import fs, { OpenMode, PathLike } from 'node:fs';
import https from 'node:https';
import path from 'node:path';
import { Readable } from 'node:stream';
import { Exclude, Expose, instanceToPlain, plainToClassFromExist } from 'class-transformer';
import Defaults from '../../globals/defaults.js';
import Temp from '../../globals/temp.js';
import FilePoly from '../../polyfill/filePoly.js';
import fsPoly from '../../polyfill/fsPoly.js';
import URLPoly from '../../polyfill/urlPoly.js';
import Patch from '../patches/patch.js';
import FileChecksums, { ChecksumBitmask, ChecksumProps } from './fileChecksums.js';
import ROMHeader from './romHeader.js';
export interface FileProps extends ChecksumProps {
readonly filePath: string;
readonly size?: number;
readonly checksumBitmask?: number;
readonly crc32WithoutHeader?: string;
readonly md5WithoutHeader?: string;
readonly sha1WithoutHeader?: string;
readonly sha256WithoutHeader?: string;
readonly symlinkSource?: string;
readonly fileHeader?: ROMHeader;
readonly patch?: Patch;
export default class File implements FileProps {
readonly filePath: string;
readonly size: number;
readonly checksumBitmask?: number;
readonly crc32?: string;
readonly crc32WithoutHeader?: string;
readonly md5?: string;
readonly md5WithoutHeader?: string;
readonly sha1?: string;
readonly sha1WithoutHeader?: string;
readonly sha256?: string;
readonly sha256WithoutHeader?: string;
readonly symlinkSource?: string;
readonly fileHeader?: ROMHeader;
readonly patch?: Patch;
protected constructor(fileProps: FileProps) {
this.filePath = path.normalize(fileProps.filePath);
this.size = fileProps.size ?? 0;
this.checksumBitmask = fileProps.checksumBitmask;
this.crc32 = fileProps.crc32?.toLowerCase().replace(/^0x/, '').padStart(8, '0');
this.crc32WithoutHeader = fileProps.crc32WithoutHeader
.replace(/^0x/, '')
.padStart(8, '0');
this.md5 = fileProps.md5?.toLowerCase().replace(/^0x/, '').padStart(32, '0');
this.md5WithoutHeader = fileProps.md5WithoutHeader
.replace(/^0x/, '')
.padStart(32, '0');
this.sha1 = fileProps.sha1?.toLowerCase().replace(/^0x/, '').padStart(40, '0');
this.sha1WithoutHeader = fileProps.sha1WithoutHeader
.replace(/^0x/, '')
.padStart(40, '0');
this.sha256 = fileProps.sha256?.toLowerCase().replace(/^0x/, '').padStart(64, '0');
this.sha256WithoutHeader = fileProps.sha256WithoutHeader
.replace(/^0x/, '')
.padStart(64, '0');
this.symlinkSource = fileProps.symlinkSource;
this.fileHeader = fileProps.fileHeader;
this.patch = fileProps.patch;
static async fileOf(
fileProps: FileProps,
checksumBitmask: number = ChecksumBitmask.NONE,
): Promise<File> {
let finalSize = fileProps.size;
let finalCrcWithHeader = fileProps.crc32;
let finalCrcWithoutHeader = fileProps.fileHeader
? fileProps.crc32WithoutHeader
: fileProps.crc32;
let finalMd5WithHeader = fileProps.md5;
let finalMd5WithoutHeader = fileProps.fileHeader ? fileProps.md5WithoutHeader : fileProps.md5;
let finalSha1WithHeader = fileProps.sha1;
let finalSha1WithoutHeader = fileProps.fileHeader
? fileProps.sha1WithoutHeader
: fileProps.sha1;
let finalSha256WithHeader = fileProps.sha256;
let finalSha256WithoutHeader = fileProps.fileHeader
? fileProps.sha256WithoutHeader
: fileProps.sha256;
let finalSymlinkSource = fileProps.symlinkSource;
if (await fsPoly.exists(fileProps.filePath)) {
// Calculate size
if (finalSize === undefined) {
finalSize = await fsPoly.size(fileProps.filePath);
// Calculate checksums
if (
(!finalCrcWithHeader && checksumBitmask & ChecksumBitmask.CRC32) ||
(!finalMd5WithHeader && checksumBitmask & ChecksumBitmask.MD5) ||
(!finalSha1WithHeader && checksumBitmask & ChecksumBitmask.SHA1) ||
(!finalSha256WithHeader && checksumBitmask & ChecksumBitmask.SHA256)
) {
const headeredChecksums = await FileChecksums.hashFile(fileProps.filePath, checksumBitmask);
finalCrcWithHeader = headeredChecksums.crc32 ?? finalCrcWithHeader;
finalMd5WithHeader = headeredChecksums.md5 ?? finalMd5WithHeader;
finalSha1WithHeader = headeredChecksums.sha1 ?? finalSha1WithHeader;
finalSha256WithHeader = headeredChecksums.sha256 ?? finalSha256WithHeader;
if (fileProps.fileHeader && checksumBitmask) {
const headerlessChecksums = await FileChecksums.hashFile(
finalCrcWithoutHeader = headerlessChecksums.crc32;
finalMd5WithoutHeader = headerlessChecksums.md5;
finalSha1WithoutHeader = headerlessChecksums.sha1;
finalSha256WithoutHeader = headerlessChecksums.sha256;
if (await fsPoly.isSymlink(fileProps.filePath)) {
finalSymlinkSource = await fsPoly.readlink(fileProps.filePath);
} else {
finalSize = finalSize ?? 0;
finalCrcWithoutHeader = finalCrcWithoutHeader ?? finalCrcWithHeader;
finalMd5WithoutHeader = finalMd5WithoutHeader ?? finalMd5WithHeader;
finalSha1WithoutHeader = finalSha1WithoutHeader ?? finalSha1WithHeader;
finalSha256WithoutHeader = finalSha256WithoutHeader ?? finalSha256WithHeader;
return new File({
filePath: fileProps.filePath,
size: finalSize,
// We were told not to calculate any checksums (default behavior), but some might have been
// provided, so let {@link getChecksumBitmask()} figure it out
checksumBitmask: checksumBitmask !== ChecksumBitmask.NONE ? checksumBitmask : undefined,
crc32: finalCrcWithHeader,
crc32WithoutHeader: finalCrcWithoutHeader,
md5: finalMd5WithHeader,
md5WithoutHeader: finalMd5WithoutHeader,
sha1: finalSha1WithHeader,
sha1WithoutHeader: finalSha1WithoutHeader,
sha256: finalSha256WithHeader,
sha256WithoutHeader: finalSha256WithoutHeader,
symlinkSource: finalSymlinkSource,
fileHeader: fileProps.fileHeader,
patch: fileProps.patch,
static async fileOfObject(filePath: string, obj: FileProps): Promise<File> {
const deserialized = plainToClassFromExist(new File({ filePath }), obj, {
enableImplicitConversion: true,
excludeExtraneousValues: true,
return this.fileOf(deserialized);
toFileProps(): FileProps {
return instanceToPlain(this, {
exposeUnsetFields: false,
}) as FileProps;
// Property getters
getFilePath(): string {
return this.filePath;
getSize(): number {
return this.size;
getSizeWithoutHeader(): number {
return this.size - (this.fileHeader?.getDataOffsetBytes() ?? 0);
getExtractedFilePath(): string {
return path.basename(this.filePath);
getCrc32(): string | undefined {
return this.crc32;
getCrc32WithoutHeader(): string | undefined {
return this.crc32WithoutHeader;
getMd5(): string | undefined {
return this.md5;
getMd5WithoutHeader(): string | undefined {
return this.md5WithoutHeader;
getSha1(): string | undefined {
return this.sha1;
getSha1WithoutHeader(): string | undefined {
return this.sha1WithoutHeader;
getSha256(): string | undefined {
return this.sha256;
getSha256WithoutHeader(): string | undefined {
return this.sha256WithoutHeader;
protected getSymlinkSource(): string | undefined {
return this.symlinkSource;
getFileHeader(): ROMHeader | undefined {
return this.fileHeader;
getPatch(): Patch | undefined {
return this.patch;
isURL(): boolean {
return URLPoly.canParse(this.getFilePath());
public getChecksumBitmask(): number {
return (
this.checksumBitmask ??
(this.getCrc32()?.replace(/^0+|0+$/, '') ? ChecksumBitmask.CRC32 : 0) |
(this.getMd5()?.replace(/^0+|0+$/, '') ? ChecksumBitmask.MD5 : 0) |
(this.getSha1()?.replace(/^0+|0+$/, '') ? ChecksumBitmask.SHA1 : 0) |
(this.getSha256()?.replace(/^0+|0+$/, '') ? ChecksumBitmask.SHA256 : 0)
// Other functions
async extractToFile(destinationPath: string): Promise<void> {
await fsPoly.copyFile(this.getFilePath(), destinationPath);
async extractToTempFile<T>(callback: (tempFile: string) => T | Promise<T>): Promise<T> {
const tempFile = await fsPoly.mktemp(
path.join(Temp.getTempDir(), path.basename(this.getFilePath())),
const tempDir = path.dirname(tempFile);
if (!(await fsPoly.exists(tempDir))) {
await fsPoly.mkdir(tempDir, { recursive: true });
await fsPoly.copyFile(this.getFilePath(), tempFile);
try {
return await callback(tempFile);
} finally {
await fsPoly.rm(tempFile, { force: true });
async extractToTempFilePoly<T>(
flags: OpenMode,
callback: (filePoly: FilePoly) => T | Promise<T>,
): Promise<T> {
return this.extractToTempFile(async (tempFile) => {
const filePoly = await FilePoly.fileFrom(tempFile, flags);
try {
return await callback(filePoly);
} finally {
await filePoly.close();
async extractAndPatchToFile(destinationPath: string): Promise<void> {
const start = this.getFileHeader()?.getDataOffsetBytes() ?? 0;
const patch = this.getPatch();
// Simple case: create a file without removing its header
if (start <= 0) {
if (patch) {
// Patch the file and don't remove its header
return patch.createPatchedFile(this, destinationPath);
// Copy the file and don't remove its header
return this.extractToFile(destinationPath);
// Complex case: create a temp file with the header removed
const tempFile = await fsPoly.mktemp(
path.join(Temp.getTempDir(), path.basename(this.getExtractedFilePath())),
if (patch) {
// Create a patched temp file, then copy it without removing its header
await patch.createPatchedFile(this, tempFile);
try {
return await File.createStreamFromFile(
async (stream) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(destinationPath);
writeStream.on('close', resolve);
writeStream.on('error', reject);
} finally {
await fsPoly.rm(tempFile, { force: true });
// Extract this file removing its header
return this.createReadStream(
async (stream) =>
new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(destinationPath);
writeStream.on('close', resolve);
writeStream.on('error', reject);
async createReadStream<T>(callback: (stream: Readable) => T | Promise<T>, start = 0): Promise<T> {
return File.createStreamFromFile(this.getFilePath(), callback, start);
async createPatchedReadStream<T>(callback: (stream: Readable) => T | Promise<T>): Promise<T> {
const start = this.getFileHeader()?.getDataOffsetBytes() ?? 0;
const patch = this.getPatch();
// Simple case: create a read stream at an offset
if (!patch) {
return this.createReadStream(callback, start);
// Complex case: create a temp patched file and then create read stream at an offset
const tempFile = await fsPoly.mktemp(
path.join(Temp.getTempDir(), path.basename(this.getExtractedFilePath())),
try {
await patch.createPatchedFile(this, tempFile);
return await File.createStreamFromFile(tempFile, callback, start);
} finally {
await fsPoly.rm(tempFile, { force: true });
static async createStreamFromFile<T>(
filePath: PathLike,
callback: (stream: Readable) => Promise<T> | T,
start?: number,
end?: number,
): Promise<T> {
const stream = fs.createReadStream(filePath, {
highWaterMark: Defaults.FILE_READING_CHUNK_SIZE,
try {
return await callback(stream);
} finally {
async downloadToPath(filePath: string): Promise<File> {
if (await fsPoly.exists(this.getFilePath())) {
return this;
const fileDir = path.dirname(filePath);
if (!(await fsPoly.exists(fileDir))) {
await fsPoly.mkdir(fileDir, { recursive: true });
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
timeout: 30_000,
(res) => {
if (
res.statusCode !== undefined &&
res.statusCode >= 300 &&
res.statusCode < 400 &&
) {
// Handle redirects
File.fileOf({ filePath: res.headers.location })
.then(async (file) => file.downloadToPath(filePath))
const writeStream = fs.createWriteStream(filePath);
writeStream.on('finish', async () => {
resolve(await File.fileOf({ filePath }, this.getChecksumBitmask()));
.on('error', reject)
.on('timeout', reject);
async downloadToTempPath(tempPrefix: string): Promise<File> {
if (await fsPoly.exists(this.getFilePath())) {
return this;
const filePath = await fsPoly.mktemp(path.join(Temp.getTempDir(), tempPrefix));
return this.downloadToPath(filePath);
withProps(props: Omit<FileProps, 'filePath' | 'fileHeader' | 'patch'>): File {
return new File({
withFilePath(filePath: string): File {
if (filePath === this.filePath) {
return this;
return new File({ ...this, filePath });
async withFileHeader(fileHeader: ROMHeader): Promise<File> {
if (fileHeader === this.fileHeader) {
return this;
return File.fileOf(
patch: undefined, // don't allow a patch
withoutFileHeader(): File {
if (this.fileHeader === undefined) {
return this;
return new File({
fileHeader: undefined,
crc32WithoutHeader: this.getCrc32(),
md5WithoutHeader: this.getMd5(),
sha1WithoutHeader: this.getSha1(),
sha256WithoutHeader: this.getSha256(),
withPatch(patch: Patch): File {
if (patch.getCrcBefore() !== this.getCrc32()) {
return this;
return new File({
fileHeader: undefined,
* Pseudo Built-Ins *
toString(): string {
// TODO(cemmer): indicate if there's a patch?
if (this.getSymlinkSource()) {
return `${this.getFilePath()} -> ${this.getSymlinkSource()}`;
return this.getFilePath();
* A string hash code to uniquely identify this {@link File}.
hashCode(): string {
return (
this.getSha256() ?? this.getSha1() ?? this.getMd5() ?? `${this.getCrc32()}|${this.getSize()}`
equals(other: File): boolean {
if (this === other) {
return true;
return (
this.getFilePath() === other.getFilePath() &&
this.hashCode() === other.hashCode() &&
this.getFileHeader() === other.getFileHeader()