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Test Coverage
//go:build unix

package main

import (
    _ "embed"


const (
    cutMarker    = "[CUT]"
    promptMarker = "[PROMPT]"

// "tmux capture-pane" can save superfluous trailing spaces, so when removing
// these patterns we need to account for that.
var (
    cutPattern    = regexp.MustCompile(regexp.QuoteMeta(cutMarker) + " *\n")
    promptPattern = regexp.MustCompile(regexp.QuoteMeta(promptMarker) + " *\n")

//go:embed rc.elv
var rcElv string

// Creates a temporary home directory for running tmux and elvish in. The caller
// is responsible for removing the directory.
func setupHome() (string, error) {
    homePath, err := os.MkdirTemp("", "ttyshot-*")
    if err != nil {
        return "", fmt.Errorf("create temp home: %w", err)

    // The temporary directory may include symlinks in the path. Expand them so
    // that commands like tilde-abbr behaves as expected.
    resolvedHomePath, err := filepath.EvalSymlinks(homePath)
    if err != nil {
        return homePath, fmt.Errorf("resolve symlinks in homePath: %w", err)
    homePath = resolvedHomePath

    err = ApplyDir(Dir{
        // Directories to be used in navigation mode.
        "bash": Dir{},
        "elvish": Dir{
            "1.0-release.md":  "1.0 has not been released yet.",
            "CONTRIBUTING.md": "",
            "Dockerfile":      "",
            "LICENSE":         "",
            "Makefile":        "",
            "PACKAGING.md":    "",
            "README.md":       "",
            "SECURITY.md":     "",
            "cmd":             Dir{},
            "go.mod":          "",
            "go.sum":          "",
            "pkg":             Dir{},
            "syntaxes":        Dir{},
            "tools":           Dir{},
            "vscode":          Dir{},
            "website":         Dir{},
        "zsh": Dir{},

        // Will keep tmux and elvish's sockets, and raw output of capture-pane
        ".tmp": Dir{},

        ".config": Dir{
            "elvish": Dir{
                "rc.elv": rcElv,
    }, homePath)
    return homePath, err

func createTtyshot(homePath string, script *script, saveRaw string) ([]byte, error) {
    ctrl, tty, err := pty.Open()
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    defer ctrl.Close()
    defer tty.Close()
    winsize := pty.Winsize{Rows: script.rows, Cols: script.cols}
    pty.Setsize(ctrl, &winsize)

    rawPath := filepath.Join(homePath, ".tmp", "ttyshot.raw")
    if saveRaw != "" {
        saveRaw, err := filepath.Abs(saveRaw)
        if err != nil {
            return nil, fmt.Errorf("resolve path to raw dump file: %w", err)
        os.Symlink(saveRaw, rawPath)

    doneCh, err := spawnElvish(homePath, tty)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err
    finalEmptyPrompt := executeScript(script.ops, ctrl, homePath)
    log.Println("executed script, waiting for tmux to exit")

    // Drain outputs from the terminal. This is needed so that tmux can exit
    // properly without blocking on flushing outputs.
    go io.Copy(io.Discard, ctrl)

    err = <-doneCh
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    rawBytes, err := os.ReadFile(rawPath)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, err

    ttyshot := string(rawBytes)
    // Remove all content before the last cutMarker.
    segments := cutPattern.Split(ttyshot, -1)
    ttyshot = segments[len(segments)-1]

    // Strip all the prompt markers and the final empty prompt.
    segments = promptPattern.Split(ttyshot, -1)
    if finalEmptyPrompt {
        segments = segments[:len(segments)-1]
    ttyshot = strings.Join(segments, "")

    ttyshot = strings.TrimRight(ttyshot, "\n")
    return []byte(sgrTextToHTML(ttyshot) + "\n"), nil

func spawnElvish(homePath string, tty *os.File) (<-chan error, error) {
    elvishPath, err := exec.LookPath("elvish")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("find elvish: %w", err)
    tmuxPath, err := exec.LookPath("tmux")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("find tmux: %w", err)

    tmuxSock := filepath.Join(homePath, ".tmp", "tmux.sock")
    elvSock := filepath.Join(homePath, ".tmp", "elv.sock")

    // Start tmux and have it start a hermetic Elvish session.
    tmuxCmd := exec.Cmd{
        Path: tmuxPath,
        Args: []string{
            "-S", tmuxSock, "-f", "/dev/null", "-u", "-T", "256,RGB",
            "new-session", elvishPath, "-sock", elvSock},
        Dir: homePath,
        Env: []string{
            "HOME=" + homePath,
            "PATH=" + os.Getenv("PATH"),
            // The actual value doesn't matter here, as long as it can be looked
            // up in terminfo. We rely on the -T flag above to force tmux to
            // support certain terminal features.
        Stdin:  tty,
        Stdout: tty,
        Stderr: tty,
    log.Println("started tmux, socket", tmuxSock)

    doneCh := make(chan error, 1)
    go func() {
        doneCh <- tmuxCmd.Run()
        log.Println("tmux exited")

    return doneCh, nil

func executeScript(script []op, ctrl *os.File, homePath string) (finalEmptyPrompt bool) {
    for _, op := range script {
        log.Println("waiting for prompt")
        err := waitForPrompt(ctrl)
        if err != nil {
            // TODO: Handle the error properly

        log.Println("executing", op)
        if op.isTmux {
            tmuxSock := filepath.Join(homePath, ".tmp", "tmux.sock")
            tmuxCmd := exec.Command("tmux",
                append([]string{"-S", tmuxSock}, strings.Fields(op.code)...)...)
            tmuxCmd.Env = []string{}
            err := tmuxCmd.Run()
            if err != nil {
                // TODO: Handle the error properly
        } else {
            for i, line := range strings.Split(op.code, "\n") {
                if i > 0 {
                    // Use Alt-Enter to avoid committing the code

    if len(script) > 0 && !script[len(script)-1].isTmux {
        log.Println("waiting for final empty prompt")
        finalEmptyPrompt = true
        err := waitForPrompt(ctrl)
        if err != nil {
            // TODO: Handle the error properly

    log.Println("sending Alt-q")
    // Alt-q is bound to a function that captures the content of the pane and
    // exits
    ctrl.Write([]byte{'\033', 'q'})
    return finalEmptyPrompt

func waitForPrompt(f *os.File) error {
    return waitForOutput(f, promptMarker,
        func(bs []byte) bool { return bytes.HasSuffix(bs, []byte(promptMarker)) })

func waitForOutput(f *os.File, expected string, matcher func([]byte) bool) error {
    var buf bytes.Buffer
    // It shouldn't take more than a couple of seconds to see the expected
    // output, so use a timeout an order of magnitude longer to allow for
    // overloaded systems.
    deadline := time.Now().Add(30 * time.Second)
    for {
        budget := time.Until(deadline)
        if budget <= 0 {
        ready, err := eunix.WaitForRead(budget, f)
        if err != nil {
            if err == syscall.EINTR {
            return fmt.Errorf("waiting for tmux output: %w", err)
        if !ready[0] {
        _, err = io.CopyN(&buf, f, 1)
        if err != nil {
            return fmt.Errorf("reading tmux output: %w", err)
        if matcher(buf.Bytes()) {
            return nil
    return fmt.Errorf("timed out waiting for %s in tmux output; output so far: %q", expected, buf)

// We use this instead of html.EscapeString, since the latter also escapes ' and
// " unnecessarily.
var htmlEscaper = strings.NewReplacer("&", "&amp;", "<", "&lt;", ">", "&gt;")

func sgrTextToHTML(ttyshot string) string {
    t := ui.ParseSGREscapedText(ttyshot)

    var sb strings.Builder
    for i, line := range t.SplitByRune('\n') {
        if i > 0 {
        for j, seg := range line {
            style := seg.Style
            var classes []string
            if style.Inverse {
                // The inverse attribute means that the foreground and
                // background colors should be swapped, which cannot be
                // expressed in pure CSS. To work around this, this code swaps
                // the foreground and background colors, and uses two special
                // CSS classes to indicate that the foreground/background should
                // take the inverse of the default color.
                style.Inverse = false
                style.Fg, style.Bg = style.Bg, style.Fg
                if style.Fg == nil {
                    classes = append(classes, "sgr-7fg")
                if style.Bg == nil {
                    classes = append(classes, "sgr-7bg")

            for _, c := range style.SGRValues() {
                classes = append(classes, "sgr-"+c)
            text := seg.Text
            // We pass -N to tmux capture-pane in order to correctly preserve
            // trailing spaces that have background colors. However, this
            // preserves unstyled trailing spaces too, which makes the ttyshot
            // harder to copy-paste, so strip it.
            if len(classes) == 0 && j == len(line)-1 {
                text = strings.TrimRight(text, " ")
            if text == "" {
            escapedText := htmlEscaper.Replace(text)
            if len(classes) == 0 {
            } else {
                fmt.Fprintf(&sb, `<span class="%s">%s</span>`, strings.Join(classes, " "), escapedText)

    return sb.String()