after removing all matched continuation markers and the number of
// containers matched.
func (t *blockTree) matchContinuationMarkers(line string) (string, int) {
    for i, container := range t.containers {
        markerLen, matched := container.matchContinuationMarker(line)
        if !matched {
            return line, i
        line = line[markerLen:]
    return line, len(t.containers)

// Finds the first blockquote container after skipping matched containers.
// Returns len(t.containers), false if not found.
// This is used for handling blank lines. Blank lines do not close list item
// blocks (except when a blank line follows a list item starting with a blank
// item), but they do close blockquote blocks if the continuation marker is
// missing.
func (t *blockTree) unmatchedBlockquote(matched int) (int, bool) {
    for i := matched; i < len(t.containers); i++ {
        if t.containers[i].typ == blockquote {
            return i, true
    return len(t.containers), false

var (
    // https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#block-quotes
    blockquoteMarkerRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^ {0,3}> ?`)

    // Rule #1 and #2 of https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#list-items
    itemStartingMarkerRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(
        // Capture groups:
        // 1. bullet item punctuation
        // 2. ordered item start index
        // 3. ordered item punctuation
        // 4. trailing spaces
        `^ {0,3}(?:([-+*])|([0-9]{1,9})([.)]))( +)`)

    // Rule #3 of https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#list-items
    itemStartingMarkerBlankLineRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(
        // Capture groups are the same, with group 4 always empty.
        `^ {0,3}(?:([-+*])|([0-9]{1,9})([.)]))[ \t]*()$`)

// Parses starting markers of container blocks. Returns the line after removing
// all starting markers and new containers to create.
// Blockquotes are simple to parse. Most of the code deals with list items,
// described in https://spec.commonmark.org/0.31.2/#list-items.
func (t *blockTree) parseStartingMarkers(line string, newParagraph bool) (string, []container) {
    var containers []container
    // Exception 2 of rule #1: Don't parse thematic breaks like "- - - " as
    // three bullets.
    for !thematicBreakRegexp.MatchString(line) {
        if bqMarker := blockquoteMarkerRegexp.FindString(line); bqMarker != "" {
            line = line[len(bqMarker):]
            containers = append(containers, container{typ: blockquote})

        m := itemStartingMarkerRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(line)
        if m == nil && newParagraph {
            m = itemStartingMarkerBlankLineRegexp.FindStringSubmatch(line)
        if m == nil {
        marker, bulletPunct, orderedStart, orderedPunct, spaces := m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4]
        if len(spaces) >= 5 {
            // Rule #2 applies; only the first space is as part of the marker.
            marker = marker[:len(marker)-len(spaces)+1]

        indent := len(marker)
        if strings.Trim(line[len(marker):], " \t") == "" {
            // Rule #3 applies: indent is exactly one space, regardless of how
            // many spaces there actually are, which can be 0.
            indent = len(strings.TrimRight(marker, " \t")) + 1
        c := container{continuation: strings.Repeat(" ", indent)}
        if bulletPunct != "" {
            c.typ = bulletItem
            c.punct = bulletPunct[0]
        } else {
            c.typ = orderedItem
            c.punct = orderedPunct[0]
            c.start, _ = strconv.Atoi(orderedStart)
            if c.start != 1 && !newParagraph {

        line = line[len(marker):]
        containers = append(containers, c)
        // After parsing at least one starting marker, the rest of the line is
        // in a new paragraph. This means that bullet list marker can be
        // terminated by end of line or tab (instead of space), and ordered list
        // marker with number != 1 are allowed.
        newParagraph = true
    return line, containers

func (t *blockTree) closeBlocks(keep, lineNo int, codec Codec) {
    t.closeParagraph(lineNo, codec)
    for i := len(t.containers) - 1; i >= keep; i-- {
        codec.Do(Op{Type: containerCloseOp[t.containers[i].typ], LineNo: lineNo})
    t.containers = t.containers[:keep]

// lineNo identifies the first line not part of the paragraph.
func (t *blockTree) closeParagraph(lineNo int, codec Codec) {
    if len(t.paragraph) == 0 {
    startLineNo := lineNo - len(t.paragraph)
    text := strings.Trim(strings.Join(t.paragraph, "\n"), " \t")
    t.paragraph = t.paragraph[:0]
    codec.Do(Op{Type: OpParagraph, LineNo: startLineNo, Content: renderInline(text)})

type container struct {
    typ          containerType
    punct        byte
    start        int
    continuation string

type containerType uint8

const (
    blockquote containerType = iota

func (t containerType) isList() bool { return t == bulletList || t == orderedList }

func (t containerType) isItem() bool { return t == bulletItem || t == orderedItem }

func (t containerType) itemToList() containerType {
    if t == bulletItem {
        return bulletList
    } else {
        return orderedList

var (
    containerOpenOp = []OpType{
        blockquote:  OpBlockquoteStart,
        bulletList:  OpBulletListStart,
        bulletItem:  OpListItemStart,
        orderedList: OpOrderedListStart,
        orderedItem: OpListItemStart,
    containerCloseOp = []OpType{
        blockquote:  OpBlockquoteEnd,
        bulletList:  OpBulletListEnd,
        bulletItem:  OpListItemEnd,
        orderedList: OpOrderedListEnd,
        orderedItem: OpListItemEnd,

func (c container) matchContinuationMarker(line string) (int, bool) {
    switch c.typ {
    case blockquote:
        marker := blockquoteMarkerRegexp.FindString(line)
        return len(marker), marker != ""
    case bulletList, orderedList:
        return 0, true
    case bulletItem, orderedItem:
        if strings.HasPrefix(line, c.continuation) {
            return len(c.continuation), true
        return 0, false

// Provides support for consuming a string line by line.
type lineSplitter struct {
    text string
    pos  int
    // Line number of the last line returned by next.
    lastLineNo int

func (s *lineSplitter) more() bool {
    return s.pos < len(s.text)

func (s *lineSplitter) next() (string, int) {
    begin := s.pos
    delta := strings.IndexByte(s.text[begin:], '\n')
    if delta == -1 {
        s.pos = len(s.text)
        return s.text[begin:], s.lastLineNo
    s.pos += delta + 1
    return s.text[begin : s.pos-1], s.lastLineNo

func (s *lineSplitter) backup() {
    if s.pos == 0 {
    s.pos = 1 + strings.LastIndexByte(s.text[:s.pos-1], '\n')

var leftAnchoredCharRefRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`^` + charRefPattern)

func leadingCharRef(s string) string {
    return leftAnchoredCharRefRegexp.FindString(s)