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Test Coverage
Change & Version Information

The following is a summary of changes and improvements to

.. New features in each version should be listed, with any necessary information about installation or upgrade notes.


* Fix UTF-8 issue introduced in 1.5 (for details, see discussion on
  `PR #21 <https://github.com/emory-libraries/eulfedora/pull/22>`_)
* Updated for compatibility with requests 2.11
* Fix XmlDatastream options being overwritten when defaults are not specified
  `#7 <https://github.com/emory-libraries/eulfedora/issues/7>`_
* Code cleanup based on `landscape.io <https://landscape.io/github/emory-libraries/eulfedora>`_
* Several improvements and fixes for repo-cp and syncutil:

  * Refined datastream regular expression: more accurately grab the
    correct datastream id and checksum, avoiding spurious checksum errors;
    always grab the last match found, in case a section includes multiple
    datastream versions
  * Expose verify option in the repo-cp script options (MD5 decoded content)
  * Fix omit checksums regular expression to work under Python 3
  * Improve the explanation for the archive xml sync option
  * Update ReadableIterator to handle inaccurate sizes provided in the
    Fedora export datastream info for some objects
  * Add logging and expose it in repo-cp script via verbosity option


* Fix unit test imports so tests can be run without Django


* Updated `syncrepo` for Django 1.9+ compatibility
* Improved django-debug-toolbar integration and updated for current version.
* Configured continuous integration on travis-ci.
* Updated unit tests so they can be run with or without Django installed,
  and work for multiple versions of Django.  Configured travis-ci
  to test against multiple versions of Django and without Django.
* Fixed missing django view documentation on readthedocs
  `#20 <https://github.com/emory-libraries/eulfedora/issues/20>`_,


* New custom django-debug-toolbar panel to view Fedora API requests.
  used to generate a django page.
* Clarify confusing documentation for setting content on
  ``DatastreamObject`` and ``FileDatastreamObject``.  Thanks to
  `@bcail <https://github.com/bcail>`_.
  `#20 <https://github.com/emory-libraries/eulfedora/issues/20>`_,
  `PR #21 <https://github.com/emory-libraries/eulfedora/pull/21>`_
* New Django exception filter `eulfedora.util.SafeExceptionReporterFilter`
  to suppress Fedora session password when an exception occurs within
  the API request
* Add retries option to :class:`eulfedora.server.Repository`
  to configure requests max retries when making API calls, in case of
  errors establishing the connection. (Defaults to 3; configurable in
  Django settings as **FEDORA_CONNECTION_RETRIES**)


* Fix required progressbar version. Thanks to Graham Hukill (`@ghukill <https://github.com/ghukill>`_).
  `#15 <https://github.com/emory-libraries/eulfedora/issues/15>`_,
  `PR #16 <https://github.com/emory-libraries/eulfedora/pull/16>`_


* Bugfix: datastream isModified detection error in some cases when
  XML content is empty, resulting in errors attempting to save (especially
  when the datastream does not exist; cannot add with no content)


* Now Python 3 compatible, thanks in large part to Morgan Aubert
  (`@ellmetha <https://github.com/ellmetha>`_).
* New, more efficient version of :class:`eulfedora.views.RawDatastreamView`
  and :meth:`eulfedora.views.raw_datastream`.  Passes response
  headers from Fedora, and takes advantage of support for HEAD
  and Range requests in Fedora 3.7+. **NOTE** that the method signature
  has changed.  The previous implementation is still available
  as :class:`eulfedora.views.RawDatastreamViewOld` and
  :meth:`eulfedora.views.raw_datastream_old` for those who need the
* Updated functionality for synchronizing content between Fedora
  repositories: :mod:`eulfedora.syncutil` for programmatic access and
  **repo-cp** for command-line.  Now supports Fedora archive export format
  and better handling for large objects.
* Upload API method (:meth:`eulfedoa.api.REST_API.upload`) now supports
  iterable content with known size.
* Updated to require requests 2.9 or greater.


* New **streaming** option for :class:`eulfedora.views.RawDatastreamView`
  and :meth:`eulfedora.views.raw_datastream` to optionally return a
  :class:`django.http.StreamingHttpResponse` (intended for use with
  large datastream content).
* New **repo-cp** script (*BETA*) for synchronizing content between Fedora
  repositories (e.g., production to QA or development servers, for
  testing purposes).


* Require a version of python-requests earlier than 2.9 (2.9
  includes change to upload behavior for file-like objects that
  breaks eulfedora api uploads as currently handled in eulfedora).


* Tutorial updated to be compatible with Django 1.8 thanks to
  `jaska @chfw <https://github.com/chfw>`_.
* New class-based view :class:`eulfedora.views.RawDatastreamView`,
  equivalent to :meth:`eulfedora.views.raw_datastream`.
* Access to historical versions of datastreams now available in
  :meth:`eulfedora.models.DigitalObject.getDatastreamObject` and


* Change checksum handling to cue Fedora to auto-generate checksums
  on ingest.
* **Recommended**: Fedora 3.7+ for automatic checksum support on ingest

.. Note::

   This checksum change in this release is a work-around for a Fedora bug
   present in 3.8 (at least, possibly 3.7), where passing a checksum type
   with no checksum value results in in Fedora storing an empty checksum,
   where previously it would calculate and store a checksum.  On ingest, if
   a checksum type but no checksum value is specified, *no* checksum
   information will be sent to  Fedora (when checksum type and checksum
   value are both specified, they will be passed through to Fedora
   normally).  If you have auto-checksumming configured in Fedora, then
   your checksums should be generated automatically.  Note that auto-
   checksum functionality on ingest was broken until Fedora 3.7 (see
   https://jira.duraspace.org/browse/FCREPO-1047); if you are still using
   an older version of Fedora and need checksums generated at ingest, you
   should use eulfedora 1.1.


* :class:`~eulfedora.models.ReverseRelation` now includes an option for specifying
  a property to be used for sorting resulting items.  Can also be specified
  for reverse relations autogenerated by :class:`~eulfedora.models.Relation`.
* :mod:`unittest2` is now optional for testutils
* Use python :mod:`json` for :mod:`eulfedora.indexdata.views` instead
  of the simplejson that used to be included with Django
* Support for Fedora 3.8.
* Update :meth:`eulfedora.views.raw_datastream` to handle old Fedora
  datstreams with invalid content size.

.. Note::

   Differentiating Fedora error messages in some versions of Fedora (somewhere
   after 3.4.x, applicable to at least 3.7 and 3.8, possibly earlier versions)
   requires that Fedora be configured to include the error message in the
   response, as described at


* API methods have been overhauled to use `python-requests <http://python-requests.org>`_
  and `requests-toolbelt <http://toolbelt.readthedocs.org>`_

.. Note::

   API methods that previously returned a tuple of response content and the url
   now simply return the response object, which provides access to both content
   and url (among other information).  Server and DigitalObject classes should
   behave as before, but API methods are **not** backward-compatible.

.. Warning::

   The API upload method filesize is limited by the system maxint (2GB on 32-bit OSes)
   due to a `limitation with the Python len() method <http://bugs.python.org/issue12159>`_
   (possibly dependent on your Python implementation).  If you need large file
   upload support on a 32-bit OS, you should use an earlier version of eulfedora.

* New script **upload-test.py** for testing upload behavior on your platform;
  also provides an example of an upload callback method.  (Found in the scripts
  directory, but not installed with the module.)
* bugfix: relationship methods on :class:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject` now
  recognize unicode as well as string pids as resources.


* Related objects accessed via :class:`~eulfedora.models.Relation` are now
  cached for efficiency, similar to the way datastreams are cached on
* Methods :meth:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject.purge_relationship` and
  :meth:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject.modify_relationship` added to
  Contributed by `Graham Hukill @ghukill <https://github.com/ghukill>`_.


* bugfix: correction in detailed output for validate-checksum script when
  all versions are checked and at least one checksum is invalid


* bugfix: support HTTP Range requests in :meth:`eulfedora.views.raw_datastream`
  only when explicitly enabled


* A repository administrator can configure a script to periodically check
  content checksums in order to identify integrity issues so that they can
  be dealt with.
* A repository administrator will receive an email notification if the system
  encounters bad or missing checksums so that they can then resolve any
  integrity issues.
* A repository admin can view fixity check results for individual objects
  in the premis data stream (for objects where premis exists) in order to
  view a more detailed result and the history.
* Support for *basic* HTTP Range requests in :meth:`eulfedora.views.raw_datastream`
  (e.g., to allow audio/video seek in HTML5 media players)


* It is now possible to add new datastreams using
  :meth:`eulfedora.models.DigitalObject.getDatastreamObject` (in contrast
  to predefined datastreams on a subclass of
  :class:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject`).  Adding new datastreams is
  supported when ingesting a new object as well as when saving an
  existing object.  This method can also be used to update
  existing datastreams that are not predefined on a DigitalObject subclass.


* Development requirements can now be installed as an optional requirement
  of the eulfedora package (``pip install "eulfedora[dev]"``).
* Unit tests have been updated to use :mod:`nose`
* Provides a nose plugin to set up and tear down for a test Fedora Commons
  repository instance for tests, as an alternative to the custom test runners.


* Bugfix: don't auto-create an XML datastream at ingest when the xml content
  is empty (i.e., content consists of bootstrapped :class:`xmlmap.XmlObject` only)


* Bugfix: handle Fedora restriction of ownerId field length to 64 characters.
  When setting :attr:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject.owner`, will now warn
  and truncate the value to allow the object to be saved.


* New command-line script ``fedora-checksums`` for datastream
  checksums validation and repair.  See :doc:`scripts` for more
* :class:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject` now provides access to the
  Fedora built-in audit trail; see
  :attr:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject.audit_trail`.  Also provides:

  * :meth:`eulfedora.views.raw_audit_trail`: Django view to serve out
    audit trail XML, comparable to
  * :class:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject` attribute
    :attr:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject.audit_trail_users`: set of
    all usernames listed in the audit trail (i.e., any users who have
    modified the object)
  * :class:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject` attribute
    :attr:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject.ingest_user`: username
    responsible for ingesting the object into Fedora if ingest is
    listed in the audit trail
* :class:`~eulfedora.models.Relation` now supports recursive relations
  via the option ``type="self"``.
* API wrappers have been updated to take advantage of all methods
  available in the REST API as of Fedora 3.4 which were unavailable in
  3.2.  This removes the need for any SOAP-based APIs and the
  dependency on :mod:`soaplib`.
* Minor API / unit test updates to support Fedora 3.5 in addition to


* Bugfix: Default checksum type for
  :class:`~eulfedora.models.DatastreamObject` was previously ignored
  when creating a new datastream from scratch (e.g., when ingesting a
  new object).  In certain versions of Fedora, this could result in
  datastreams with missing checksums (checksum type of 'DISABLED',
  checksum value of 'none').


* Exposed RIsearch ``count`` return option via
* :class:`~eulfedora.models.DatastreamObject` now supports setting
  datastream content by URI through the new
  :attr:`~eulfedora.models.DatastreamObject.ds_location` attribute
  (this is in addition to the previously-available
  :attr:`~eulfedora.models.DatastreamObject.content` attribute).


* Previously, several of the REST API calls in
  :class:`eulfedora.api.REST_API` suppressed errors and only returned
  True or False for success or failure; this made it difficult to
  determine what went wrong when an API call fails.  This version of
  :mod:`eulfedora` revises that logic so that all methods in
  :class:`eulfedora.api.REST_API` will raise exceptions when an
  exception-worthy error occurs (e.g., permission denied, object not
  found, etc. - anything that returns a 40x or 500 HTTP error response
  from Fedora).  The affected REST methods are:

    * :meth:`~eulfedora.api.REST_API.addDatastream`
    * :meth:`~eulfedora.api.REST_API.modifyDatastream`
    * :meth:`~eulfedora.api.REST_API.purgeDatastream`
    * :meth:`~eulfedora.api.REST_API.modifyObject`
    * :meth:`~eulfedora.api.REST_API.purgeObject`
    * :meth:`~eulfedora.api.REST_API.setDatastreamState`
    * :meth:`~eulfedora.api.REST_API.setDatastreamVersionable`

* New custom Exception :class:`eulfedora.util.ChecksumMismatch`, which
  is a subclass of :class:`eulfedora.util.RequestFailed`.  This
  exception will be raised if
  :meth:`~eulfedora.api.REST_API.addDatastream` or
  :meth:`~eulfedora.api.REST_API.modifyDatastream` is called with a
  checksum value that Fedora determines to be invalid.

  .. note::

    If :meth:`~eulfedora.api.REST_API.addDatastream` is called with a
    checksum value but no checksum type, current versions of Fedora
    ignore the checksum value entirely; in particular, an invalid
    checksum with no type does not result in a
    :class:`~eulfedora.util.ChecksumMismatch` exception being raised.
    You should see a warning if your code attempts to do this.

* Added read-only access to :class:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject`
  owners as a list; changed default
  :meth:`eulfedora.models.DigitalObject.index_data` to make owner
  field a list.

* Modified default :meth:`eulfedora.models.DigitalObject.index_data`
  and sample Solr schema to include a new field (dsids) with a list of
  datastream IDs available on the indexed object.

0.16.0 - Indexing Support

* Addition of :mod:`eulfedora.indexdata` to act as a generic
  webservice that can be used for the creation and updating of indexes
  such as SOLR; intended to be used with :mod:`eulindexer`.

0.15.0 - Initial Release

* Split out fedora-specific components from :mod:`eulcore`; now
  depends on :mod:`eulxml`.