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# file eulfedora/server.py
#   Copyright 2010,2011 Emory University Libraries
#   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#   You may obtain a copy of the License at
#       http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
#   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
#   limitations under the License.

:class:`eulfedora.server.Repository` has the capability to
automatically use connection configuration parameters pulled from
Django settings, when available, but it can also be used without Django.

When you create an instance of :class:`~eulfedora.server.Repository`,
if you do not specify connection parameters, it will attempt to
initialize the repository connection based on Django settings, using
the configuration names documented below.

If you are writing unit tests that use :mod:`eulfedora`, you may want
to take advantage of
:class:`eulfedora.testutil.FedoraTestSuiteRunner`, which has logic to
set up and switch configurations between a development fedora
repository and a test repository.

Projects that use this module should include the following settings in their

    # Fedora Repository settings
    FEDORA_ROOT = 'http://fedora.host.name:8080/fedora/'
    FEDORA_USER = 'user'
    FEDORA_PASSWORD = 'password'
    FEDORA_PIDSPACE = 'changeme'
    FEDORA_TEST_ROOT = 'http://fedora.host.name:8180/fedora/'
    # optional retry setting (default is 3)

If username and password are not specified, the Repository instance
will be initialized without credentials and access Fedora as an
anonymous user.  If pidspace is not specified, the Repository will use
the default pidspace for the configured Fedora instance.

Projects that need unit test setup and clean-up tasks (syncrepo and
test object removal) to access Fedora with different credentials than
the configured Fedora credentials should use the following settings::

    FEDORA_TEST_USER = 'testuser'
    FEDORA_TEST_PASSWORD = 'testpassword'


from __future__ import unicode_literals
import logging
import requests
import warnings

import six

from eulfedora.rdfns import model as modelns
from eulfedora.api import ApiFacade, ResourceIndex
from eulfedora.models import DigitalObject
from eulfedora.util import parse_xml_object
from eulfedora.xml import SearchResults, NewPids

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# a repository object, basically a handy facade for easy api access

class Repository(object):
    """Pythonic interface to a single Fedora Commons repository instance.

    Connect to a single Fedora Repository by passing in connection
    parameters or based on configuration in a Django settings file.
    If username and password are specified, they will override any
    fedora credentials configuredin Django settings.

    If a request object is passed in and the user is logged in, this
    class will look for credentials in the session, as set by
    (see method documentation for more details and potential security

    Order of precedence for credentials:

        * If a request object is passed in and user credentials are
          available in the session, that will be used first.
        * Explicit username and password parameters will be used next.
        * If none of these options are available, fedora credentials
          will be set in django settings will be used.

    If a *retries* value is specified, this will override the default
    set in :attr:`Repository.retries` which is used to configure the
    maximum number of requests retries for connection errors (see
    Retries can also be specified via Django settings as
    **FEDORA_CONNECTION_RETRIES**; if an iniitalization parameter is specified,
    that will override the Django setting.

    default_object_type = DigitalObject
    "Default type to use for methods that return fedora objects - :class:`DigitalObject`"
    default_pidspace = None

    #: default number of retries to request for API connections; see
    #: http://docs.python-requests.org/en/master/api/#requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter
    retries = 3

    default_retry_option = object()
    # default retry option, so None can be recognized as an option

    search_fields = [
        'pid', 'label', 'state', 'ownerId', 'cDate', 'mDate',
        'dcmDate', 'title', 'creator', 'subject', 'description', 'publisher',
        'contributor', 'date', 'type', 'format', 'identifier', 'source',
        'language', 'relation', 'coverage', 'rights']
    "fields that can be searched against in :meth:`find_objects`"

    search_fields_aliases = {
        'owner': 'ownerId',
        'created': 'cDate',
        'modified': 'mDate',
        'dc_modified': 'dcmDate'
    "human-readable aliases for oddly-named fedora search fields"

    def __init__(self, root=None, username=None, password=None, request=None,

        # when initialized via django, settings should be pulled from django conf
        if root is None:

                from django.conf import settings
                from eulfedora import cryptutil

                root = getattr(settings, 'FEDORA_ROOT', None)
                if root is None:
                    raise Exception('Cannot initialize a Fedora connection without specifying ' +
                        'Fedora root url directly or in Django settings as FEDORA_ROOT')

                # if username and password are not set, attempt to pull from django conf
                if username is None and password is None:

                    if request is not None and request.user.is_authenticated and \
                       FEDORA_PASSWORD_SESSION_KEY in request.session:
                        username = request.user.username
                        password = cryptutil.decrypt(request.session[FEDORA_PASSWORD_SESSION_KEY])

                    if username is None and hasattr(settings, 'FEDORA_USER'):
                        username = settings.FEDORA_USER
                        if password is None and hasattr(settings, 'FEDORA_PASSWORD'):
                            password = settings.FEDORA_PASSWORD

                if hasattr(settings, 'FEDORA_PIDSPACE'):
                    self.default_pidspace = settings.FEDORA_PIDSPACE

                # if retries is specified in
                if hasattr(settings, 'FEDORA_CONNECTION_RETRIES'):
                    self.retries = settings.FEDORA_CONNECTION_RETRIES

            except ImportError:

        # if retries is specified in init options, that should override
        # default value or django setting
        if retries is not self.default_retry_option:
            self.retries = retries

        if root is None:
            raise Exception('Could not determine Fedora root url from django settings or parameter')

        logger.debug("Connecting to fedora at %s %s", root,
                     'as %s' % username if username
                     else '(no user credentials)')
        self.api = ApiFacade(root, username, password)
        self.fedora_root = self.api.base_url

        self.username = username
        self.password = password
        self._risearch = None

    def risearch(self):
        "instance of :class:`eulfedora.api.ResourceIndex`, with the same root url and credentials"
        if self._risearch is None:
            self._risearch = ResourceIndex(self.fedora_root, self.username, self.password)
        return self._risearch

    def get_next_pid(self, namespace=None, count=None):
        Request next available pid or pids from Fedora, optionally in a specified
        namespace.  Calls :meth:`ApiFacade.getNextPID`.

        .. deprecated :: 0.14
          Mint pids for new objects with
          instead, or call :meth:`ApiFacade.getNextPID` directly.

        :param namespace: (optional) get the next pid in the specified pid namespace;
            otherwise, Fedora will return the next pid in the configured default namespace.
        :param count: (optional) get the specified number of pids; by default, returns 1 pid
        :rtype: string or list of strings
        # this method should no longer be needed - default pid logic moved to DigitalObject
        warnings.warn("""get_next_pid() method is deprecated; you should mint new pids via DigitalObject or ApiFacade.getNextPID() instead.""",
        kwargs = {}
        if namespace:
            kwargs['namespace'] = namespace
        elif self.default_pidspace:
            kwargs['namespace'] = self.default_pidspace

        if count:
            kwargs['numPIDs'] = count
        r = self.api.getNextPID(**kwargs)
        nextpids = parse_xml_object(NewPids, r.content, r.url)

        if count is None:
            return nextpids.pids[0]
            return nextpids.pids

    def ingest(self, text, log_message=None):
        Ingest a new object into Fedora. Returns the pid of the new object on
        success.  Calls :meth:`ApiFacade.ingest`.

        :param text: full text content of the object to be ingested
        :param log_message: optional log message
        :rtype: string
        kwargs = {'text': text}
        if log_message:
            kwargs['logMessage'] = log_message
        response = self.api.ingest(**kwargs)
        return response.content

    def purge_object(self, pid, log_message=None):
        Purge an object from Fedora.  Calls :meth:`ApiFacade.purgeObject`.

        :param pid: pid of the object to be purged
        :param log_message: optional log message
        :rtype: boolean
        kwargs = {'pid': pid}
        if log_message:
            kwargs['logMessage'] = log_message
        response = self.api.purgeObject(**kwargs)
        return response.status_code == requests.codes.ok

    def get_objects_with_cmodel(self, cmodel_uri, type=None):
        Find objects in Fedora with the specified content model.

        :param cmodel_uri: content model URI (should be full URI in  info:fedora/pid:### format)
        :param type: type of object to return (e.g., class:`DigitalObject`)
        :rtype: list of objects
        uris = self.risearch.get_subjects(modelns.hasModel, cmodel_uri)
        return [self.get_object(uri, type) for uri in uris]

    def get_object(self, pid=None, type=None, create=None):
        Initialize a single object from Fedora, or create a new one, with the
        same Fedora configuration and credentials.

        :param pid: pid of the object to request, or a function that can be
                    called to get one. if not specified, :meth:`get_next_pid`
                    will be called if a pid is needed
        :param type: type of object to return; defaults to :class:`DigitalObject`
        :rtype: single object of the type specified
        :create: boolean: create a new object? (if not specified, defaults
                 to False when pid is specified, and True when it is not)
        objtype = type or self.default_object_type

        if pid is None:
            if create is None:
                create = True
            if create is None:
                create = False

        return objtype(self.api, pid, create,

    def infer_object_subtype(self, api, pid=None, create=False, default_pidspace=None):
        """Construct a DigitalObject or appropriate subclass, inferring the
        appropriate subtype using :meth:`best_subtype_for_object`. Note that
        this method signature has been selected to match the
        :class:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject` constructor so that this
        method might be passed directly to :meth:`get_object` as a `type`::

        >>> obj = repo.get_object(pid, type=repo.infer_object_subtype)

        See also: :class:`TypeInferringRepository`
        obj = DigitalObject(api, pid, create, default_pidspace)
        if create:
            return obj
        if not obj.exists:
            return obj

        match_type = self.best_subtype_for_object(obj)
        return match_type(api, pid)

    def best_subtype_for_object(self, obj, content_models=None):
        """Given a :class:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject`, examine the
        object to select the most appropriate subclass to instantiate. This
        generic implementation examines the object's content models and
        compares them against the defined subclasses of
        :class:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject` to pick the best match.
        Projects that have a more nuanced understanding of their particular
        objects should override this method in a :class:`Repository`
        subclass. This method is intended primarily for use by

        :param obj: a :class:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject` to inspect
        :param content_models: optional list of content models, if they are known
            ahead of time (e.g., from a Solr search result), to avoid
            an additional Fedora look-up

        :rtype: a subclass of :class:`~eulfedora.models.DigitalObject`
        if content_models is None:
            obj_models = set(str(m) for m in obj.get_models())
            obj_models = content_models

        # go through registered DigitalObject subtypes looking for what type
        # this object might be. use the first longest match: that is, look
        # for classes we qualify for by having all of their cmodels, and use
        # the class with the longest set of cmodels. if there's a tie, warn
        # and pick one.
        # TODO: store these at registration in a way that doesn't require
        # this manual search every time
        # TODO: eventually we want to handle the case where a DigitalObject
        # can use multiple unrelated cmodels, though we need some major
        # changes beyond here to support that
        match_len, matches = 0, []
        for obj_type in DigitalObject.defined_types.values():
            type_model_list = getattr(obj_type, 'CONTENT_MODELS', None)
            if not type_model_list:
            type_models = set(type_model_list)
            if type_models.issubset(obj_models):
                if len(type_models) > match_len:
                    match_len, matches = len(type_models), [obj_type]
                elif len(type_models) == match_len:

        if not matches:
            return DigitalObject

        if len(matches) > 1:
            # Check to see if there happens to be an end subclass to the list of matches.
            for obj_type in matches:
                is_root_subclass = True
                for possible_parent_type in matches:
                    if not issubclass(obj_type, possible_parent_type):
                        is_root_subclass = False
                if is_root_subclass:
                    return obj_type

            logger.warn('%s has %d potential classes with no root subclass for the list. using the first: %s',
                        obj, len(matches), repr(matches))
        return matches[0]

    def find_objects(self, terms=None, type=None, chunksize=None, **kwargs):
        Find objects in Fedora.  Find query should be generated via keyword
        args, based on the fields in Fedora documentation.  By default, the
        query uses a contains (~) search for all search terms.  Calls
        :meth:`ApiFacade.findObjects`. Results seem to return consistently
        in ascending PID order.

        Example usage - search for all objects where the owner contains 'jdoe'::


        Supports all search operators provided by Fedora findObjects query (exact,
        gt, gte, lt, lte, and contains).  To specify the type of query for
        a particular search term, call find_objects like this::


        :param type: type of objects to return; defaults to :class:`DigitalObject`
        :param chunksize: number of objects to return at a time
        :rtype: generator for list of objects
        type = type or self.default_object_type

        find_opts = {'chunksize' : chunksize}

        search_operators = {
            'exact': '=',
            'gt': '>',
            'gte': '>=',
            'lt': '<',

            'lte': '<=',
            'contains': '~'

        if terms is not None:
            find_opts['terms'] = terms
            conditions = []
            for field, value in six.iteritems(kwargs):
                if '__' in field:
                    field, filtr = field.split('__')
                    if filtr not in search_operators:
                        raise Exception("Unsupported search filter '%s'" % filtr)
                    op = search_operators[filtr]
                    op = search_operators['contains']   # default search mode

                if field in self.search_fields_aliases:
                    field = self.search_fields_aliases[field]
                if field not in self.search_fields:
                    raise Exception("Error generating Fedora findObjects query: unknown search field '%s'" \
                                    % field)
                if ' ' in value:
                    # if value contains whitespace, it must be delimited with single quotes
                    value = "'%s'" % value
                conditions.append("%s%s%s" % (field, op, value))

            query = ' '.join(conditions)
            find_opts['query'] = query

        r = self.api.findObjects(**find_opts)
        chunk = parse_xml_object(SearchResults, r.content, r.url)
        while True:
            for result in chunk.results:
                yield type(self.api, result.pid)

            if chunk.session_token:
                r = self.api.findObjects(session_token=chunk.session_token, **find_opts)
                chunk = parse_xml_object(SearchResults, r.content, r.url)

class TypeInferringRepository(Repository):
    """A simple :class:`Repository` subclass whose default object type for
    :meth:`~Repository.get_object` is
    :meth:`~Repository.infer_object_subtype`. Thus, each call to
    :meth:`~Repository.get_object` on a repository such as this will
    automatically use :meth:`~Repository.best_subtype_for_object` (or a
    subclass override) to infer the object's proper type.
    default_object_type = Repository.infer_object_subtype

# session key for storing a user password that will be used for Fedora access
# - used here and in eulcore.django.fedora.views
FEDORA_PASSWORD_SESSION_KEY = 'eulfedora_password'