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declare(strict_types = 1);

namespace EmbeddedPhp\Sensors;

use EmbeddedPhp\Core\Gpio\GpioInterface;

 * Ultrasonic ranging sensor.
 * @link https://www.sparkfun.com/products/15569
final class HcSr04 extends AbstractSensor {
   * TRIGGER reset pulse duration (in microseconds)
  private const TRIGGER_RPD = 2;
   * TRIGGER activation pulse duration (in microseconds)
  private const TRIGGER_APD = 10;
   * ECHO resolution (in microseconds)
  private const ECHO_RESOL = 1;
   * ECHO measurement timeout (in microseconds)
  private const ECHO_TIMEOUT = 100000;
   * Sound speed (in meters per second)
  private const SOUND_SPEED = 340;

  private GpioInterface $gpio;
  private int $triggerPin;
  private int $echoPin;
  private int $triggerReset = self::TRIGGER_RPD;
  private int $triggerActivation = self::TRIGGER_APD;
  private int $echoTimeout = self::ECHO_TIMEOUT;

  protected string $name = 'HC-SR04';
  protected string $description = 'Ultrasonic ranging sensor.';

   * @param GpioInterface $gpio       A GpioInterface compliant instance
   * @param int           $triggerPin The number of the GPIO Pin wired to the Sensor TRIGGER Pin
   * @param int           $echoPin    The number of the GPIO Pin wired to the Sensor ECHO Pin
   * @return void
  public function __construct(
    GpioInterface $gpio,
    int $triggerPin,
    int $echoPin
  ) {
    $this->gpio       = $gpio;
    $this->triggerPin = $triggerPin;
    $this->echoPin    = $echoPin;


  public function __destruct() {

  public function getTriggerResetPulseDuration(): int {
    return $this->triggerReset;

  public function setTriggerResetPulseDuration(int $microseconds): self {
    $this->triggerReset = $microseconds;

    return $this;

  public function getTriggerActivationPulseDuration(): int {
    return $this->triggerActivation;

  public function setTriggerActivationPulseDuration(int $microseconds): self {
    $this->triggerActivation = $microseconds;

    return $this;

  public function getEchoTimeout(): int {
    return $this->echoTimeout;

  public function setEchoTimeout(int $microseconds): self {
    $this->echoTimeout = $microseconds;

    return $this;

   * Return the current distance to an object in millimeters.
   * @return int
  public function getDistance(): int {
    // reset trigger
    // activate trigger
    // release trigger

    $time = $this->gpio->timeInHigh($this->echoPin, $this->echoTimeout);
    if ($time === 0) {
      // failed to measure time
      return 0;

     * Convert $time into seconds (1us = 1e-6s = 0.000001s)
     * Convert SOUND_SPEED into mm/s (1m/s = 1000mm/s)
     * (($time * 1e-6) * (SOUND_SPEED * 1000)) / 2
    return (int)(($time * self::SOUND_SPEED) * 5e-4);