'use strict';
const expect = require('chai').expect;
const RSVP = require('rsvp');
const TryEmberCommand = require('../../lib/commands/try-ember');
const origTryEachTask = TryEmberCommand._TryEachTask;
const origGetConfig = TryEmberCommand._getConfig;
describe('commands/try-ember', () => {
describe('#run', () => {
let mockConfig;
function MockTryEachTask() {}
MockTryEachTask.prototype.run = function () {};
beforeEach(() => {
TryEmberCommand._getConfig = function () {
return RSVP.resolve(mockConfig || { scenarios: [] });
TryEmberCommand._TryEachTask = MockTryEachTask;
afterEach(() => {
TryEmberCommand._TryEachTask = origTryEachTask;
TryEmberCommand._getConfig = origGetConfig;
mockConfig = null;
it('passes the configPath to _getConfig', () => {
let configPath;
TryEmberCommand._getConfig = function (options) {
configPath = options.configPath;
return RSVP.resolve({ scenarios: [{ name: 'foo' }] });
TryEmberCommand.run({ configPath: 'foo/bar/widget.js' }, ['foo']);
it('passes ember semver statement to _getConfig', () => {
let versionCompatibility;
TryEmberCommand._getConfig = function (options) {
versionCompatibility = options.versionCompatibility;
return RSVP.resolve({ scenarios: [{ name: 'foo' }] });
TryEmberCommand.run({}, ['1.13.0']);
expect(versionCompatibility).to.eql({ ember: '1.13.0' });