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Test Coverage
import {getIdeaForAddingFromIdea} from '../../../server/model/ideas/ideaForAdding';
import * as ApiUtils from '../../utils/api-utils';
import {
} from './utils';

beforeEach(async () => {
    await ApiUtils.changeDatabaseToMemoryAndDeleteEverything();

describe('string validation and normalization', () => {
    test('whitespace', async () => {
        await testTransformExpressions(
            [' trim whitespace ', 'two  spaces  between  words', ' trim,        tab  and multiple   spaces '],
            ['trim whitespace', 'two spaces between words', 'trim, tab and multiple spaces'],

    test('context', async () => {
        await testTransformExpressions(
            ['to ( play ) a sport', 'to (  play) a (    sport)', 'to (     play   ) ( sport)'],
            ['to (play) a sport', 'to (play) a (sport)', 'to (play) (sport)'],

    test('empty expression text', async () => {
        const emptyStrings = ['', ' ', '  ', '    '];
        await addMultipleInvalidIdeasAndTest(emptyStrings);
        await editMultipleInvalidIdeasAndTest(emptyStrings);

describe('duplicates', () => {
    test('duplicate expressions within idea', async () => {
        // Adding
        await addInvalidIdeaAndTest(makeIdeaForAdding({
            ee: [{language: 'l', text: 'duplicate'}, {language: 'l', text: 'duplicate'}],
        await addInvalidIdeaAndTest(makeIdeaForAdding({
            ee: [{language: 'l2', text: 'to (play sport)'}, {language: 'l2', text: 'to ( play sport)'}],

        // Editing
        const idea = await addAnyIdea();
        const ideaForAdding = getIdeaForAddingFromIdea(idea);
        ideaForAdding.ee[1] = ideaForAdding.ee[0];
        await editInvalidIdeaAndTest(ideaForAdding, idea.id);

        ideaForAdding.ee[0].text = 'to (play sport)';
        ideaForAdding.ee[1].text = 'to ( play sport)';
        await editInvalidIdeaAndTest(ideaForAdding, idea.id);

describe('context', () => {
    test('parentheses (context)', async () => {
        const invalidExpressions = [
            // Double parenthesis
            'to ((play sport))',
            'to ( (play sport))',
            'to ( (play sport)',
            // Opening parenthesis before the first one is closed
            'to ((play) sport',
            'to (p(lay) sport',
            '(to (play)) sport',
            'to (play (sport))',
            'to (p(la)y) sport',
            // An expression that contains only context
            '(only context)',
            '  (only context) ',
            '(only) (context)',
            // Unclosed opening parenthesis
            'to (play sport',
            'to (',
            'to ((play sport)',
            '(to play sport',
            'to (play) (sport',
            // Unmatched closing parenthesis
            'to play) sport',
            'to (play)) sport',
            'to (play) sport)',
            ')(to play sport)',
            // Parentheses are not balanced
            'to )play( sport',
            'to )play( (sport',
            'to (play) )sport',
            // Empty context content
            'to () sport',
            'to (  ) sport',

        // Adding
        await addMultipleInvalidIdeasAndTest(invalidExpressions);

        // Editing
        await editMultipleInvalidIdeasAndTest(invalidExpressions);

describe('id of expressions', () => {
    test('expression id changes only when effective expression is modified', async () => {
        const i = {
            ee: [{language: 'english', text: '(red) apple'}, {language: 'french', text: 'pomme (rouge)'}],

        let ideaForAdding = await makeIdeaForAdding(i);
        let previousIdea = await ApiUtils.addIdea(ideaForAdding);
        let editedIdea = previousIdea;
        ideaForAdding = getIdeaForAddingFromIdea(previousIdea);

        async function editAndTest(id1ShouldBeModified: boolean, id2ShouldBeModified: boolean, swapped?: boolean) {
            if (swapped) {
                editedIdea = await editValidIdeaAndTest(editedIdea, ideaForAdding, [ideaForAdding.ee[1], ideaForAdding.ee[0]]);
            } else {
                editedIdea = await editValidIdeaAndTest(editedIdea, ideaForAdding);
            function checkIdModification(index: number, shouldBeModified: boolean) {
                if (shouldBeModified) {
                } else {
            checkIdModification(0, id1ShouldBeModified);
            checkIdModification(1, id2ShouldBeModified);
            previousIdea = editedIdea;

        function changeTexts(text1: string, text2: string) {
            ideaForAdding = getIdeaForAddingFromIdea(editedIdea);
            ideaForAdding.ee[0].text = text1;
            ideaForAdding.ee[1].text = text2;

        changeTexts('(green) apple', 'pomme (verte)');
        await editAndTest(false, false);

        changeTexts('apple', 'pomme');
        await editAndTest(false, false);

        changeTexts('(yellow) apple', 'pomme (jaune)');
        await editAndTest(false, false);

        changeTexts('(yellow) potato', 'pomme (jaune)');
        await editAndTest(true, false);

        changeTexts('(yellow) potato', 'patate (jaune)');
        await editAndTest(false, true);

        changeTexts('tomato', 'tomate');
        await editAndTest(true, true);

        changeTexts('(a wonderful) tomato (that is red)', '(une merveilleuse) tomate (rouge)');
        await editAndTest(false, false);

        changeTexts('(a wonderful) tomato', '(une merveilleuse) tomate');
        await editAndTest(false, false);

        changeTexts('a wonderful tomato', 'une merveilleuse tomate');
        await editAndTest(true, true);

        changeTexts('(a) wonderful and delicious (tomato)', 'une (merveilleuse et délicieuse) tomate');
        await editAndTest(true, true);

        changeTexts('wonderful and delicious', 'une merveilleuse tomate');
        await editAndTest(false, true);

        changeTexts('wonderful (and) delicious', 'une (merveilleuse) tomate');
        await editAndTest(true, true);

        changeTexts('wonderful delicious', 'une tomate');
        await editAndTest(false, false);

        // Swap the expressions
        changeTexts('une tomate', 'wonderful delicious');
        const temp = ideaForAdding.ee[0].languageId;
        ideaForAdding.ee[0].languageId = ideaForAdding.ee[1].languageId;
        ideaForAdding.ee[1].languageId = temp;
        await editAndTest(false, false, true);

        // Swap only the expression texts (last edit returned ['wonderful delicious', 'une tomate'])
        changeTexts('une tomate', 'wonderful delicious');
        await editAndTest(true, true);

        // Change the language of the first expression
        ideaForAdding.ee[0].languageId = ideaForAdding.ee[1].languageId;
        await editAndTest(true, false);