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import * as dotenv from 'dotenv';
import {Language} from 'server/model/languages/language';
import {ExpressionForAdding} from '../../server/model/ideas/expression';
import {IdeaForAdding} from '../../server/model/ideas/ideaForAdding';
import {Settings} from '../../server/model/settings/settings';
import {settingsFromPartial} from '../utils/utils';


export const apiUrl = Cypress.env('VITE_API_URL');

export function cyRequestPut(url: string, body: any) {
    cyRequest(url, 'PUT', body);

export function cyRequestPost(url: string, body: any) {
    cyRequest(url, 'POST', body);

function cyRequest(url: string, method:'PUT'|'POST', body: any) {
        url: `${url}`,
        headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'},
        body: `${JSON.stringify(body)}`,

export function addLanguages() {
    const languageNames = [
    for (const languageName of languageNames) {
        cyRequestPost(`${apiUrl}/languages`, {name: languageName});
    // Make some languages practiceable
    const ll: Language[] = [
            id: 1, name: 'français', ordering: 0, isPractice: false,
            id: 2, name: 'english', ordering: 1, isPractice: true,
            id: 3, name: 'español', ordering: 2, isPractice: true,
            id: 4, name: 'italiano', ordering: 3, isPractice: true,
            id: 5, name: 'deutsch', ordering: 4, isPractice: true,
            id: 6, name: 'português', ordering: 5, isPractice: true,
    cyRequestPut(`${apiUrl}/languages`, ll);
    return ll;

export function addIdeasDifferentSet() {
    // Idea 1: fr, en, es, de, it, pt
    const fr1: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'bonjour (à vous)', languageId: 1, known: true};
    const en1: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'hello', languageId: 2, known: true};
    const es1: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'buenos días', languageId: 3, known: true};
    const de1: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'guten Tag', languageId: 5, known: true};
    const pt1: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'bom Dia', languageId: 6, known: true};
    const it1: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'buongiorno', languageId: 4, known: true};
    const i1: IdeaForAdding = {ee: [fr1, en1, es1, de1, pt1, it1]};

    // Idea 2: fr, en, es, de, pt
    const fr2: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'bonne nuit', languageId: 1};
    const en2: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'good night', languageId: 2};
    const es2: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'buenas noches', languageId: 3};
    const pt2: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'boa noite', languageId: 6};
    const de2: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'gute Natch', languageId: 5};
    const i2: IdeaForAdding = {ee: [fr2, en2, es2, pt2, de2]};

    // Idea 3: fr, en, es
    const fr3: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'bonsoir', languageId: 1};
    const fr4: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'bonsoir 2', languageId: 1};
    const en3: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'good evening', languageId: 2};
    const en4: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'good evening 2', languageId: 2};
    const es3: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'buenas noches', languageId: 3};
    const es4: ExpressionForAdding = {text: 'buenas noches 2', languageId: 3};
    const i3: IdeaForAdding = {ee: [fr3, fr4, en3, en4, es3, es4]};
    cyRequestPost(`${apiUrl}/ideas`, i1);
    cyRequestPost(`${apiUrl}/ideas`, i2);
    cyRequestPost(`${apiUrl}/ideas`, i3);

export function addIdeas() {
    const e1: ExpressionForAdding = {languageId: 1, text: 'bonjour'};
    const e2: ExpressionForAdding = {languageId: 2, text: 'hello'};
    const e3: ExpressionForAdding = {languageId: 3, text: 'buenos días'};
    const e4: ExpressionForAdding = {languageId: 4, text: 'buongiorno'};
    const e5: ExpressionForAdding = {languageId: 5, text: 'guten Tag'};
    const i1: IdeaForAdding = {ee: [e1, e2, e3, e4, e5]};
    const e6: ExpressionForAdding = {languageId: 1, text: 'salut'};
    const e7: ExpressionForAdding = {languageId: 1, text: 'allô'};
    const e8: ExpressionForAdding = {languageId: 2, text: 'hi'};
    const e9: ExpressionForAdding = {languageId: 2, text: 'hey'};
    const e10: ExpressionForAdding = {languageId: 3, text: 'HOLA éàíôüáéíóú'};
    const e11: ExpressionForAdding = {languageId: 4, text: 'ciao'};
    const e12: ExpressionForAdding = {languageId: 4, text: 'salve'};
    const e13: ExpressionForAdding = {languageId: 5, text: 'Hallo'};
    const i2: IdeaForAdding = {ee: [e6, e7, e8, e9, e10, e11, e12, e13]};
    cyRequestPost(`${apiUrl}/ideas`, i1);
    cyRequestPost(`${apiUrl}/ideas`, i2);

export function assertFetchIdeaReturnsStatus(id: number, status: number, contains?: string[]) {
        url: `${apiUrl}/ideas/${id}`,
        failOnStatusCode: false,
    }).then(r => {
        cy.wrap(r).its('status').should('equal', status);
        if (contains) {
            for (const c of contains) {
                cy.wrap(JSON.stringify(r.body)).should('contain', c);

export function assertFetchIdeaDoesNotContain(id: number, notContains: string[]) {
        url: `${apiUrl}/ideas/${id}`,
    }).then(r => {
        for (const c of notContains) {
            cy.wrap(JSON.stringify(r.body)).should('not.contain', c);

export function getExpressionTextInputRow(n: number) {
    return cy.get('.expression-text').eq(n);

export function getKnownExpressionCheckbox(n: number) {
    return cy.get('.expression-known-checkbox').eq(n);

export function getLanguageSelect(n: number) {
    return cy.get('.expression-language').eq(n);

export function assertAllInputsEmpty() {
    cy.get('.expression-text').each(e => cy.wrap(e).should('have.value', ''));

export function getAddRowsButton() {
    return cy.get('#add-rows');

export function getSaveButton() {
    return cy.get('#save-idea');

export function waitForTableToLoad(length: number) {
        .should('have.length', length);

export function getEditButton() {
    return cy.get('#edit-button');

export function getDeleteButton() {
    return cy.get('#delete-button');

export function inputExpression(rowNbr: number, language: string, text: string) {

export function toggleExpressionKnown(rowNbr: number) {

export function clearAndType(selector: string, text: string) {

export function assertExpressionIsKnown(rowNbr: number, known: boolean) {
        .should(known ? 'be.checked' : 'not.be.checked');

export function assertExpressionHasValues(rowNbr: number, languageName: string, text: string) {
    cy.get(`#ideas .expression:nth-child(${rowNbr + 1}) .expression-language option:checked`).should('have.text', languageName);
    cy.get(`#ideas .expression:nth-child(${rowNbr + 1}) .expression-text`).should('have.value', text);

export async function setSettings(partialSettings: Partial<Settings>) {
    cyRequestPut(`${apiUrl}/settings`, settingsFromPartial(partialSettings));

export function changeDatabase(path: string) {
    cyRequestPut(`${apiUrl}/database/path`, {path});