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layout: docs
title: Configure - ember-redux

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# Configure

If you have a solid understanding of redux basics and what the ember bindings offer, this section will help you unlock the potential of ember-redux by showing all the extension points!

**Customize createStore**

If you need to customize how the redux store is created you can override the existing ember service. In the example below we import the reducers and enhancers like usual but notice we implement a method named `makeStoreInstance` and provide this to the new ReduxService we export.

import redux from 'redux';
import ReduxService from 'ember-redux/services/redux';
import createSagaMiddleWare from 'redux-saga';
import reducers from '../reducers/index';
import enhancers from '../enhancers/index';
import root from '../sagas/index';

const { createStore, applyMiddleware, compose } = redux;

const sagaMiddleware = createSagaMiddleWare();

const makeStoreInstance = ({reducers, enhancers}) => {
  const middleware = applyMiddleware(sagaMiddleware);
  const createStoreWithMiddleware = compose(
  const store = createStoreWithMiddleware(reducers);
  return store;

export default ReduxService.extend({


In redux [enhancers][] allow you to write a function that produces a "new and improved" store creator. The most well known enhancer is one that enables [time travel debugging][]. To write a custom enhancer that enables time travel debugging (with help from the [chrome dev tools][]) just add a new directory named `enhancers` and inside it a single file `index.js`

import { compose } from 'redux';

const devtools = window.devToolsExtension ?
  window.devToolsExtension() :
  f => f;

export default compose(devtools);


In redux [middleware][] allows you to write a function that produces a "new and improved" dispatch. If you want to configure custom middleware, just add a new directory named `middleware` and inside it a single file `index.js`

import thunk from 'redux-thunk';

const resolved = thunk.default ? thunk.default : thunk;

const warnz = function({dispatch, getState}) {
  return next => action => {
    if (typeof action === 'function') {
      return action(dispatch, getState);

    return next(action);

export default [resolved, warnz];

If the middleware you are using requires some additional setup after the store is created, like redux-saga you can export a setup function that will be run for you.

import createSagaMiddleWare from 'redux-saga';
import addAsync from '../sagas/counter';

const createSaga = createSagaMiddleWare.default ?
  createSagaMiddleWare.default :

const sagaMiddleware = createSaga();

const setup = () => {

export default {
  middleware: [sagaMiddleware],
  setup: setup

Redux middleware libraries can be installed directly when using [ember-auto-import][].

$ ember install ember-auto-import
$ npm install --save-dev redux-thunk 

$ ember install ember-auto-import
$ npm install --save-dev redux-saga


In redux [reducers][] take the current state along with some action and return a new state. In the example below you can see we return the previous state + 1 when the explicit action 'ADD' is triggered.

import { combineReducers } from 'redux';

const number = (state, action) => {
  if (action.type === 'ADD') {
    return state + 1;
  return state || 0;

export default combineReducers({

[chrome dev tools]: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/redux-devtools/lmhkpmbekcpmknklioeibfkpmmfibljd?hl=en
[time travel debugging]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xsSnOQynTHs
[enhancers]: https://github.com/reactjs/redux/blob/master/docs/Glossary.md#store-enhancer
[middleware]: https://github.com/reactjs/redux/blob/master/docs/Glossary.md#middleware
[reducers]: https://github.com/reactjs/redux/blob/master/docs/Glossary.md#reducer
[redux-thunk]: https://github.com/gaearon/redux-thunk
[ember-auto-import]: https://github.com/ef4/ember-auto-import

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