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# file eulfedora/indexdata/views.py
#   Copyright 2010,2011 Emory University Libraries
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

Generic, re-usable views for use with Fedora-based Django
projects. These views expose data intended for use with
:mod:`eulindexer`. These views currently return data in JSON form.

Projects that use this module should include the following settings in their

    # Index server url. In this example case, we are wish to push data to a Solr instance.
    SOLR_SERVER_URL = "http://localhost:8983/solr/"
    # IPs that will be allowed to access the indexdata views
    EUL_INDEXER_ALLOWED_IPS = "ANY" #Or put in a list such as ("", "")

    # OPTIONAL SETTING: A list of lists of content models you want this application to index.
    # If this setting is missing, the code will automatically detect all content
    # models the application is using. In this example, it will index items with BOTH
    # content-model_1 and content-model_2 as well as those that have just content-model_3.
    EUL_INDEXER_CONTENT_MODELS = "[['content-model_1', 'content-model_2'], ['content-model_3']]"

To use these views in your :mod:`eulfedora` -based application, make
sure that ``eulfedora`` is included in INSTALLED_APPS in your ``settings.py``::

        # Additional installed applications here,

And then bind the indexdata views to a url in your application

    from django.conf.urls import *

    urlpatterns = patterns('',
        url(r'^indexdata/', include('eulfedora.indexdata.urls', namespace='indexdata')),
        # Additional url patterns here,

An example Solr schema with fields defined for all the index values
exposed in the default
:meth:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject.index_data` method is included
with :mod:`eulfedora.indexdata` to be used as a starting point for



from __future__ import unicode_literals
import base64
import logging
import json
from django.conf import settings
from django.http import HttpResponse, Http404, HttpResponseForbidden

import six

from eulfedora.models import DigitalObject
from eulfedora.server import TypeInferringRepository
from eulfedora.util import RequestFailed, force_bytes, force_text

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def index_config(request):
    '''This view returns the index configuration of the current
    application as JSON.  Currently, this consists of a Solr index url
    and the Fedora content models that this application expects to index.

    .. Note::

       By default, Fedora system content models (such as
       ``fedora-system:ContentModel-3.0``) are excluded.  Any
       application that actually wants to index such objects will need
       to customize this view to include them.
    #Ensure permission to this resource is allowed. Currently based on IP only.
    if _permission_denied_check(request):
        return HttpResponseForbidden('Access to this web service was denied.', content_type='text/html')

    content_list = getattr(settings, 'EUL_INDEXER_CONTENT_MODELS', [])

    # Generate an automatic list of lists of content models (one list for each defined type)
    # if no content model settings exist
    if not content_list:
        for cls in six.itervalues(DigitalObject.defined_types):
            # by default, Fedora system content models are excluded
            content_group = [model for model in getattr(cls, 'CONTENT_MODELS', [])
                             if not model.startswith('info:fedora/fedora-system:')]
            # if the group of content models is not empty, add it to the list
            if content_group:

    response = {
        'CONTENT_MODELS': content_list,
        'SOLR_URL': settings.SOLR_SERVER_URL

    return HttpResponse(json.dumps(response), content_type='application/json')

def index_data(request, id, repo=None):
    '''Return the fields and values to be indexed for a single object
    as JSON.  Index content is generated via

    :param id: id of the object to be indexed; in this case a Fedora pid

    # Ensure permission to this resource is allowed. Currently based on IP only.
    if _permission_denied_check(request):
        return HttpResponseForbidden('Access to this web service was denied.', content_type='text/html')

    if repo is None:
        repo_opts = {}
        # if credentials are specified via Basic Auth, use them for Fedora access
        auth_info = request.META.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', None)
        basic = 'Basic '
        if auth_info and auth_info.startswith(basic):
            basic_info = auth_info[len(basic):]
            basic_info_decoded = base64.b64decode(force_bytes(basic_info))
            # NOTE: codecs.decode works everywhere but python 3.3. which
            # complains about an unknown encoding
            # basic_info_decoded = codecs.decode(force_bytes(basic_info), 'base64')
            u, p = force_text(basic_info_decoded).split(':')
            repo_opts.update({'username': u, 'password': p})

        repo = TypeInferringRepository(**repo_opts)
        obj = repo.get_object(id)
        return HttpResponse(json.dumps(obj.index_data()),
    except RequestFailed:
        # for now, treat any failure getting the object from Fedora as a 404
        # (could also potentially be a permission error)
        raise Http404

def _permission_denied_check(request):
    '''Internal function to verify that access to this webservice is allowed.
    Currently, based on the value of EUL_INDEXER_ALLOWED_IPS in settings.py.

    :param request: HttpRequest

    allowed_ips = settings.EUL_INDEXER_ALLOWED_IPS
    if allowed_ips != "ANY" and not request.META['REMOTE_ADDR'] in allowed_ips:
        return True

    return False