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import Mixin from '@ember/object/mixin';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import Column from '../utils/column';

const MAX_COLUMNS = 3;

export default Mixin.create({
  columns: null,

  realNumColumns: computed('numColumns', function() {
    return Math.min(this.numColumns, MAX_COLUMNS);

  getColumnFile(column) {
    return this.columns.objectAt(column - 1).get('file');

  setColumnFile(column, file) {
    this.columns.objectAt(column - 1).set('file', file);

   * Creates the column objects
  createColumns() {
    let columns = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < MAX_COLUMNS; ++i) {
      let col = (i + 1) + "";
        col: col,
        controller: this
    this.set('columns', columns);

   * Clears the columns
  clearColumns() {
    let numColumns = this.realNumColumns;
    for (let i = 1; i <= numColumns; ++i) {
      this.setColumnFile(i, undefined);

   * Set the initial files in the columns
  initializeColumns() {
    const files = this.get('model.files');

    if (!files) {

    const openFileNames = this.openFiles.split(",");
    const openFiles = openFileNames.map((file) => files.findBy('fileName', file));

    for (let i = 1; i <= openFiles.length; ++i) {
      this.setColumnFile(i, openFiles[i - 1]);

    const numColumns = this.realNumColumns;

    let j = 0;
    const len = files.get('length');
    for (let i = 1; i <= numColumns; ++i) {
      if (!this.getColumnFile(i)) {
        j = 0;
        while (!this.isOpen(files.objectAt(j))) {
          if (j >= len) {
        let file = files.objectAt(j);
        if (file) {
          this.setColumnFile(i, file);

   * Returns true if the passed in file is currently open
   * @param {Object} one of the files in the gist
   * @return {boolean}
  isOpen(file) {
    if (!file) {
      return false;

    for (let i = 1; i <= MAX_COLUMNS; ++i) {
      let colFile = this.getColumnFile(i);
      if (colFile && colFile.get('fileName') === file.get('fileName')){
        return false;

    return true;

  removeColumn(col) {
    let numColumns = this.realNumColumns;

    for (var i = (col|0); i < numColumns; ++i) {
      this.setColumnFile(i, this.getColumnFile(i + 1));
    this.setColumnFile(numColumns, undefined);

    let activeCol = this.activeEditorCol;
    if (activeCol >= col) {
      this.set('activeEditorCol', ((activeCol|0) - 1).toString());

  removeFileFromColumns(file) {
    for (let i = 1; i <= MAX_COLUMNS; ++i) {
      if (this.getColumnFile(i) === file) {
        this.setColumnFile(i, null);