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import * as child_process from 'node:child_process';
import path from 'node:path';

import { parse } from '@fast-csv/parse';

import ProgressBar, { ProgressBarSymbol } from '../../console/progressBar.js';
import DriveSemaphore from '../../driveSemaphore.js';
import bufferPoly from '../../polyfill/bufferPoly.js';
import fsPoly from '../../polyfill/fsPoly.js';
import CMProParser, { DATProps, GameProps, ROMProps } from '../../types/dats/cmpro/cmProParser.js';
import DAT from '../../types/dats/dat.js';
import DATObject, { DATObjectProps } from '../../types/dats/datObject.js';
import Disk from '../../types/dats/disk.js';
import Game from '../../types/dats/game.js';
import Header from '../../types/dats/logiqx/header.js';
import LogiqxDAT from '../../types/dats/logiqx/logiqxDat.js';
import MameDAT from '../../types/dats/mame/mameDat.js';
import ROM from '../../types/dats/rom.js';
import SoftwareListDAT from '../../types/dats/softwarelist/softwareListDat.js';
import SoftwareListsDAT from '../../types/dats/softwarelist/softwareListsDat.js';
import ExpectedError from '../../types/expectedError.js';
import ArchiveEntry from '../../types/files/archives/archiveEntry.js';
import File from '../../types/files/file.js';
import { ChecksumBitmask } from '../../types/files/fileChecksums.js';
import FileFactory from '../../types/files/fileFactory.js';
import Options from '../../types/options.js';
import Scanner from '../scanner.js';

type SmdbRow = {
  sha256: string;
  name: string;
  sha1: string;
  md5: string;
  crc: string;
  size?: string;

 * Scan the {@link OptionsProps.dat} input directory for DAT files and return the internal model
 * representation.
export default class DATScanner extends Scanner {
  constructor(options: Options, progressBar: ProgressBar, fileFactory: FileFactory) {
    super(options, progressBar, fileFactory, DATScanner.name);

   * Scan files and parse {@link DAT}s.
  async scan(): Promise<DAT[]> {
    this.progressBar.logTrace('scanning DAT files');

    const datFilePaths = await this.options.scanDatFilesWithoutExclusions((increment) => {
    if (datFilePaths.length === 0) {
      return [];
      `found ${datFilePaths.length.toLocaleString()} DAT file${datFilePaths.length !== 1 ? 's' : ''}`,

    this.progressBar.logTrace('enumerating DAT archives');
    const datFiles = await this.getUniqueFilesFromPaths(

    const downloadedDats = await this.downloadDats(datFiles);
    const parsedDats = await this.parseDatFiles(downloadedDats);

    this.progressBar.logTrace('done scanning DAT files');
    return parsedDats;

  private async downloadDats(datFiles: File[]): Promise<File[]> {
    if (!datFiles.some((datFile) => datFile.isURL())) {
      return datFiles;

    this.progressBar.logTrace('downloading DATs from URLs');

    return (
      await Promise.all(
        datFiles.map(async (datFile) => {
          if (!datFile.isURL()) {
            return datFile;

          try {
            this.progressBar.logTrace(`${datFile.toString()}: downloading`);
            // TODO(cemmer): these never get deleted?
            const downloadedDatFile = await datFile.downloadToTempPath('dat');
              `${datFile.toString()}: downloaded to '${downloadedDatFile.toString()}'`,
            return await this.getFilesFromPaths(
          } catch (error) {
            throw new ExpectedError(`failed to download '${datFile.toString()}': ${error}`);

  // Parse each file into a DAT
  private async parseDatFiles(datFiles: File[]): Promise<DAT[]> {
      `parsing ${datFiles.length.toLocaleString()} DAT file${datFiles.length !== 1 ? 's' : ''}`,

    return (
      await new DriveSemaphore(this.options.getReaderThreads()).map(datFiles, async (datFile) => {
        const waitingMessage = `${datFile.toString()} ...`;

        let dat: DAT | undefined;
        try {
          dat = await this.parseDatFile(datFile);
        } catch (error) {
          this.progressBar.logWarn(`${datFile.toString()}: failed to parse DAT file: ${error}`);


        if (dat && this.shouldFilterOut(dat)) {
          return undefined;
        return dat;
      .filter((dat) => dat !== undefined)
      .map((dat) => this.sanitizeDat(dat))
      .sort((a, b) => a.getNameShort().localeCompare(b.getNameShort()));

  private async parseDatFile(datFile: File): Promise<DAT | undefined> {
    let dat: DAT | undefined;

    if (
      !dat &&
      !(datFile instanceof ArchiveEntry) &&
      (await fsPoly.isExecutable(datFile.getFilePath()))
    ) {
      dat = await this.parseMameListxml(datFile);

    if (!dat) {
      dat = await datFile.createReadStream(async (stream) => {
        const fileContents = (await bufferPoly.fromReadable(stream)).toString();
        return this.parseDatContents(datFile, fileContents);

    if (!dat) {
      return dat;

    // Special case: if the DAT has only one BIOS game with a large number of ROMs, assume each of
    //  those ROMs should be a separate game. This is to help parse the libretro BIOS System.dat
    //  file which only has one game for every BIOS file, even though there are 90+ consoles.
    if (
      dat.getGames().length === 1 &&
      dat.getGames()[0].isBios() &&
      dat.getGames()[0].getRoms().length > 10
    ) {
      const game = dat.getGames()[0];
      dat = new LogiqxDAT(
          .map((rom) => {
            // Use the ROM's filename without its extension as the game name
            const { dir, name } = path.parse(rom.getName());
            const gameName = path.format({ dir, name });
            return game.withProps({
              name: gameName,
              rom: [rom],

    const size = dat
      .flatMap((game) => game.getRoms())
      .reduce((sum, rom) => sum + rom.getSize(), 0);
      `${datFile.toString()}: ${fsPoly.sizeReadable(size)} of ${dat.getGames().length.toLocaleString()} game${dat.getGames().length !== 1 ? 's' : ''}, ${dat.getParents().length.toLocaleString()} parent${dat.getParents().length !== 1 ? 's' : ''} parsed`,

    return dat;

  private async parseMameListxml(mameExecutable: File): Promise<DAT | undefined> {
      `${mameExecutable.toString()}: attempting to get ListXML from MAME executable`,

    let fileContents: string;
    try {
      fileContents = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        const proc = child_process.spawn(mameExecutable.getFilePath(), ['-listxml'], {
          windowsHide: true,

        let output = '';
        proc.stdout.on('data', (chunk) => {
          output += chunk.toString();
        proc.stderr.on('data', (chunk) => {
          output += chunk.toString();

        proc.on('close', (code) => {
          if (code !== null && code > 0) {
            reject(new Error(`exit code ${code}`));

        proc.on('error', reject);
    } catch (error) {
        `${mameExecutable.toString()}: failed to get ListXML from MAME executable: ${error}`,
      return undefined;

    return this.parseDatContents(mameExecutable, fileContents);

  private async parseDatContents(datFile: File, fileContents: string): Promise<DAT | undefined> {
    if (!fileContents) {
      this.progressBar.logTrace(`${datFile.toString()}: file is empty`);
      return undefined;

    const xmlDat = this.parseXmlDat(datFile, fileContents);
    if (xmlDat) {
      return xmlDat;

    const cmproDatParsed = this.parseCmproDat(datFile, fileContents);
    if (cmproDatParsed) {
      return cmproDatParsed;

    const smdbParsed = await this.parseSourceMaterialDatabase(datFile, fileContents);
    if (smdbParsed) {
      return smdbParsed;

    this.progressBar.logTrace(`${datFile.toString()}: failed to parse DAT file`);
    return undefined;

  private parseXmlDat(datFile: File, fileContents: string): DAT | undefined {
      `${datFile.toString()}: attempting to parse ${fsPoly.sizeReadable(fileContents.length)} of XML`,

    let datObject: DATObjectProps;
    try {
      datObject = DATObject.fromXmlString(fileContents);
    } catch (error) {
      const message = (error as Error).message.split('\n').join(', ');
      this.progressBar.logTrace(`${datFile.toString()}: failed to parse DAT XML: ${message}`);
      return undefined;

    this.progressBar.logTrace(`${datFile.toString()}: parsed XML, deserializing to DAT`);

    if (datObject.datafile) {
      try {
        return LogiqxDAT.fromObject(datObject.datafile);
      } catch (error) {
        this.progressBar.logTrace(`${datFile.toString()}: failed to parse DAT object: ${error}`);
        return undefined;

    if (datObject.mame) {
      try {
        return MameDAT.fromObject(datObject.mame);
      } catch (error) {
          `${datFile.toString()}: failed to parse MAME DAT object: ${error}`,
        return undefined;

    if (datObject.softwarelists) {
      try {
        return SoftwareListsDAT.fromObject(datObject.softwarelists);
      } catch (error) {
          `${datFile.toString()}: failed to parse software list DAT object: ${error}`,
        return undefined;

    if (datObject.softwarelist) {
      try {
        return SoftwareListDAT.fromObject(datObject.softwarelist);
      } catch (error) {
          `${datFile.toString()}: failed to parse software list DAT object: ${error}`,
        return undefined;

      `${datFile.toString()}: parsed XML, but failed to find a known DAT root`,
    return undefined;

  private parseCmproDat(datFile: File, fileContents: string): DAT | undefined {
     * Validation that this might be a CMPro file.
    if (fileContents.match(/^(clrmamepro|game|resource) \(\r?\n(\s.+\r?\n)+\)$/m) === null) {
      return undefined;

    this.progressBar.logTrace(`${datFile.toString()}: attempting to parse CMPro DAT`);

    let cmproDat: DATProps;
    try {
      cmproDat = new CMProParser(fileContents).parse();
    } catch (error) {
      this.progressBar.logTrace(`${datFile.toString()}: failed to parse CMPro DAT: ${error}`);
      return undefined;

    this.progressBar.logTrace(`${datFile.toString()}: parsed CMPro DAT, deserializing to DAT`);

    const header = new Header({
      name: cmproDat.clrmamepro?.name,
      description: cmproDat.clrmamepro?.description,
      version: cmproDat.clrmamepro?.version,
      date: cmproDat.clrmamepro?.date,
      author: cmproDat.clrmamepro?.author,
      url: cmproDat.clrmamepro?.url,
      comment: cmproDat.clrmamepro?.comment,

    let cmproDatGames: GameProps[] = [];
    if (cmproDat.game) {
      if (Array.isArray(cmproDat.game)) {
        cmproDatGames = cmproDat.game;
      } else {
        cmproDatGames = [cmproDat.game];

    const games = cmproDatGames.flatMap((game) => {
      const gameName = game.name ?? game.comment;

      let gameRoms: ROMProps[] = [];
      if (game.rom) {
        if (Array.isArray(game.rom)) {
          gameRoms = game.rom;
        } else {
          gameRoms = [game.rom];
      const roms = gameRoms.map(
        (entry) =>
          new ROM({
            name: entry.name ?? '',
            size: Number.parseInt(entry.size ?? '0', 10),
            crc32: entry.crc,
            md5: entry.md5,
            sha1: entry.sha1,

      let gameDisks: ROMProps[] = [];
      if (game.disk) {
        if (Array.isArray(game.disk)) {
          gameDisks = game.disk;
        } else {
          gameDisks = [game.disk];
      const disks = gameDisks.map(
        (entry) =>
          new Disk({
            name: entry.name ?? '',
            size: Number.parseInt(entry.size ?? '0', 10),
            crc32: entry.crc,
            md5: entry.md5,
            sha1: entry.sha1,

      return new Game({
        name: gameName,
        category: undefined,
        description: game.description,
          cmproDat.clrmamepro?.author?.toLowerCase() === 'libretro' &&
          cmproDat.clrmamepro?.name?.toLowerCase() === 'system'
            ? 'yes'
            : 'no',
        device: undefined,
        cloneOf: game.cloneof,
        romOf: game.romof,
        sampleOf: undefined,
        genre: game.genre?.toString(),
        release: undefined,
        rom: roms,
        disk: disks,

    return new LogiqxDAT(header, games);

   * @see https://github.com/frederic-mahe/Hardware-Target-Game-Database
  private async parseSourceMaterialDatabase(
    datFile: File,
    fileContents: string,
  ): Promise<DAT | undefined> {
    this.progressBar.logTrace(`${datFile.toString()}: attempting to parse SMDB`);

    let rows: SmdbRow[] = [];
    try {
      rows = await DATScanner.parseSourceMaterialTsv(fileContents);
    } catch (error) {
      this.progressBar.logTrace(`${datFile.toString()}: failed to parse SMDB: ${error}`);
      return undefined;

    if (rows.length === 0) {
      this.progressBar.logTrace(`${datFile.toString()}: failed to parse SMDB, file has no rows`);
      return undefined;

    this.progressBar.logTrace(`${datFile.toString()}: parsed SMDB, deserializing to DAT`);

    const games = rows.map((row) => {
      const rom = new ROM({
        name: row.name,
        size: Number.parseInt(row.size ?? '0', 10),
        crc32: row.crc,
        md5: row.md5,
        sha1: row.sha1,
        sha256: row.sha256,
      const gameName = row.name.replace(/\.[^.]*$/, '');
      return new Game({
        name: gameName,
        description: gameName,

    const datName = path.parse(datFile.getExtractedFilePath()).name;
    return new LogiqxDAT(
      new Header({
        name: datName,
        description: datName,

  private static async parseSourceMaterialTsv(fileContents: string): Promise<SmdbRow[]> {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const rows: SmdbRow[] = [];

      const stream = parse<SmdbRow, SmdbRow>({
        delimiter: '\t',
        quote: undefined,
        headers: ['sha256', 'name', 'sha1', 'md5', 'crc', 'size'],
          (row: SmdbRow) =>
            row.name &&
            (row.crc.match(/^[0-9a-f]{8}$/) !== null ||
              row.md5.match(/^[0-9a-f]{32}$/) !== null ||
              row.sha1.match(/^[0-9a-f]{40}$/) !== null ||
              row.sha256.match(/^[0-9a-f]{64}$/) !== null),
        .on('error', reject)
        .on('data', (row) => {
        .on('end', () => resolve(rows));

  private shouldFilterOut(dat: DAT): boolean {
    const datNameRegex = this.options.getDatNameRegex();
    if (datNameRegex && !datNameRegex.some((regex) => regex.test(dat.getName()))) {
      return true;

    const datNameRegexExclude = this.options.getDatNameRegexExclude();
    if (datNameRegexExclude && datNameRegexExclude.some((regex) => regex.test(dat.getName()))) {
      return true;

    const datDescription = dat.getDescription();

    const datDescriptionRegex = this.options.getDatDescriptionRegex();
    if (
      datDescription &&
      datDescriptionRegex &&
      !datDescriptionRegex.some((regex) => regex.test(datDescription))
    ) {
      return true;

    const datDescriptionRegexExclude = this.options.getDatDescriptionRegexExclude();
    if (
      datDescription &&
      datDescriptionRegexExclude &&
      datDescriptionRegexExclude.some((regex) => regex.test(datDescription))
    ) {
      return true;

    return false;

  private sanitizeDat(dat: DAT): DAT {
    const games = dat.getGames().map((game) => {
      const roms = game
        // Games have to have at least one ROM with a non-empty checksum
          (rom) =>
            this.options.shouldDir2Dat() ||
            ((rom.getCrc32() === undefined || rom.getCrc32() !== '00000000') &&
              (rom.getMd5() === undefined || rom.getMd5() !== 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e') &&
              (rom.getSha1() === undefined ||
                rom.getSha1() !== 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709') &&
              (rom.getSha256() === undefined ||
                rom.getSha256() !==
      return game.withProps({ rom: roms });

    return new LogiqxDAT(dat.getHeader(), games);