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title: Configuration Overview

## Usage:

App developers use `config/deploy.js` to return a function that receives the build environment as a string and returns either a config object or a Promise that fulfills with a config object.

The config object has properties corresponding to the name of the plugin (e.g. for ember-cli-deploy-redis, the property is “redis”).


// deploy.js (sync)
module.exports = function(environment){
  var ENV = {

  if (environment === 'production') {
    ENV.redis = {
      url: process.env.REDIS_URL
  return ENV;

// deploy.js (async)
module.exports = function(environment){
  var ENV = {
    redis: {
  return someAsyncDataRetrieval(environment).then(function(data){
    ENV.redis = data.redisUrl;
    return ENV;

Individual config properties can be pure values or functions that receive the [context](../deployment-context) object and return a value.

module.export function(environment){
  var ENV = {
    redis: {
      revisionKey: function(context) {
        return context.deployment.tag;

### Additional Environments

You may wish to have an environment, such as staging, be built as if it where a different environment, like production. You can accomplish this by setting the `buildEnv` property to the desired environment you wish it to be built as. This will now be the environment that gets passed to the ember asset build, and used in `config/environment.js` for example.

module.exports = function(environment){
  var ENV = {

  if (environment === 'qa') {
    ENV.buildEnv = 'development';
  if (environment === 'staging') {
    ENV.buildEnv = 'production';
  return ENV;

If you need to have the original environment that was passed into the `ember build` command, this can be obtained under the environment variable of `DEPLOY_TARGET` and referenced in any node.js context with `process.env.DEPLOY_TARGET`. Those contexts include evaluation of your `config/deploy.js` file and your `ember-cli-build.js` file.

### Advanced Plugin Configuration

By default, all plugins from installed addons will be loaded, and
ordered based on ember-cli's order of the addons. Developers may have advanced use cases
for specifying the order of plugins, disabling plugins, or configuring a single plugin to
be configured and used twice.
If you want to opt-into this configuration, you can set the `plugins` property in your `config/deploy.js` file at either the top-level (for global configuration), or under an environment (for per-environment configuration).

plugins: ["s3-assets", "s3-index", "notify-slack"]

Any plugins not included in the list will not have their hooks executed.

It's also possible to [alias plugins](../aliasing-plugins).