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package main

import (


// A wrapper of [md.HTMLCodec] implementing generic additional features.
type htmlCodec struct {
    preprocessInline func([]md.InlineOp)
    // Extensions
    numberSections, toc bool
    // Components of the current section number. Populated if numberSections or
    // toc is true (used for maintaining the sections array in the latter case).
    sectionNumbers []int
    // Tree of sections to be used in the table of content. Populated if toc is
    // true. The root node is a dummy node.
    sectionRoot section

type section struct {
    title    string
    id       string
    children []section

var (
    numberSectionsRegexp = regexp.MustCompile(`\bnumber-sections\b`)
    tocRegexp            = regexp.MustCompile(`\btoc\b`)

func (c *htmlCodec) Do(op md.Op) {
    switch op.Type {
    case md.OpHeading:
        var id, addedIn string
        // These attributes are written by [writeElvdocSections].
        for _, attr := range strings.Fields(op.Info) {
            if value, ok := strings.CutPrefix(attr, "#"); ok {
                id = value
            } else if value, ok := strings.CutPrefix(attr, "added-in="); ok {
                addedIn = value
        if id == "" {
            // Generate an ID using the inline text content converted to lower
            // case.
            id = strings.ToLower(plainTextOfInlineContent(op.Content))
        idHTML := html.EscapeString(processHTMLID(id))

        level := op.Number
        // An empty onclick handler is needed for :hover to work on mobile:
        // https://stackoverflow.com/a/25673064/566659
        fmt.Fprintf(c, `<h%d onclick="" id="%s">`, level, idHTML)

        // Render the content separately first; this may be used in the ToC too.
        var sb strings.Builder
        md.RenderInlineContentToHTML(&sb, op.Content)
        titleHTML := sb.String()

        // Number the section.
        if c.numberSections || c.toc {
            if level < len(c.sectionNumbers) {
                // When going from a higher section level to a lower one,
                // discard higher-level numbers. Discard higher-level section
                // numbers. For example, when going from a #### to a #, only
                // keep the first section number.
                c.sectionNumbers = c.sectionNumbers[:level]
            if level == len(c.sectionNumbers) {
            } else {
                // We are going from a lower section level to a higher one (e.g.
                // # to ##), possibly with missing levels (e.g. # to ###).
                // Populate all with 1.
                for level > len(c.sectionNumbers) {
                    c.sectionNumbers = append(c.sectionNumbers, 1)

            if c.numberSections {
                titleHTML = sectionNumberPrefix(c.sectionNumbers) + titleHTML
            if c.toc {
                // The section numbers identify a path in the section tree.
                p := &c.sectionRoot
                for _, num := range c.sectionNumbers {
                    idx := num - 1
                    if idx == len(p.children) {
                        p.children = append(p.children, section{})
                    p = &p.children[idx]
                p.id = idHTML
                p.title = titleHTML


        // Add self link
            `<a href="#%s" class="anchor" aria-hidden="true"></a>`, idHTML)

        if addedIn != "" {
            fmt.Fprintf(c, `<span class="api-comment">added in %s</span>`, addedIn)

        fmt.Fprintf(c, "</h%d>\n", op.Number)
    case md.OpHTMLBlock:
        if c.Len() == 0 && strings.HasPrefix(op.Lines[0], "<!--") {
            // Look for options.
            for _, line := range op.Lines {
                if numberSectionsRegexp.MatchString(line) {
                    c.numberSections = true
                if tocRegexp.MatchString(line) {
                    c.toc = true
    case md.OpCodeBlock:
        isTtyshot := false
        if op.Info != "" {
            language, header, hasHeader := strings.Cut(op.Info, " ")
            isTtyshot = language == "ttyshot"
            // The CommonMark spec only specifies the class on the inner <code>,
            // but we also add it to the <pre> for easier matching in CSS.
            attr := fmt.Sprintf(`class="language-%s"`, html.EscapeString(language))
            fmt.Fprintf(c, `<pre %s>`, attr)
            if hasHeader {
            fmt.Fprintf(c, `<code %s>`, attr)
        } else {
        if isTtyshot {
            report := func(format string, args ...any) {
                fmt.Fprintf(c, format, args...)
                fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "\033[1;31mError:\033[m "+format, args...)
            if len(op.Lines) != 1 {
                report("ttyshot should have exactly one line, is %d lines", len(op.Lines))
            } else {
                filename := op.Lines[0]
                content, err := os.ReadFile(filename + "-ttyshot.html")
                if err != nil {
                    report("can't read ttyshot %q: %v", filename, err)
                } else {
                    // ttyshot content is valid HTML
        } else {
                elvdoc.HighlightCodeBlock(op.Info, strutil.JoinLines(op.Lines))))

func sectionNumberPrefix(nums []int) string {
    var sb strings.Builder
    for _, num := range nums {
        fmt.Fprintf(&sb, "%d.", num)
    sb.WriteByte(' ')
    return sb.String()

func plainTextOfInlineContent(ops []md.InlineOp) string {
    var sb strings.Builder
    for _, op := range ops {
    return sb.String()

var whitespaceRun = regexp.MustCompile(`\s+`)

func processHTMLID(s string) string {
    // https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Global_attributes/id
    // Only whitespaces are not allowed in ID; place them with "-".
    return whitespaceRun.ReplaceAllLiteralString(s, "-")

const tocBefore = `
<div id="toc-wrapper">
  <div id="toc-header"><span id="toc-status"></span> Table of content</div>
  <div id="toc">

const tocAfter = `
  (function() {
    var open = true,
        tocHeader = document.getElementById('toc-header'),
        tocStatus = document.getElementById('toc-status'),
        tocList = document.getElementById('toc');
    tocHeader.onclick = function() {
      open = !open;
      if (open) {
        tocStatus.className = '';
        tocList.className = '';
      } else {
        tocStatus.className = 'closed';
        tocList.className = 'no-display';

func (c *htmlCodec) String() string {
    if !c.toc {
        return c.HTMLCodec.String()
    var sb strings.Builder
    for _, section := range c.sectionRoot.children {
        writeSection(&sb, section)

    return sb.String()

func writeSection(sb *strings.Builder, s section) {
    fmt.Fprintf(sb, `<li><a href="#%s">%s</a>`, s.id, s.title)
    if len(s.children) > 0 {
        for _, child := range s.children {
            writeSection(sb, child)

func renderCodeBlockHeader(header string) string {
    // TODO: This should ideally use another htmlCodec, but it's a bit of a
    // hassle to set it up properly. Headers don't make use of any of the
    // additional features implemented by htmlCodec for now.
    // TODO: Using a full codec will result in an undesirable additional layer
    // of <p> inside the <header>. This is currently worked around in CSS by
    // setting "display: inline-block" on the element.
    return "<header>" + md.RenderString(header, &md.HTMLCodec{}) + "</header>"

func textToHTML(t ui.Text) string {
    var sb strings.Builder
    for _, seg := range t {
        var classes []string
        for _, sgrCode := range seg.Style.SGRValues() {
            classes = append(classes, "sgr-"+sgrCode)
        jointClass := strings.Join(classes, " ")
        if len(jointClass) > 0 {
            fmt.Fprintf(&sb, `<span class="%s">`, jointClass)
        for _, r := range seg.Text {
            if r == '\n' {
            } else {
        if len(jointClass) > 0 {
    return sb.String()