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import fs from 'node:fs';
import path from 'node:path';
import { Readable } from 'node:stream';

import archiver, { Archiver } from 'archiver';
import async, { AsyncResultCallback } from 'async';
import unzipper, { Entry } from 'unzipper';

import Defaults from '../../../globals/defaults.js';
import fsPoly from '../../../polyfill/fsPoly.js';
import StreamPoly from '../../../polyfill/streamPoly.js';
import Timer from '../../../timer.js';
import ExpectedError from '../../expectedError.js';
import File from '../file.js';
import FileChecksums, { ChecksumBitmask, ChecksumProps } from '../fileChecksums.js';
import Archive from './archive.js';
import ArchiveEntry from './archiveEntry.js';

export default class Zip extends Archive {
  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
  protected new(filePath: string): Archive {
    return new Zip(filePath);

  static getExtensions(): string[] {
    return ['.zip', '.apk', '.ipa', '.jar', '.pk3'];

  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
  getExtension(): string {
    return Zip.getExtensions()[0];

  async getArchiveEntries(checksumBitmask: number): Promise<ArchiveEntry<this>[]> {
    // https://github.com/ZJONSSON/node-unzipper/issues/280
    // UTF-8 entry names are not decoded correctly
    // But this is mitigated by `extractEntryToStream()` and therefore `extractEntryToFile()` both
    //  using `unzipper.Open.file()` as well, so mangled filenames here will still extract fine
    const archive = await unzipper.Open.file(this.getFilePath());

    return async.mapLimit(
      archive.files.filter((entryFile) => entryFile.type === 'File'),
      async (entryFile, callback: AsyncResultCallback<ArchiveEntry<this>, Error>) => {
        let checksums: ChecksumProps = {};
        if (checksumBitmask & ~ChecksumBitmask.CRC32) {
          const entryStream = entryFile
            // Ignore FILE_ENDED exceptions. This may cause entries to have an empty path, which
            // may lead to unexpected behavior, but at least this won't crash because of an
            // unhandled exception on the stream.
            .on('error', () => {});
          try {
            checksums = await FileChecksums.hashStream(entryStream, checksumBitmask);
          } finally {
             * In the case the callback doesn't read the entire stream, {@link unzipper} will leave
             * the file handle open. Drain the stream so the file handle can be released. The stream
             * cannot be destroyed by the callback, or this will never resolve!
            await StreamPoly.autodrain(entryStream);
        const { crc32, ...checksumsWithoutCrc } = checksums;

        const archiveEntry = await ArchiveEntry.entryOf(
            archive: this,
            entryPath: entryFile.path,
            size: entryFile.uncompressedSize,
            crc32: crc32 ?? entryFile.crc32.toString(16),
        callback(undefined, archiveEntry);

  async extractEntryToFile(entryPath: string, extractedFilePath: string): Promise<void> {
    const extractedDir = path.dirname(extractedFilePath);
    if (!(await fsPoly.exists(extractedDir))) {
      await fsPoly.mkdir(extractedDir, { recursive: true });

    return this.extractEntryToStream(
      async (stream) =>
        new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(extractedFilePath);
          writeStream.on('close', resolve);
          writeStream.on('error', reject);

  async extractEntryToStream<T>(
    entryPath: string,
    callback: (stream: Readable) => Promise<T> | T,
    start = 0,
  ): Promise<T> {
    if (start > 0) {
      // Zip library doesn't support starting the stream at some offset
      return super.extractEntryToStream(entryPath, callback, start);

    const archive = await unzipper.Open.file(this.getFilePath());

    const entry = archive.files
      .filter((entryFile) => entryFile.type === 'File')
      .find((entryFile) => entryFile.path === entryPath.replace(/[\\/]/g, '/'));
    if (!entry) {
      // This should never happen, this likely means the zip file was modified after scanning
      throw new ExpectedError(`didn't find entry '${entryPath}'`);

    let stream: Entry;
    try {
      stream = entry.stream();
    } catch (error) {
      throw new Error(`failed to read '${this.getFilePath()}|${entryPath}': ${error}`);

    try {
      return await callback(stream);
    } finally {
       * In the case the callback doesn't read the entire stream, {@link unzipper} will leave the
       * file handle open. Drain the stream so the file handle can be released. The stream cannot
       * be destroyed by the callback, or this will never resolve!
      await StreamPoly.autodrain(stream);

  async createArchive(inputToOutput: [File, ArchiveEntry<Zip>][]): Promise<void> {
    // Pipe the zip contents to disk, using an intermediate temp file because we may be trying to
    // overwrite an input zip file
    const tempZipFile = await fsPoly.mktemp(this.getFilePath());
    const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(tempZipFile);

    // Start writing the zip file
    const zipFile = archiver('zip', {
      highWaterMark: Defaults.FILE_READING_CHUNK_SIZE,
      zlib: {
        chunkSize: 256 * 1024, // 256KiB buffer to/from zlib, defaults to 16KiB
        level: 9,
        memLevel: 9, // history buffer size, max, defaults to 8

    // Write each entry
    try {
      await Zip.addArchiveEntries(zipFile, inputToOutput);
    } catch (error) {
      await fsPoly.rm(tempZipFile, { force: true });
      throw error;

    // Finalize writing the zip file
    await zipFile.finalize();
    await new Promise((resolve) => {
      // We are writing to a file, so we want to wait on the 'close' event which indicates the file
      // descriptor has been closed. 'finished' will also fire before 'close' does.
      writeStream.on('close', resolve);

    return fsPoly.mv(tempZipFile, this.getFilePath());

  private static async addArchiveEntries(
    zipFile: Archiver,
    inputToOutput: [File, ArchiveEntry<Zip>][],
  ): Promise<void> {
    let zipFileError: Error | undefined;
    const catchError = (err: Error): void => {
      zipFileError = err;
    zipFile.on('error', catchError);
    zipFile.on('warning', (err) => {
      if (err.code !== 'ENOENT') {

    // Keep track of what entries have been written to the temp file on disk
    const writtenEntries = new Set<string>();
    zipFile.on('entry', (entry) => {

    // Write all archive entries to the zip
    await async.eachLimit(
       * {@link archiver} uses a sequential, async queue internally:
       * @see https://github.com/archiverjs/node-archiver/blob/b5cc14cc97cc64bdca32c0cbe9d660b5b979be7c/lib/core.js#L52
       * Because of that, we should/can limit the number of open input file handles open. But we
       *  also want to make sure the queue processing stays busy. Use 3 as a middle-ground.
        async ([inputFile, outputArchiveEntry]: [File, ArchiveEntry<Zip>]): Promise<void> => {
          const streamProcessor = async (stream: Readable): Promise<void> => {
            // Catch stream errors such as `ENOENT: no such file or directory`
            stream.on('error', catchError);

            const entryName = outputArchiveEntry.getEntryPath().replace(/[\\/]/g, '/');
            zipFile.append(stream, {
              name: entryName,

            // Leave the input stream open until we're done writing it
            await new Promise<void>((resolve) => {
              const timer = Timer.setInterval(() => {
                if (writtenEntries.has(entryName) || zipFileError) {
              }, 10);

          try {
            await inputFile.createPatchedReadStream(streamProcessor);
          } catch (error) {
            // Reading the file can throw an exception, so we have to handle that or this will hang
            if (error instanceof Error) {
            } else if (typeof error === 'string') {
              catchError(new Error(error));
            } else {
                new Error(
                  `failed to write '${inputFile.toString()}' to '${outputArchiveEntry.toString()}'`,

    if (zipFileError) {
      throw zipFileError;