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import { Semaphore } from 'async-mutex';

import ProgressBar, { ProgressBarSymbol } from '../console/progressBar.js';
import Defaults from '../globals/defaults.js';
import ArrayPoly from '../polyfill/arrayPoly.js';
import fsPoly from '../polyfill/fsPoly.js';
import DAT from '../types/dats/dat.js';
import Archive from '../types/files/archives/archive.js';
import ArchiveEntry from '../types/files/archives/archiveEntry.js';
import ArchiveFile from '../types/files/archives/archiveFile.js';
import File from '../types/files/file.js';
import Module from './module.js';

 * After all output {@link File}s have been written, delete any input {@link File}s that were
 * "moved." This needs to happen after all writing has finished in order to guarantee we're done
 * reading input {@link File}s from disk.
export default class MovedROMDeleter extends Module {
  constructor(progressBar: ProgressBar) {
    super(progressBar, MovedROMDeleter.name);

   * Delete input files that were moved.
  async delete(
    inputRoms: File[],
    movedRoms: File[],
    datsToWrittenFiles: Map<DAT, File[]>,
  ): Promise<string[]> {
    if (movedRoms.length === 0) {
      return [];

    this.progressBar.logTrace('deleting moved ROMs');

    const fullyConsumedFiles = this.filterOutPartiallyConsumedArchives(movedRoms, inputRoms);

    const filePathsToDelete = MovedROMDeleter.filterOutWrittenFiles(

    const existSemaphore = new Semaphore(Defaults.OUTPUT_CLEANER_BATCH_SIZE);
    const existingFilePathsCheck = await Promise.all(
      filePathsToDelete.map(async (filePath) =>
        existSemaphore.runExclusive(async () => fsPoly.exists(filePath)),
    const existingFilePaths = filePathsToDelete.filter((filePath, idx) =>

      `deleting ${existingFilePaths.length.toLocaleString()} moved file${existingFilePaths.length !== 1 ? 's' : ''}`,

    const filePathChunks = existingFilePaths.reduce(
    for (const filePathChunk of filePathChunks) {
        `deleting moved file${filePathChunk.length !== 1 ? 's' : ''}:\n${filePathChunk.map((filePath) => `  ${filePath}`).join('\n')}`,
      await Promise.all(
        filePathChunk.map(async (filePath) => {
          try {
            await fsPoly.rm(filePath, { force: true });
          } catch (error) {
            this.progressBar.logError(`${filePath}: failed to delete: ${error}`);

    this.progressBar.logTrace('done deleting moved ROMs');
    return existingFilePaths;

   * Archives that do not have all of their file entries matched should not be deleted during
   *  moving.
  private filterOutPartiallyConsumedArchives(movedRoms: File[], inputRoms: File[]): string[] {
    const groupedInputRoms = MovedROMDeleter.groupFilesByFilePath(inputRoms);
    const groupedMovedRoms = MovedROMDeleter.groupFilesByFilePath(movedRoms);

    return [...groupedMovedRoms.entries()]
      .map(([filePath, movedEntries]) => {
        // NOTE(cemmer): games can have ROMs with duplicate checksums, which means an Archive of
        //  that game's ROMs will contain some duplicate files. When extracting or zipping, we would
        //  have generated multiple ReleaseCandidates with the same input File, resulting in the
        //  duplicate files in the Archive not being considered "moved." Therefore, we should use
        //  the unique set of ArchiveEntry hash codes to know if every ArchiveEntry was "consumed"
        //  during writing.
        const movedEntryHashCodes = new Set(movedEntries.flatMap((file) => file.hashCode()));

        const inputFilesForPath = groupedInputRoms.get(filePath) ?? [];
        const inputFileIsArchive = inputFilesForPath.some(
          (inputFile) => inputFile instanceof ArchiveEntry,

        const unmovedFiles = inputFilesForPath
          .filter((inputFile) => !(inputFile instanceof ArchiveEntry))
          // The input archive entry needs to have been explicitly moved
          .filter((inputFile) => !movedEntryHashCodes.has(inputFile.hashCode()));

        if (inputFileIsArchive && unmovedFiles.length === 0) {
          // The input file is an archive, and it was fully extracted OR the archive file itself was
          // an exact match and was moved as-is
          return filePath;

        const unmovedArchiveEntries = inputFilesForPath
            (inputFile): inputFile is ArchiveEntry<Archive> => inputFile instanceof ArchiveEntry,
          .filter((inputEntry) => {
            if (movedEntries.length === 1 && movedEntries[0] instanceof ArchiveFile) {
              // If the input archive was written as a raw archive, then consider it moved
              return false;

            // Otherwise, the input archive entry needs to have been explicitly moved
            return !movedEntryHashCodes.has(inputEntry.hashCode());

        if (inputFileIsArchive && unmovedArchiveEntries.length === 0) {
          // The input file is an archive and it was fully zipped
          return filePath;

        const unmovedEntries = [...unmovedFiles, ...unmovedArchiveEntries];
        if (unmovedEntries.length > 0) {
            `${filePath}: not deleting moved file, ${unmovedEntries.length.toLocaleString()} archive entr${unmovedEntries.length !== 1 ? 'ies were' : 'y was'} unmatched:\n${unmovedEntries
              .map((entry) => `  ${entry}`)
          return undefined;

        return filePath;
      .filter((filePath) => filePath !== undefined);

  private static groupFilesByFilePath(files: File[]): Map<string, File[]> {
    return files.reduce((map, file) => {
      const key = file.getFilePath();
      const filesForKey = map.get(key) ?? [];

      const uniqueFilesForKey = filesForKey.filter(
        ArrayPoly.filterUniqueMapped((fileForKey) => fileForKey.toString()),

      map.set(key, uniqueFilesForKey);
      return map;
    }, new Map<string, File[]>());

   * When an input directory is also used as the output directory, and a file is matched multiple
   *  times, do not delete the input file if it is in a correct location.
  private static filterOutWrittenFiles(
    movedRoms: string[],
    datsToWrittenFiles: Map<DAT, File[]>,
  ): string[] {
    const writtenFilePaths = new Set(
      [...datsToWrittenFiles.values()].flat().map((file) => file.getFilePath()),

    return movedRoms.filter((filePath) => !writtenFilePaths.has(filePath));